The middle-aged said, "certainly not. This is the FBI. Although it's only a small branch, we don't need to investigate this case of missing bodies. There are local federal police to investigate it! We have nothing to do with the police! "

Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help asking middle-aged people, "so what can we do to send this message to us?"

The middle-aged man shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not a platform for releasing tasks, it's just a platform similar to news. Every day, the news that happens in this small town will appear there, in every office! So don't pay too much attention! "

The cat faced man, hearing the speech, said to the middle-aged people, "I was afraid that we would not have identity. Now we all have identity. Can we not waste time here?"

But the middle-aged man said, "you have status, but have you made any contribution? How can you be promoted if you don't make contributions here? If you don't get a promotion, how can you get a chance to go to longarsenic castle? Not everyone can get in the FBI at Fort lonarsene! Do you think you can go in if you have the identity of ALF? "

Ye Feng then said to the middle-aged man, "please take more trouble to see what you have done for us! We just don't want to stay here any longer! There's no other meaning

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the middle-aged man said to Ye Feng, "you may not know that in addition to the credit for promotion, there is another thing called qualification. You're just on your first day at work. Are you in a hurry?"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man took another look at the people on the scene, "the Dean looks up to you, so he handed you over to me, but if you can't stand this loneliness, what can you do in the future?"

After saying this, the middle-aged man took a meaningful look at the people present, but he said nothing more, turned and left.

At this time, all the people on the scene looked at Ye Feng. Ye Feng nodded to the crowd and said, "he's right. If we can't stand this loneliness, what can we do in the future?"

Zhuo wanqiu then went back to her desk and sat down. She said with a smile, "I don't know what you think. I really like my work now. This island style life is similar to my previous life. I really like Huke Bay."

After hearing what Zhuo wanqiu said, they all relaxed and sat back at their desks, thinking about the environment and the lazy slow pace of life here in Huke Bay, and thinking about their previous life. Indeed, life here is good.

However, such a life is the most training for people. Some people are easy to get used to such a lazy life and gradually degenerate, becoming one of the numerous ordinary residents on this island.

If ye Feng doesn't have a goal, he can get used to this kind of life, but he has to go to longarsenic castle to find out who wants to kill Dixie himself.

And Ye Feng knows that even if she doesn't want to trace, she will continue to trace to the end according to Dixie's temperament. She is the kind of temperament that breaks the casserole and asks to the end.

I'm not sure that I'll let Dixie go to longarsenic castle alone. I have to go with him at that time. However, except for Dixie, not all the other seven people here are suitable to go with me.

Now, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with the arrangement between the middle-aged man and the old man. I also want to see that under the tempering of this kind of life, there are several suitable people to follow him and Dixie to longarsenburg.

At least in this case, Zhuo wanqiu is not suitable for the first time. This girl is no different from other girls except the father of a TSL leader. She shouldn't be involved in such a life at all.

If Zhuo wanqiu finally settles down on this island and finds a husband to marry and have children, Ye Feng thinks that this is the best arrangement for Zhuo wanqiu.

The other one is the cat face man. He is indeed the most impatient one in his group. In fact, this is not a good thing. Let alone entering the FBI headquarters in longarsene castle, even if he goes to longarsene castle, he may be arrested by the federal police in longarsene castle. Therefore, the cat face man is the one who needs to temper most.

As for a Nan, Ye Feng always has some vague feelings about a Nan. This woman doesn't look as simple as it seems. Why does she let several men follow her?

Listen to the tone of the cat face and tree face people, it seems that a Nan organized them to leave the star of stele colony, so they just listen to a Nan.

On the surface, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this reason, but when you think about it at a deeper level, you feel that it is full of holes.

A Nan is just an organizer, but when something happens in the Star Trek, it's not who organized it at the beginning, but the specific performance of the specific event to determine the trust in a person.

So Ye Feng guessed that there must be something between a Nan and these people that they didn't say thoroughly.

Although a Nan shows unconditional trust and support for herself, on the contrary, Ye Feng doesn't believe a Nan so much. This is just an intuition. If Ye Feng really wants to tell a Nan what's wrong, he really can't say anything specific.So in the end, whether a Nan is worth believing or not, whether she can go to longarsenic castle with them depends on her next performance. I have to test and observe her for a period of time to come to a conclusion.

On the other hand, Ye Feng also thinks that she is not suitable to go with her to longarsenic castle. In fact, her character is similar to that of Zhuo wanqiu. Besides, from her previous relationship with Monica, we can see that she is determined to find a quiet place to live a quiet life.

What's more, Monika and Zhuo wanqiu are almost the same. They have almost no special skills. Especially in the field of secret service, they don't even have the simplest self-protection ability. At best, they can only do the logistics work behind them.

Now no one can tell exactly what kind of things they will face next. He can't take Zhuo wanqiu and Monica to take risks and finally lose his life in this strange place for them, so Monica should not be suitable.

Scarlett is suitable for the moment. She used to be a killer. Although she lacks some skills, she is still a good hand after training. She can help at that time.

As for the nature of tree face people and ugly face people, they are almost the same as Scarlett. Although their great advantages have not been found, at least they have no shortcomings. I hope they can be competent after training and tempering.

If you can, Ye Feng would rather leave all of them to be a lone ranger. In fact, Ye Feng is more used to this kind of life.

However, Ye Feng also knows that in this new place, eisf, he is not familiar with his life. What he has to deal with is not only two people, but also the Federation of the whole planet. Therefore, there are few trusted helpers, which is also unrealistic. After all, he is lack of skills.

Ye Feng's eyes finally fall on Dixie. It goes without saying that Dixie, like herself, is Mrs. ace, and has a common mission and unsolved mystery with herself.

At this time, when she saw Ye Feng staring at herself, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "how? Is the first round of investigation over? "

Ye Feng is stunned when he hears that he is observing others, and Dixie is also observing himself.

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "investigation? What kind of investigation? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said it was nothing, but Dixie said, "he's inspecting us to see how many people can go to longarsenic castle with us at last!"

On hearing this, everyone looked at Ye Feng, and Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "I don't care, brother Satan, where you go anyway, I'll go!"

Scarlett also said to Ye Feng, "you don't want to leave us alone, do you?"

A Nan there is also surprised to see to Ye Feng, who also did not speak, just in the eyes questioning Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked at the crowd. At this time, he stood up and said, "what the man said just now is right. This time, it's not a simple thing. Now it's just to temper us. And I believe we all know that this time we have to deal with the whole eisf Federation. The danger may be unprecedented, so I have to protect everyone's safety, suitable and unsuitable I have to know it in my heart! Since you believe and trust me so much, I will be responsible to each of you! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, there was a moment of silence. Only the cat faced man said directly, "in a word, where are we going? Even if you think I'm not qualified at last, I'll follow you with a Nan. Even if you don't let me follow, I'll go to longarsenbao to find you in my own way."

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