Ye Feng nodded and didn't speak. In fact, he didn't need to talk about it. Ye Feng also saw that it was not only the cat face man, but also the ugly face man and the tree face man. All three of them had only a-nan's lead.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng takes a look at ah Nan, who immediately says to Ye Feng, "you brought us to eisf, and you also promised to take us home. Before we go home, we will never leave you!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when she listens to a Nan's words. She did promise a Nan that she would send them to her own planet after they found her.

Although the goal now seems to be extremely slim, even impossible, but the man's words are just a spit and a nail. He has to keep his word.

However, I just promised to send them back as much as possible, but I didn't say that I must let them follow me. But now I don't mean that at this time, although they still have doubts about themselves, they are not useless at all.

In a word, I'll stay in the branch of the Federal Bureau of investigation in Huck bay for a few days to see the situation. Anyway, I can't go to longarsene castle for the time being.

What's more, now the whole eisf is a global Federation, and the whole planet is one. The distance between Fort lonarsene and Huck Bay is too far, and it can't be reached in a moment.

Ye Feng said to the crowd at this time, "the matter of going to longarsenic castle has not been decided for the time being. We'll all stay here and talk about it later!"

At this time, the middle-aged man came over again, pushed open the door of the office and said to Ye Feng, "no, the old Dean and one of his students were taken to the police station for questioning, which may be related to the missing body case!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward the middle-aged humanitarian, "I go with you to see!"

The middle-aged man nodded. The purpose of his coming over was obviously to have a look at Ye Feng with him. Then Dixie got up and followed him at this time, "I'll go too!"

Ye Feng and the middle-aged man looked back and did not speak, as if acquiesced.

Other people see also want to follow to see the situation, Ye Feng immediately turned back and said, "at this time, you don't make trouble, just stay here, I and Dixie to deal with it!"

Ye Feng said, but also made a wink at Scarlett, Scarlett immediately understand, let Ye Feng and Dixie go first, after they left, this toward the public, "what are we going to do? Where's the missing body? Aren't we the missing bodies? "

After listening to Scarlett's words, people realized that they were the missing bodies. They are now going to tell the police that nine of their ten bodies have been resurrected?

At this time, the cat faced man asked Scarlett, "isn't Ye Feng and the cold moon also missing bodies? They'll be ok if they go?"

Scarlett said as like as two peas to the missing corpses, but they are still a normal coincidence. But the nine identical ones are not coincidence. "But the one or two are not so coincidental."

After listening to Scarlett's words, they all sat at their desks.

At this time, Ye Feng and Scarlett have left the door, sitting on the middle-aged man's aircraft, heading for the Huck Bay branch of the federal police department.

On the way, Ye Feng also asked the middle-aged humanitarian, "why was it found so soon?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "by the way, when you get to the police station, don't talk nonsense. Let me deal with everything!"

After hearing this, he asked the middle-aged man, "in that case, what's the purpose of letting us come together?"

The middle-aged man couldn't help but take a look at the back seat of Dixie. After taking a deep breath, he said to them, "up to now, I don't want to hide it from you. In fact, although the old Dean has been engaged in various research projects in Huck bay for so many years, he has been under the federal supervision. You may not know that the old Dean is actually in charge of them Several of the projects of the former president are contrary to the intention of the federal government, but on the surface, the government can't do anything with the former president. After all, many of the projects that the former president has done have contributed to the Federation, so some people began to want to attack the former president in secret. Of course, the secret attack here is not to assassinate these, but to seize some of the tricks of the former president's research, from the perspective of the government And completely kill the old Dean, in this way, there will be no words left

At this point, the middle-aged man continued to say, "so this time, ten corpses were missing in Huck Bay, and all of them went to the Research Institute, which gave these people an opportunity to take advantage of. What are the research projects of so many corpses, but they are not on the list? That is to say, every research of the old president has been reported by the federal government, this time It's against the law to smuggle corpses without reporting to them in time. Moreover, the act of stealing corpses is also against the law, so the old Dean will naturally be asked to assist in the investigation! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng and Dixie nodded, but Dixie still said, "even so, what can we do? And you should not forget that the corpses he smuggled are actually us. We didn't admit ourselves in the past? "The middle-aged man said to Dixie, "in fact, the control of corpses is not so strict here. The reason why you can use these technologies to resurrect is that your corpses are nameless, and those local corpses have been frozen for a long time!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the words, but his memory tells him that ice melting is actually the main means of the grave on eisf, that is, to completely freeze the corpse, and then use technology to completely crush the ice, which is far more environmentally friendly than cremation.

At this time, the middle-aged man continued to say, "I brought you here because the old Dean told me that you were FBI agents before. You should have certain emergency measures. I'm to prevent people from using extreme means to deal with the old Dean, so I'll take you for a rainy day!"

Ye Feng and Dixi smell speech this just understand of nod, Ye Feng at this time ask middle-aged humanity, "really can't, we will rob the old Dean?"

The middle-aged man nodded, then shook his head and said, "you don't have to do this until you have to. Now the contradiction between the federal government and the people below us is not apparent. Everything is still dormant. There's no need to deal with things completely to the extreme. In short, you can't be good at doing anything at my command."

Ye Feng and di Xi Si smell speech each point to nod, but in the heart each think of own calculation.

Ye Feng knows from his memory that the federal government has always had an opposition, and that the opposition's power is not too big, because every time the opposition's momentum grows, these federal agents will be sent out.

Before that, I had never been asked to play such a role as the old president. This shows that the old president has not been able to shake the whole federal government. In addition, he seems to be serving the federal government, so he has never been on the list.

Moreover, Ye Feng knows that among the opposition, the old president should not be a core figure at all. Among the opposition, there must be high-level figures in the federal government, but they have not been revealed for the time being.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help sighing. It seems that he and Dixie have been involved in the vortex of the political struggle of the federal government.

Although Ye Feng has recovered some of his memory, he is not interested in this kind of political struggle. He just wants to find out the truth about the killing of Dixie. In fact, he doesn't want to get involved in other things.

However, he had already promised the old president to help them overthrow the federal government. Thinking of this, Ye Feng could not help regretting whether he agreed too soon. In fact, he could completely refuse at that time, and then went to longarsene castle alone. Although the risk was greater, he might not achieve nothing.

But now it's too late to say anything. They have been involved. In fact, even if they didn't agree to the old Dean's request, they were doomed to be involved from the moment of resurrection, because it's very likely that the event of the death of Dixie itself was in the vortex of this political struggle, at least a part of this struggle, so Ye Feng also gradually understood that they were destined to be part of the political struggle on the planet from the time they returned to eisf.

At this time, Ye Feng can't help looking at the back seat of the Dixie, see her brow is locked at this time, presumably also think of a lot of things, his heart secret way, it seems that this is inevitable.

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