Jock Emma said nothing more, but shook her head slightly to express her disappointment at the lawyer student.

At this time, Li Bo Zhihui pointed to the lawyer and told him to go away. He would hire another lawyer for Jock Emma.

After the lawyer was expelled by Libo Zhihui, jock Emma said to Libo Zhihui, "in fact, what he said is right!"

Libo Zhihui looked at Jock Emma in surprise and said, "teacher, you won't shake your confidence, will you?"

Qiaoke Emma said to Libo Zhihui, "no, I have never wavered in changing the world, starting from changing myself. But once I have an accident, my students will be implicated. This is not wrong..."

Speaking of this, jock Emma sighed, "the world needs change, or even revolution, but not everyone is suitable for this revolution. As you know, most of my students are from the academic and scientific circles. They are too weak to play any role at all. On the contrary, they are easy to be persecuted. This is what I worry about!"

Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. At this time, he said to Jock Emma, "I was an agent of the Federal Bureau of investigation. My memory has not been fully recovered. If you talk about the revolution in my face, you don't worry that once I recover all my memory and find that we are opposite, don't you mean you are looking for death?"

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile, "revolution needs blood, and it also needs blood, in order to wake up many numb people. If you are really the opposite of me, I hope you only aim at me! Don't sit with my students like the Federation! "

But Ye Feng took a deep breath, shrugged his shoulders to Jock Emma and said, "I'm very sorry, I can't guarantee that!"

After hearing this, jock Emma's face suddenly moved and stared at Ye Feng. He didn't seem to think that Ye Feng would refuse so decisively.

Libo Zhihui also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "if you are a faithful believer of the Federation, we will fight to death at that time!"

Ye Feng continued to shrug his shoulders and said, "no other self-confidence. If I stand on the opposite side of you, it will really be life and death, but only literally, it will be life and death!"

Libo Zhihui's face suddenly sank when he heard that the boy was so arrogant. He immediately hummed, "I heard Satan's reputation wrong, but you'd better leave some leeway to speak!"

Ye Feng didn't pay any attention to Li bozhihui, but looked at Jock Emma and said, "if the revolution of eisf is inevitable, then sacrifice is inevitable. As you said, revolution needs blood, and it must also bleed. Born in this era, no one can change anything, so your students, no matter in the academic or scientific circles, can't be spared, even if they are finally led Since they are chosen by the times, there will surely be a day when death in turbulent times is the choice of history. It's pitiful, pitiful and a pity that no one is meaningful! Because it can't change anything at all! "

Jock Emma can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time, but she didn't say anything in her mouth for a long time.

Libo Zhihui wants to retort for Jock Emma, but he doesn't know where to start.

Finally, jock Emma nodded to Ye Feng and said, "you're right. Born in this era, no one has a choice!" Then he said to Libo Zhihui, "I'll take back what I said to you, and you'll stay in Huke Bay."

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, he immediately looked at Jock Emma in surprise and said excitedly, "teacher, won't you let me leave?"

Jock Emma nodded and said, "he's right. Since we were born in this era, everyone has no choice, then you and I have no choice!"

Then Jock Emma immediately stares at Ye Feng and says, "remember the promise between us?"

Ye Feng looked at Jock Emma and said, "originally the promise existed, but now I'm a little hesitant!"

When Jock Emma heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "I didn't think you were a man who didn't keep your promise?"

Ye Feng sneered at Jock Emma and said, "if when I recover my memory, my memory drives me to kill you and your opposition, what's the meaning of the promise at that time?"

Jock Emma was shocked and looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng continued, "you are still too idealistic. If the whole opposition is like this, I can assert that the opposition will surely lose!"

Libo Zhihui said in a sharp voice immediately, "what are you talking about?"

But Ye Feng sneered, "nonsense? Before the fate of mankind, can a promise change? Compared with the fate of all people, what is commitment? Don't think that life and death are the most important. Sometimes fame is more important than life and death! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng stares at Jock Emma and says, "when I talk about reputation, it's not a good reputation. The real sacrifice is not to shed some blood and die some people. It's you who are not famous. At the critical moment, you dare not rely on your reputation, but on the advantages and disadvantages That is to say, if one day you find that if the people around you are not conducive to the development of the whole situation, those who should sacrifice must make a decision immediately. If you all pay attention to your promises, what else can you do? "Libo Zhihui immediately retorted, "what's the difference between that and those Federalists in power? He has become a slave driven only by profit

Ye Feng sneered and said, "it's not wrong to be driven by interests, just to see if interests are really interests! If you really become like that, it is true that you are no different from those in power, but the difference between you and them lies in that they take care of the interests of the minority, and you should take care of the interests of the majority, as long as you can always adhere to and implement this point, what means are used in the process, what conspiracies are used, how many people are sacrificed, and how much bad reputation are self defiled None of this is a problem! "

Libo Zhihui was stunned and looked at Ye Feng. He couldn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he looked at Jock Emma.

Jock Emma then took a deep breath, pressed her temple, looked at Ye Feng and said, "what you said is reasonable, but everyone doesn't keep his promise. Then I promised you, can I go back?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, you can go back on your promise. Any promise can be overturned, and any promise may not be recognized! But I just forgot to say one thing, that is, the consequences. If I break my promise, there will be consequences for me. If you break your promise, there will be consequences for you. It depends on whether we can bear each other! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng said, "if I can recover my memory and find that I am the complete opposite of you, I will certainly overturn my promise, but the consequence I have to face is to be the enemy of all your opponents, which I have understood for a long time. If I really come to that time, it will not be meaningful, because as long as I stand on your opposite side, I will be defeated I'm already against you. It's nothing. But if you betray your promise, have you ever thought about your consequences? "

Jock Emma was immediately stunned, and Libo Zhihui immediately said, "what's the consequence? It's not like you. We are enemies to each other! At that point, it's a dead end situation anyway... "

But Ye Feng stretched out his finger and put it in front of qiaoke Emma and Libo Zhihui, "wrong, if you break your promise to me, I will do everything right, and I won't care about the interests of those in power. I will only care about my own interests, and then I will only stare at you, so that you can live better than die!"

After hearing this, qiaoke Emma's face suddenly moved. He had seen the murderous look in Ye Feng's eyes when he was staring at him. And he could hear Ye Feng's tone. It didn't seem like he was joking with himself or threatening himself. Instead, he was telling himself that everything he said was the basic truth. On that day, he really would Do it.

After staring at Jock Emma for a long time, Ye Feng suddenly shrugged and then said with a smile, "but you don't have to be nervous. After all, my memory hasn't completely recovered. Maybe it's not as pessimistic as we thought. Maybe after my memory is recovered, I find that I'm your opponent, so we can save a lot of trouble!"

When Li Bo Zhihui was shocked, he looked at Jock Emma and said, "Satan's reputation is so big in the FBI. Which faction is he, teacher? You should know it in your heart, right? Why don't you just tell him? "

Jock Emma didn't speak yet, but Ye Feng said, "needless to say, it's useless. Only what exists in my memory is true. Now who tells me, I will keep a skeptical attitude!"

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