Soon the middle-aged man took Ye Feng and his group to an office on the first floor. After pushing the door open, the middle-aged man said to Ye Feng, "from today on, you will work here. You can come to me for anything!"

Then the middle-aged man went to the innermost desk, dialed his own number on the virtual phone on the desk, and said to Ye Feng, "here is my contact information, you can contact me through this!"

Seeing Ye Feng nodding, the middle-aged man said, "if there's nothing wrong, I'll go first! If you have something to call! " Then he went out of the door.

At this time, the cat faced man said to the middle-aged man, "we stay here all day? No mission or anything? "

The middle-aged people, however, walked away as if they hadn't heard of it. They soon left the door and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

The cat faced man could not help standing at the door in a daze, and then turned back to the public, "how can you feel like being trapped?"

Zhuo wanqiu said to the cat, "isn't it good to go to work every day? It's a day of carefree. You think you've made up a name for Tom Cruise, and you're going to stage mission impossible every day?"

But the cat faced man frowned and said to Zhuo wanqiu, "who made it up? My real name is Tom Cruise, but I still have a long way to go after my original name, which you can't remember! Shall I give you my full name? "

Zhuo wanqiu said immediately, "are you still Tom Cruise? You report. Who's stopping you... "

The cat face man immediately said, "listen up, my full name is Tom Cruise jesfast olvestrijes John jonesltreu..."

A Nan said to the cat face man, "don't report it. I know your name is long..."

Zhuo wanqiu was stunned and looked at the cat's face in surprise. "You must have made it up. If you have the ability, you can report it again. I'll see if it's the same as before."

The cat face man immediately said, "the newspaper is the newspaper, as if I'm really making it up. Listen, my name is Tom Cruise, JAS fat, olvestre, JAS John jonesel, truo'lear..." As like as two peas, Zhuo Wanqiu's memory is terrified.

's mouth is so stunned that the name of the goods is so long, and it's exactly the same as the two time. It proves that it is not a mess.

Cat face people there a burst of complacency, tease Zhuo wanqiu, Ye Feng here is sitting at his desk, looking at the scene in front of him, his mind is thinking, don't understand that the old man asked them to come here, just want them to sit in the office?

Dixie was also indifferent. He took a seat and then looked at Ye Feng. "If we can find the truth by wasting time here, we might as well go to the FBI headquarters in longarsenburg!"

But Ye Feng said to Dixie, "it's too far from longarsene castle. Besides, we all have no identity now. Even if we arrived at longarsene castle, we didn't do anything. We were immediately arrested by the federal gendarmerie!"

When she heard this, she couldn't help but feel a move. Ye Feng also knew that there were federal gendarmes, some in uniform, many in plain clothes, and even a lot of FBI investigators in the streets of longarsene castle. They were the people without identity who were most likely to attract their attention.

Ye Feng's heart moved at this time, and then he said to Dixie, "I may understand!"

When she heard this, she frowned and said, "do you understand? What do you get? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Dixie, "as we are now, these people are all dead, and their identities have been cancelled. In other words, we are all dead in the name of eisf, and we have no identity at all, so we can't go anywhere except here in Huck Bay, and we may be checked everywhere!"

Dixi Si smell speech to nod, agree with Ye Feng's view way, "what you say is right, but this and we stay here to have what relation?"

But Ye Feng said, "so we need to gild here first. After mixing an identity, our identity will be normal..." "Do you remember what the interviewer asked us?" he asked

When he heard this, he said, "what's our name? What else did you ask? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, the name is the identity, they are helping us forge identity!"

As soon as she heard this, her face suddenly moved and she stared at Ye Feng. In fact, she also understood that it was really easy for the FBI to help people forge their identities.

Although Dixie said more before, he was surprised that the interviewer only asked such a simple question about their names. Now, it seems that there is only Ye Feng's explanation, which is the most reasonable one.

A Nan said to Ye Feng at this time, "if that's the case, it's really the most reasonable explanation!"

Scarlett said, "even so, at least give us something to do. I don't know how long it will take to stay in the office. It's really boring!"

Tree face people also complained, "yes, it's boring..."At this time, on the door of the office door, a line of words appeared suddenly. After Ye Feng and Dixie saw it, their faces suddenly moved.

But a Nan, they almost knew the words of eisf at this time. After seeing them, Ye Feng immediately changed his way, "is there someone who wants to investigate the disappearance of ten bodies last night?"

Ye Feng frowned. He didn't know whether the text on this frown could be seen by all departments of the sub Bureau, or whether it was just released to them?

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "it's estimated that someone will come to investigate us soon!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "what does that mean? Is anyone trying to fix us? "

Just then someone came and knocked on the door of Yefeng's office, and the cat faced man immediately went and opened it.

But I saw a robot with human upper body and machine limbs standing at the door, saying coldly, "please show me your identification!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words. They could not help but be stunned when they thought of how to show their identification.

Ye Feng and Dixie stand up at this time. They both know that everyone in eisf has something similar to an ID card. However, this thing plays a greater role in eisf than on earth. It can be used not only as an ID card, but also as a driver's license, bank card, credit card and many other things. This is the all-in-one card in eisf, All the things related to you are bound to this ID card.

But now Ye Feng didn't have it at all. He immediately went to the door and said to the robot, "we are new people who have just come to work. Someone has just collected our ID cards and helped us go through the entry procedures. Maybe we will send them back later!"

Robot listen to Ye Feng so say, just coldly looking at Ye Feng way, "so say, you just don't have ID?"

The cat faced man immediately said to the robot, "I didn't tell you, I didn't, I was taken away! Don't you understand people? "

The robot continued to coldly say to Ye Feng, "are you temporarily unable to submit identification?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and nodded, "yes!"

As soon as the robot heard this, he immediately put up his hands. The arms of the machine immediately changed in front of Ye Feng and became two machine guns. The muzzle of the gun was ready for Ye Feng and them.

All the people were moved when they saw this. The cat faced man even was about to rush towards the robot. At this time, the middle-aged man ran quickly and said in a loud voice, "their ID is here!"

When the robot heard that he didn't move his body, he turned his head directly. When he saw the middle-aged man running over, he did hold several metal cards in his hand. His eyes immediately started the scanning function. Before the middle-aged man came over, he scanned all the cards in his hand.

When the middle-aged man ran to the door, the robot had put away the machine gun on his arm, and then he turned and left without saying anything.

The middle-aged man handed the nine cards to Ye Feng and said, "this is your identification, but it's very troublesome to put them away."

Ye Feng then sent the nine identification cards according to the photos above, and then put away his own one. Then he said to the middle-aged people, "just now we received the news that ten bodies were missing. What's the task given to us at this time?"

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