On the grayish brown surface, under one or two dark yellow grass occasionally, there are one or two stone cochlea crawling slowly. This scene seems to have happened, but it is even more strange. Two same creatures from different perspectives look so different at this time.

Nine people stand outside the building and look at the whole world of eisf. It seems that everything before is over. Now the world is just the beginning. Even as they were just born, everything is so novel.

However, there are not so many differences between the world of eisf and that of the earth, and even that of a-nan and cat face people, so everything seems so natural and familiar.

The only difference is that all nine people have experienced an interstellar adventure. In the aimless interstellar journey, they can feel the sense of floating all the time, the compression of spaceship space, and the depression of endless darkness outside. At this moment, they have been released unprecedentedly in the sunshine.

At this time, the cat faced man opened his hands, made a gesture of embracing the sun, and then roared at the sky. In fact, several people did not run far away, just stood outside the building, wantonly breathing the air on the planet.

The old man was standing in a window of the building, looking at the people outside, his face became heavy gradually. No one knew what he thought, but he knew clearly. He felt that a storm that might sweep the whole planet of essf was coming.

However, at this time, an aircraft came from a distance, which seemed to be much larger than those of the old scholars. Ye Feng and Dixie already knew in their memory that this kind of aircraft was actually the most common vehicle on earth.

It's just that cars have already been eliminated on the planet of essf, and they have been replaced by this kind of aircraft, which has been popularized to every family. In front of this slightly larger aircraft, Ye Feng knows from the appearance that it is used to carry passengers.

The aircraft quickly flew in front of several people, then stopped, and out came a middle-aged man. As soon as he came down, he looked at them carefully, but he didn't say anything,.

The cat fairy was a little impatient and said to the middle-aged man, "what are you looking at? What's good to see? "

The middle-aged man just shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "sorry, you are..."

Just then, the old man came out of the building and waved to the middle-aged man. Seeing this, the middle-aged man immediately waved to the old man. Then he took a look at Ye Feng and walked quickly to the old man.

Ye Feng and others measured their bodies, looked at the middle-aged man, walked to the old man's side, then shook hands with the old man, and then they stood there talking for a long time, we can see that the middle-aged man's attitude towards the old man is still very respectful.

Zhuo wanqiu then said, "is this flying object coming to pick us up for an interview?"

Ye Feng said it was possible, and then he saw the old man and the middle-aged man walking towards Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng was in front of them, the old man said to them, "you will follow him later. He will take you to hukewan branch of the FBI. Then you can go according to the process. I've arranged everything!"

The middle-aged man nodded to Ye Feng and then came to open the back door of the aircraft. He turned to Ye Feng and said, "get on the bus!"

Several other people can't help but look at Ye Feng. It seems that they are looking at Ye Feng with their eyes. After Ye Feng nodded slightly, they got on the plane one after another.

Before Ye Feng got on the bus, the old man said to Ye Feng, "after entering the FBI, we don't have many opportunities to meet. Take care of yourself!"

Ye Feng nodded to the old man, then said, "I will take care, you also have to take care, at least until you want to fulfill your promise! What else do I want? "

The old man said with a smile to Ye Feng, "don't worry, I always remember this. I'm waiting for your request at any time!"

Ye Feng nodded to the old man at this time, and then got on the aircraft. The middle-aged man closed the door, went to the side of the driver's seat, opened the door, waved to the old man, and then sat in and closed the cabin door.

They were not prepared yet. Suddenly, a sense of pushing their back swept over them. Immediately, they saw that the aircraft immediately flew out along the ground, much faster than all kinds of transportation in their civilization.

At first, the road was desolate, and from a distance, occasionally they could see some animals they didn't know very well, but they rarely saw them.

Ye Feng knows in his heart that this shows that there are not many large animals on the island of Huke Bay, but there are many small animals growing in the land.

And soon Ye Feng also found that many buildings in front of him began to appear frequently, and there were more and more aircraft on the road. Sometimes, to avoid other aircraft, their aircraft not only had to turn left and right to avoid, but also had to adjust the direction up and down to avoid those aircraft.As time goes on, the density of buildings gradually becomes denser. One building in front is connected with another building. These buildings are similar to the architectural style Ye Feng saw before. On the earth, they belong to Western civilization, and there are no high-rise buildings, most of which are only three or five stories high.

There are more and more pedestrians on the road, but when they see the aircrafts driving on the road from time to time, they have long been familiar with them. They don't even look at them, and they are only busy with their own affairs.

In fact, the human culture here is almost the same as that on the earth. On both sides of the road, there are open markets selling all kinds of goods, but these technologies are obviously more developed than those on the earth.

Soon, the ads are displayed directly on the 3D virtual screen at the door of the store. Occasionally, some people walk directly through the 3D simulation ads, which does not affect their normal travel at all.

However, this kind of high-tech display is somewhat out of place with the architectural style of this small town.

All the people in the aircraft are looking out of the window at this time. Looking at the local conditions and customs outside, some people even begin to think of their life on the civilized planet. In fact, they should be surprised.

Zhuo wanqiu even said to the public, "this small town is similar to some western classical villages in Europe."

Scarlett nodded and agreed with Zhuo wanqiu's conclusion.

And Ye Feng asked the driver at this time, "how long will it take to get there?"

The middle-aged man said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, it's coming soon!" Said the aircraft continue to move forward, quickly through the front of the town, continue to drive forward.

Soon in front of a larger urban agglomeration appeared in front of everyone's eyes, but the overall look is like some backward European countries' big cities, there are still no tall buildings, the final is these small buildings with European style.

Soon the aircraft stopped in front of a building. The middle-aged man got out of the car and came to open the door for Ye Feng. When the door opened, the middle-aged man immediately said, "here we are!"

After they got off one after another, Ye Feng saw a very old looking building in front of them, even a little like the western style castle on earth. On the surface, they could not see that this was the branch of the FBI.

The middle-aged people seemed to see Ye Feng's doubts, and immediately explained, "our function is to coexist with them in the dark, without affecting people's lives, so there is no need to make it so public, as if to tell the world!"

Said the middle-aged man has come to the door of the building, back toward Ye Feng they a few ways, "come in?"

Ye Feng and others walked towards the door one after another. When they entered the door, they found that it was a place like an open inner room square in the building, and there was also a common fountain on the earth in the center.

However, the square was empty. Looking up, the corridors on each floor were empty, and no one could see them.

Just as a few people were standing here and looking up, the middle-aged man had already come to one side and said in a loud voice, "don't look. After you can work here, you can see these things every day. Come here first!"

Ye Feng and others walked towards the middle-aged man angrily. The middle-aged man asked them to stand around him. After everyone stood beside him, the ground began to rise automatically, just like the elevator, but there was no barrier around.

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