Everyone was shocked when they heard what the cat face man said. They were also surprised that Ye Feng and Libo Zhihui had known each other for only as long as they had. How could they talk for such a long time? Unless there was only one possibility, that is, Ye Feng and Libo Zhihui had known each other for a long time.

But when Ye Feng came back, the cat faced man asked Ye Feng, "are you able to talk with that guy? Have you known each other before? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to the cat faced man, "don't you know each other?"

Cat face person a face of half believe half doubt, looking at Ye Feng, other people also have some such eyes, but who also didn't speak.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "what are we doing now? Can't you really just waste your time doing nothing here? "

At this time, Ye Feng motioned to the cat face man to close the door of the office. Then he sat down at his desk and said, "now it's time for us to have a good chat!"

When they heard this, they couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in amazement. Dixie frowned and said, "talk? What are you talking about? "

After lighting a cigarette, Ye Feng took a look at the crowd. Then he pressed his hand and motioned for them to sit down. Then he said, "didn't you just ask, what are we doing now? Will you just spend your time doing nothing here in the future? "

The di Xi Si smell speech eyebrow is a wrinkly ground looking at leaf Feng way, "eh? What do you think? "

But Ye Feng said to the crowd, "it's not that I have any ideas, but that I want to know what you have in mind!"

Zhuo wanqiu said immediately at this time, "I don't think it's bad now. I don't want to fight or rob. It's safe. Isn't it good?"

Cat face person then white one eye Zhuo Wan Qiu way, "so many people, estimate only you think so! No one thinks this day is any good! "

Zhuo wanqiu can't help but be stunned when she hears the speech, and then she looks at the people, "don't you think?"

Everyone can't help but shrug at Zhuo wanqiu. They just don't agree with Zhuo wanqiu.

Zhuo wanqiu had to say, "well, I don't care. I'll go with the flow and listen to your ideas!"

Dixie said to Ye Feng at this time, "you must have your purpose when you ask us this question. Our answer is not targeted. You might as well say your idea directly."

Ah Nan nodded to Ye Feng at this time and said, "Dixie is right. We always listen to your opinions. If you have any opinions, just tell us. Let's listen!"

Ye Feng listened to what ah Nan and Dixie said, then nodded and said to Dixie, "we went to see Jock Emma in the afternoon. What happened at that time, you also saw!"

Dixie nodded, but the cat faced man said, "stop, who's Jock Emma? Do we know each other? "

Dixie immediately said to the cat faced man, "Jock Emma is the old Dean of that lab!"

The cat face man suddenly nodded and said, "I see!" Said immediately toward Dixie Si and Ye Feng way, "you continue, I just ask!"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "I saw and heard a lot of information. What's the matter?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "now that Jock Emma is arrested, it's obviously not as simple as smuggling corpses. I think there are plans on both sides. Jock Emma is using her being arrested as an excuse to know what may happen in Huke Bay. When the other party catches Jock Emma, it should be clear that it's impossible to kill him just because it's a crime of smuggling corpses How about Jock Emma? Otherwise, he won't do it easily. There will be some back moves! "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie nodded and said, "listen to what you said, it seems to be such a thing! So? "

After taking a deep puff of his cigarette, Ye Feng turned to Dixie and the people, "so now that we are investigators of the FBI and Huck Bay branch, we should do our duty and investigate this matter well!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said, "well, anyway, it's better than sitting here doing nothing all day."

But Ye Feng said to the cat faced man, "this time is not for fun. This time, it may have involved the upper class of the Federation, so every step may be a abyss, and we are likely to be doomed! Are you all ready for that? "

Everyone can't help but take a deep breath when they hear this, and then a Nan asks Ye Feng, "you just said, the other side? That's the opposite of President Jock Emma. Who are they? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not clear yet. It may be the federal government, or it may be the opposite of the federal government. What we need to do now is that the two are not on the same side..."

But the cat faced man immediately said, "wait a minute, if I remember correctly, you have a gentleman's agreement with President Jock Emma. You promised him to overthrow the federal government, and he promised to keep a request for you..."

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, slowly spit it out, looking at the cat's face, "you also said that it is a gentleman's agreement, but you look at me horizontally and vertically, like what gentleman?"Cat face man can't help but be stunned, obviously he didn't expect Ye Feng to say such words, but he finally looked at Ye Feng with a smile and said, "if you say that, I feel much more comfortable! I don't think you're a gentleman! "

Ye Feng smiles and shrugs, "so, there is no gentleman's agreement. In this world, only one thing is eternal, and the rest is bullshit!"

When Ye Feng said this, everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Feng's face. At this time, Ye Feng deliberately lowered his voice and said in a deep voice, "interest! Only interests and congenial interests are eternal

Hearing what Ye Feng said, everyone could not help but feel a move. The cat faced man immediately asked Ye Feng, "if we do something that is not in your interest, what will we do?"

After all, the cat faced people asked all of them, especially the voice of A'nan, and they also took Ye Feng's answer with them.

Ye Feng asked cat face, "if what I do is not in your interest, I will take you to die intentionally? What would you do? "

The cat faced man was shocked and said with a smile, "what else can I do? Do it with you

Ye Feng also said with a smile, "that's right. If you don't conform to my interests, what can I do? But I won't do it with you immediately. I'll talk with you first. Interests can be negotiated. If it doesn't work out That's what you say. That's what you do! "

Hearing this, everyone felt a move again, especially ah Nan. They all couldn't help looking at Ye Feng more.

At this time, Ye Feng added, "but I don't believe we will go that far, because I won't let us have conflicts of interest, even if there are conflicts of interest, we will get together!" Then he looked at her, "don't you think so?"

A Nan didn't expect that Ye Feng would ask herself directly. After pondering for a moment, she said to Ye Feng, "I don't have any personal interests, even we don't have any. Now, our personal interests are to leave eisf alive and return to our own planet alive. This is our bottom line. I want to explain to my brothers!"

Ye Feng nodded, indicating that she could understand ah Nan's idea, but the cat faced man said, "ah Nan, I don't think that's right!"

It was the first time that the cat faced man refuted a-nan's words. People were puzzled and looked at the cat faced man, including a-nan. However, they heard the cat faced man continue to say, "since this is such a dangerous time, I think sacrifice is inevitable. If we have any sacrifice at that time, it is within the reasonable range!"

But a Nan looked at the cat's face and said, "don't you want to go home?"

The cat faced man shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, but after so much experience, I think we should be open-minded. We just go home to see our fate. If we don't come to eisf, but continue to wander in the universe, if there is an accident between us in the process of wandering, just like the guy with no face, do we still blame you? So I don't think it's Satan's fault, even if something happens to us at Esther! "

When they heard this, they could not help looking at the cat's face in surprise. Zhuo wanqiu said, "it's really rare that you speak for my brother Satan!"

The cat faced man shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have something to say, just what I have to say. I never speak to anyone. I just feel that since we all decide to stay, there's no need to compete with each other!"

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