A Nan said for the cat face man at this time, "he's right. Now that we've decided to stay, we'll be comrades in arms in the same front. Of course, we have to be one heart!"

Ye Feng nodded to ah Nan and cat face people, and then said to them, "since you all have the same meaning, then I will treat all of you here as my own people!"

The cat faced man snorted coldly, "you didn't take us all as your own people before?"

A Nan looked at the cat faced man and said, "listen to Satan!"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette at this time, immediately nodded to the crowd and said, "Monica and Zhuo wanqiu stay in the branch, do logistics work! No problem? "

Zhuo wanqiu can't help but say to Ye Feng, "Why are we logistics?"

Ye Feng took a look at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "so what other work do you think you can do?"

Zhuo wanqiu hesitated and said, "well, logistics is logistics, but what does logistics need to do?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "logistics is not so easy, you should rely on your own ability, familiar with the office equipment here, especially the network operation, we will contact you at any time, need you to help us get some information!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately nodded and said, "no problem, computer operation is my strong point, but the computer here seems to be different from our earth, everything is virtualized!"

The speechless Monica said at this time, "that's why she said we should familiarize ourselves with the office equipment here."

Zhuo wanqiu immediately nodded and said that there was no problem. After that, Monica nodded to Ye Feng and said, "there is no problem with me!"

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Scarlett and Dixie, "you are responsible for the investigation near the police station branch!"

Scarlett can't help frowning at Ye Feng and says, "what are you investigating?"

Ye Feng said, "record all the information you think may be useful and send it to Monica and Zhuo wanqiu. They are trying to share the information with everyone."

Scarlett frowned and said, "is the range of information we think may be useful too wide?"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett with a smile, "I believe you and Dixie's major, you must be able to distinguish what is useful and what is not!"

Without waiting for Scarlett to speak, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "I have no problem here, but what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "my daughter and I are in charge of other things, but we can't say exactly what it is for the time being. It should be the replacement, where we need to go!"

Dixi Si smell speech brow a wrinkly to see a leaf maple, and then looked at a Nan, a Nan politely toward Dixi si a nod.

Dixie immediately said, "I want to change my position with Aung!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "do you want to be dissatisfied with my distribution? Or do you want to watch me by my side? "

"Dixie immediately said," since you asked, I'll tell you straight, I want to see what you are going to do? "

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "the task I give you is the most suitable for you. Besides, since I promise you that I will investigate the results, I will never run away before that. Besides, if I want to run away, you can't stop me. In other words, if you are in my group, I may not want to tell you something for the time being, but you will see it If we can get it out, then it will be easy for us to have contradictions and disagreements. This is not conducive to the trust between us, but it is not good. It is better to separate us! "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, she pondered for a long time and didn't say a word. Scarlett then said to her, "come on, you can join me. He's right. If he really wants to leave, who can keep him?"

Listen to Scarlett said so, Dixie can't help nodding, toward Ye Feng said, "OK!"

The cat faced man immediately said, "what about me? What about us? "

Ye Feng looked at the cat face man and immediately said, "you three seats, special action team!"

"Cat face people do not understand the tunnel," special operations group? Isn't that the overall name of our office organization? "

Ye Feng said, "then you are the special action team in the special action team!"

The cat face man said, "don't say the name is so nice. We are also called special action team here, but it's just the role of a bench. Don't you also plan to let us be a bench?"

Ye Feng immediately said to the cat face, "of course, it won't be a bench. I said you are a special action team, so your task must be very special!"

When the cat faced man heard the words, he immediately said, "don't tell us what we have or don't have. Tell us what the three of us are doing? Save me guessing! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "you stay here for the time being, but once you need to find someone and catch someone, you three will immediately go out!"

When the cat faced man heard this, his face suddenly moved, "isn't that still sitting on the bench? Now that guy just tells us to take action and call us. What's the difference between the task you're giving us and that guy? "Ye Feng said, "it's a big difference. What Libo Zhihui gives us is polite words. Even if we stay here for a lifetime, maybe we won't have anything to do, but I really need you!"

The cat faced man immediately asked, "who do you want to catch? Who are you looking for? "

Ye Feng is toward the cat face humanity, "now no one, but with the deepening of the investigation, gradually some people in Huke Bay will come to the surface, at that time I'm afraid you can't do it!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, his face suddenly moved and he immediately said, "can't we do it? You look down on people, don't you

Ye Feng frowned and said, "so, this job is not difficult for you?"

The cat face man immediately nodded and said, "of course it's not difficult!"

Ye Feng just nodded and said, "so, there's no problem with you?"

The cat faced man immediately said, "of course, no problem!"

Ye Feng nodded with a smile, then snuffed out the cigarette, clapped his hands and said, "since everyone has no problem, it's so decided!"

Cat face a listen to this, this just know oneself on the Ye Feng routine, immediately stare Ye Feng a way, "I said no problem, not this problem!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "so say, still have a problem?"? If you have any questions, just say, "I'll find someone who can be competent..."

The cat face man immediately said, "I said this is no problem..."

Ye Feng frowned at the cat face, "do you have any problem?"

Cat face person Zheng Zheng ground looked at Ye Feng after a while way, "forget it, forget it, I say but you, I have no problem!"

Ye Feng can't help laughing and nodding to the cat face, "are you sure it's ok?"

The cat face person doesn't live the ground to say, "no problem, no problem, you say what!"

Ye Feng smiles and nods, then looks at Dixie and Scarlett and says, "since there is no problem, you should start. Dixie has been to the police station and knows where it is, so I don't have to say more about it?"

Then he immediately said to Dixie, "you can use the aircraft of the Federal Bureau. I've seen that the driving operation is very simple. It's a means of transportation in this era. I believe it's not difficult for you!"

Dixi Si nodded toward Ye Feng, and then walked toward the door. Scarlett nodded to Ye Feng immediately, and then followed Dixi Si out of the door.

Ye Feng then looked at his Zhuo wanqiu and Monika and said, "don't you look at it. There are computers on this desk. You can start to be familiar with it now. Don't wait to sharpen your guns in a hurry!"

As soon as Monica and Zhuo wanqiu listen to this, they immediately sit back in their own positions and begin to open the virtual computer on the desk. They begin to adapt to the new computer with virtual screen and virtual keyboard.

And Ye Feng then turned back to the cat face man, tree face man and ugly face man and said, "you three are waiting here!" Then he said to her, "follow me!"

A Nan a listen to this, immediately toward Ye Feng a nod, immediately follow Ye Feng toward the office door.

The cat faced man stood looking at the door, then said to a Nan, "a Nan!"

"What's the matter?" she said

The cat faced man shook his head and said, "nothing. Be careful!"

Ah Nan nodded and said, "I know!" Immediately followed Ye Feng out of the office.

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