Soon the aircraft arrived at the gate of the police station. The building style of the police station was similar to that of the surrounding buildings. If it wasn't for the Federal Police Badge hanging at the gate, it couldn't be seen that it was a police station.

After the flight stopped, the middle-aged man immediately got out of the car and led Ye Feng and Dixie to the police station. As soon as he went in, he saw a robot in police uniform standing at the reception desk and asked the middle-aged man what business he wanted to handle when he came to the police station.

The middle-aged man went forward to explain that he was always caught, so he came to consult about the specific situation.

The robot of police uniform lets the middle-aged person report his teacher's name, as well as his own name, which is convenient for him to access information.

Ye Feng then knew that the old Dean's name was Jock Emma, and the middle-aged man's name was Libo Zhihui. These names all sound special. It seems that those irresponsible parents in the Chinese nation on earth casually give them to their children.

And looking at the people on the planet, it seems that they are all like the things on earth. Ye Feng can't help but wonder if there is some connection between the planet and the earth?

But Ye Feng didn't have time to think about it. The police uniform robot has found out the record of qiaoke Emma. Chao Libo Zhihui said, "he is suspected of smuggling corpses. Now he is under investigation, and the investigation result has not come out yet."

Libo Zhihui immediately said to the police uniform robot, "I probably know some details. Now I just want to see my teacher, and I have contacted a lawyer. Maybe I'm on the way. My teacher's case is not serious. I should have the right to visit him!"

Upon hearing this, the police robot immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "I've arranged for you. Just a moment!"

Libo Zhihui nodded, and then sat with Ye Feng and Dixie to wait for news. Libo Zhihui, Ye Feng and Dixie explained, "this is the processing procedure of police robot. In this case, they just accept it, and there is a central processing unit on it for approval. This time is generally about half an hour!"

Ye Feng and Dixie nodded when they heard the speech. Half an hour is fifty minutes, which is waiting.

At this time, Dixie asked Libo Zhihui, "I heard you say that your teacher's name is Jock Emma?"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "yes, you've heard of it, but it's normal. The teacher is an authority in cosmology, but generally people who don't contact this field won't know his name..."

But Dixie interrupted Libo Zhihui and said, "I mean, jock Emma, is Jock's surname or Emma's surname?"

Ye Feng takes a look at Dixie. In fact, when he heard Li Bo Zhihui say the name of the old Dean, his own Jock Emma pondered for a while. Then he takes a look at Ye Feng and Dixie, but he says to Li Bo Zhihui, "so you bring them here, are you planning to break the prison?"

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