When Li Bo Zhihui heard what Ye Feng said, he was suddenly silent. Obviously, he also realized that something was going to happen, but he couldn't remember what would happen.

Ye Feng saw Libo Zhihui's expression, and roughly guessed Libo Zhihui's heart activity. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't think too much. The resolution of the upper class won't be thought out so easily by you!"

When Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he could not help frowning at Ye Feng. After pondering for a long time, he nodded. Without saying anything, he started the aircraft and flew back to the FBI branch.

After waiting for the branch, Ye Feng and Dixie walk toward their office together, but Li Bo Zhihui doesn't leave, and follows them all the time.

Dixi Si reminds Ye Feng that Ye Feng has known for a long time, but pretends not to know, and continues to walk forward.

After waiting for the office, people see Ye Feng they come back, they all stand up and ask Ye Feng what the situation is.

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and says that there is no problem. Then he goes to his desk and sits down. Cat faced man is about to say something. When he sees Li Bo Zhihui coming in, he can't help frowning at him.

Ye Feng pretended to see Li Bo Zhihui. He looked at Li Bo Zhihui in surprise and said, "is there anything else?"

Libo Zhihui looked at the left and right people in embarrassment, which means there are too many people here to say.

Ye Feng also knew the truth, and then he stood up and walked toward the office door, followed Libo Zhihui to the center of the hollowed out square on the first floor, and then said to Libo Zhihui, "is there anything else?"

At this time, Libo Zhihui takes out a whole pack of cigarettes. After unpacking, he hands one to Ye Feng. Then he takes one out of his mouth and holds it in his mouth. Then he takes a lighter to light the fire for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said that he would come. After watching Li Bo Zhihui light for him, he took the lighter and the whole package of cigarettes from his hand.

Libo Zhihui suddenly looks at Ye Feng in amazement, but after Ye Feng lights his cigarette, he immediately says to Libo Zhihui, "do you want to know what may happen recently?"

Libo Zhihui suddenly regained his mind and immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "that's right. After all, you used to be an agent in the headquarters of the Federal Bureau of investigation. Your brain must be better than those of us below. You may see things farther than us. I want to ask for advice!"

After taking a puff of cigarette, Ye Feng raised the lighter and cigarette in his hand and said to Li Bo Zhihui, "the attitude of asking for advice is OK, so I'll accept it with a smile!"

Li Bo Zhihui said with an embarrassed smile that he should, but Ye Feng continued, "just now in the police station, didn't your lawyer classmates also say that there was someone behind your teacher!"

Libo Zhihui's eyes were still staring at Ye Feng's hand that put the cigarette in his pocket. At this time, hearing Ye Feng say so, he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "your teacher, no matter how high the prestige in the scientific field, is different from the political field. Maybe your teacher's academic ability is very strong, but politics has little to do with academic ability. So your teacher is just a pawn in Huke Bay, and the real tiger is still behind him."

After hearing that Yan took a deep puff of cigarette, Li Bo Zhihui immediately said to Ye Feng, "I know a little about these things. Besides, there are also some students in politics. I also heard that the leader of the opposition appreciated my teacher very much. This time, the leader of the opposition insisted on supporting my teacher to set up a research institute in Huke Bay. You mean, the tiger behind my teacher is against me The leader of the party? "

Ye Feng smelled that Yan was smoking a cigarette, and his eyes narrowed slightly at Libo. Zhihui said, "why is there a tone of doubt? The leader of the opposition? So uncertain? "

Li Bo Zhi Hui looks at Ye Feng slightly and says, "what do you mean? Don't beat around the bush when you talk to me. I'm not as smart as you are! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "who is the leader of the opposition?"

Before Li bozhihui could answer, Ye Feng immediately said, "he is a man standing in front of the public, and it is normal for the opposition to oppose the government, which is also allowed by the federal law, so he is not a thing at all..."

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "isn't it a thing?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "at least it's just a superficial opposition leader. It's impossible for a real villain to make himself known to the public and let all the important members of the Federation know his existence. He must be hiding in the dark and secretly supporting the opposition, but he can't see it on the surface at ordinary times. He may even be a person who is an important member of the government!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui a listen to this words, immediately whole face all froze, eat to look at Ye Feng way, "can't?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to Li Bo Zhihui and said, "isn't it a celebrity? The dirtiest thing in the world is politics! No matter how pure people are, once they touch this thing, they will become unclean, so anything you can't imagine can appear in this circle! "

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, he said, "if you say that, the teacher and the leader of the opposition may just be the puppets of the big tiger!"Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said with a smile, "puppet? That's nice to say. If it's not nice to say, it's victims, horsemen, pawns... "

Hearing the speech, Libo Zhihui could not help but take a deep breath. Then he took two puffs of cigarettes and looked at Ye Feng. "So what do we do now? Just wait here? I'm really worried about the teacher

Ye Feng said to Li Bo Zhihui, "in fact, you don't have to worry too much about your teacher. First of all, your teacher is definitely not a simple academic scientist. There are so many people playing science. Why is it that only your teacher has a relationship with the opposition?"

Libo Zhihui was stunned when he heard what Ye Feng said. He didn't know how to answer Ye Feng's words. He faltered and said, "it's not because of his experiment..."

Ye Feng patted Libo Zhihui on the shoulder and said, "that experiment is just an opportunity, or a cover. Your teacher's mind is not on it at all!"

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng and said, "I can't imagine, and I don't want to believe it!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you don't want to believe it, then I don't have to go on, but it's understandable that it's the teacher you respect. As a student, you shouldn't think your teacher is so complicated and dirty..."

After talking about this, Ye Feng stopped for a moment, smoked a cigarette, and didn't go on. After all, it's not very good to speak ill of his teacher in front of a student who especially respects his teacher.

Libo Zhihui stared at Ye Feng for a long time, but he didn't come back for a long time.

After a long time, Libo Zhihui regained his mind and looked at Ye Feng. "You were at the headquarters of the FBI before. Do you know who the tiger is behind the scenes?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe I know, but now part of my memory has not recovered, I can't answer you!"

After another pause, Li Bo Zhihui said to Ye Feng, "but it doesn't matter. This tiger is also for the good of the Federation. After all, many people are dissatisfied with the Federation now..."

But Ye Feng sneered, "maybe the final truth will be quite different from what you think!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui hears speech but is brow tightly wrinkly looking at leaf Feng way, "what meaning?"

But Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "as I said just now, this circle is too dirty, but on the surface, how clean and righteous they are. In fact, they are all for their own interests. I haven't seen many for the interests of all people!"

Then Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and added, "maybe, but I haven't seen it yet!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui listen to Ye Feng say, can't help but frown more tightly, "so my teacher also has what purpose?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. I just tell you what I see. Maybe your teacher has his own purpose. Maybe he doesn't have it. He's just fooled by those people. At this time, what this kind of person is good at is fooling people to follow him, as if for some great cause. In fact, it's just for a few of them, It's even for the benefit of individuals! "

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "if it's really the same as what you said, my teacher must not know. He must have been hoodwinked!"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe!"

Libo Zhihui looks at Ye Feng puzzledly, and then suddenly thinks of something. He immediately says to Ye Feng, "if it's really like what you said, then what my classmate and teacher said may not be wrong!"

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