Jock Emma understands what Ye Feng means. Now he tells Ye Feng which faction he belongs to. As long as Ye Feng's memory hasn't been fully restored, he certainly doesn't believe it, so he says it in vain.

What's more, jock Emma doesn't know which faction Ye Feng belongs to. Ye Feng's Satan name is not small in the FBI, but it's just a name. Outsiders don't really know what he really does and which faction he belongs to. Even many people just hear about Satan's name, but they don't know whether he is a man or a woman Clear.

So what Ye Feng said is not wrong at all. It's useless to say anything now. All we have to do is wait for Ye Feng to recover his memory. Moreover, it's still a gamble. If Ye Feng is from the federal side after he recovers his memory, it's very likely that he will turn over with them immediately. If it's his people, it's needless to say.

Libo Zhihui saw that Ye Feng and qiaoke Emma didn't speak. He couldn't help but feel anxious.

Ye Feng looked at Jock Emma and said, "there's another thing, I could have pretended I didn't know, but since everyone's words have been so open, I'm not afraid to say so much!"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma said, "you want to ask about Dante Emma, don't you?"

This time, Ye Feng couldn't help but move. Unexpectedly, jock Emma knew that she was going to ask about it?

Jack Emma didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "Dante Emma is my nephew!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart is a move to look at Qiao Ke Emma, but soon recovered calm.

Jock Emma continued, "in fact, there's no need to hide this from you, and when your memory comes back, you'll know! At that time, if I explain anything else, you may not believe it. Let's make it clear now! "

Ye Feng smelled the words and said, "since you are so direct, I will tell you the truth. There is a long-standing feud between me and Dante Emma, and this time he was prevented by me from coming back to eisf. I don't want to say anything extra. Anyway..."

Before Ye Feng finished, jock Emma immediately said, "in a word, one yard to one yard, the matter between you and Dante is a private matter between you, and the matter between us has little influence!"

But Dixie suddenly said coldly, "after all, it's your nephew. Will it really have no influence?"

Jock Emma shrugged and said, "there will be some emotional fluctuations, but there is no big impact. And I have one more thing to tell you, Dante has been resurrected by me!"

Although Ye Feng had expected it, when Jock Emma said it himself, he couldn't help looking at Jock Emma.

However, jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "don't worry about this. You and he don't have any chance to meet for the moment. Even if you meet, you may not recognize each other. Moreover, I have explained to him that this time he is on a mission. Everything is important. Your personal affairs will be settled by you in private, He also promised me! So I hope that on your side, you should also focus on major events... "

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. Dixie immediately said to Jack Emma, "you may not know your nephew very well. He's not as simple as you seem!"

Jock Emma sighed, "everyone's existence must have his role. I know something about Dante's character, but as long as he doesn't go beyond his duty, I can tolerate it! I still said that, now we are in the time of employing people, so we should understand each other. Besides, I can assure you that Dante will never trouble you or even appear in front of you until your memory is completely restored! "

What did Dixie want to say, but he was interrupted by Ye Feng. He shrugged his shoulders at Jock Emma and said, "since the old Dean has said so frankly, of course we believe it!"

Then Ye Feng stood up and took a look at Jock Emma and Libo Zhihui. Then he said, "anyway, you can find me if you have anything here. Anyway, I can't go to longarsenic castle now!"

But Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "I don't want the famous Satan to do it in person. I have a way here!" Then he said to Libo Zhihui, "don't get excited. The more this time, the less you need to contact me, or you will get into trouble for yourself!"

After that, jock Emma stood up and said to Libo Zhihui, "OK! Go back And Jock Emma went to the door.

Libo Zhihui stood in the same place and looked at Jock Emma in surprise. "Teacher, how long do you want to stay here?"

But Jock Emma said to Libo Zhihui without looking back, "it won't be long!" Then he immediately reached out and pressed a button at the door.

Then the door opened automatically, and a robot policeman outside was waiting there. When Jock Emma went out, the robot policeman immediately took Jock Emma to one side.

After Jock Emma left, Libo Zhihui sat on the stool and muttered, "when will this wait?"But Ye Feng said to Li Bo Zhihui, "wait until the time is right!"

Libo Zhihui can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, "is the time ripe? When is the right time? "

At this time, Ye Feng also stood up and walked towards the door, but he said to Libo Zhihui, "when the time is ripe, you will naturally know!"

At this time, Dixie also stood up, followed Ye Feng to the door, and Libo Zhihui quickly followed him, "you seem to know a lot of things, but you talk about it!"

Several people left the room, just a machine police passing, Ye Feng did not say much, Libo Zhihui did not ask.

After the killer left the police station and got on the plane, Libo Zhihui asked Ye Feng, "when is the right time for you to say that?"

Ye Feng can't help sighing, "Oh, I don't know how to tell you!"

Libo Zhihui couldn't wait to say, "I'm a bit stupid. You can say what you want to say. Otherwise, I don't know the situation. I'm worried that what I've done will backfire. That's not good!"

Ye Feng took a look at Libo Zhihui and said, "you are not only a little stupid?" Then he sighed again, "I'd better talk to you, otherwise you may have ruined your teacher's plan like this!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui looks at Ye Feng and says, "teacher's plan?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "your teacher is so smart. Don't you know that the smuggling of corpses will eventually be found on him? He is such a smart man. If you want to get rid of the relationship, I believe it's not difficult, is it

Li Bo Zhihui immediately nodded and said, "that's right, even if there's no way to get rid of it, let his assistant carry the pot and carry it all!"

Ye Feng smell speech also nodded a way, "yes, but your teacher why didn't do so?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui looked at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "why?"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "first of all, your teacher must think the time is almost right!"

Libo Zhihui then asked, "didn't you just say that the time is not ripe?"

Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui and sighed, "the time is not ripe, but it's almost there, so some preparatory work needs to be done in advance!"

When Li Bo Zhihui heard the speech, he was stunned again. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean that the teacher was arrested by the police, which is one of his preparations?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile to Libo Zhihui, "you've finally opened up a little bit!"

Libo Zhihui is still puzzled to look at Ye Feng, "he was arrested by the police, in the police station, what preparation can you have?"

Ye Feng sighed again, "for many things, the police should pay attention to evidence. If your teacher is in the police station now, once something happens outside, will your teacher be suspected again?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui can't help but be stunned and say, "what's going to happen outside?" Immediately didn't wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately face a change to see to Ye Feng way, "you mean, outside to have something to happen?"

Ye Feng nodded and said to Libo Zhihui, "it's not just something, maybe it's not a trivial matter!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Libo Zhihui suddenly fell into a deep meditation and didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Feng said to Li Bo Zhihui, "what we can do now is to go back to the branch office and wait to see what will happen to Huke Bay."

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