After Ye Feng and her daughter left the office, Ye Feng didn't go to the aircraft as a substitute. Instead, he left the gate of the Federal Bureau and walked aimlessly on the streets full of western style in Huke Bay.

Ah Nan has been following Ye Feng all the time. Seeing the people on the street and the different customs, ah Nan can't help but look more. After all, she hasn't seen the world carefully since she came to eisf.

Ye Feng suddenly stops at this time, while a Nan is looking around behind her. She doesn't notice that Ye Feng suddenly stops and bumps into Ye Feng's back. She suddenly comes back to herself.

Ye Feng then turned to look at a girl, and then said, "don't you ask what to do with me?"

A Nan is stunned, immediately toward leaf maple a shrug a way, "you take me out, certainly have your purpose, you want to say with me, certainly will say to me!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at her and said, "do you trust me so much?"

After shrugging her shoulders, she said to Ye Feng, "I don't know why. I just have a sense of trust in my heart! I can't say how it feels! "

Ye Feng stares at her for a long time, but she doesn't speak. Her face turns red. She slowly lowers her head and doesn't dare to look at Ye Feng's eyes.

Ye Feng looked at her and said, "unconditional trust is not in line with your character! Now there is no one here, you can tell me the truth! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, she couldn't help looking up at Ye Feng. After a while, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "well, I admit that I like you, so I'm willing to believe what you said!"

Ye Feng did not have the slightest expression on her face, did not have the slightest change because of her confession, but her eyes were still staring at her.

This time, ah Nan was a little uncomfortable to see by Ye Feng again, but her face didn't turn red again. She just lowered her head.

Ye Feng then took a deep breath and lit a cigarette. Then he said to a Nan faintly, "if you really don't want to say it, it's OK, but if you keep a person's secret for a long time, it's likely that you will feel sick!"

A Nan said to Ye Feng immediately, "I have no secret!"

Ye Feng said to a Nan, "do you know it in your heart! No more words

After a long time of staring at Ye Feng, she turned around and looked at the mountain not far away. After taking a deep breath, she said, "since you can see it, you must know it. Why do you want me to say it?"

Ye Feng took a look at the girl beside him, and then looked up to the distance. Then he said, "I know it's different from you. I think people on our side will have their own careful thinking, but there won't be any major secrets, at least there won't be secrets that will affect us!"

A Nan glanced at Ye Feng at this time, and then said to Ye Feng, "if you cheat me, I'll admit it!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you think it's cheating, it's cheating, right? Jesterfield

On hearing this, a Nan's face suddenly changed. She immediately turned and looked at Ye Feng. She looked at each other for a long time and couldn't say a word.

Ye Feng turns around slowly, then looks at a Nan and says, "how? Surprised? Is that a familiar name? "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she was relieved and said with a smile, "I know I can't hide it from you!"

Ye Feng looked at her and said, "so, I guess right?"

But ah Nan frowned and said, "did you guess?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "otherwise? How else would I know jesteffe? "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "when did you find out? Can't it be the two old men who mentioned the name, and you remember it? "

Ye Feng said to a-nan, "of course not, but there are connections. I started from some realistic situations. After all, the four volunteers who went to the 982 micro universe have come back three times, and the fourth one has a good chance of coming back. It should be among us. I began to suspect that it should be my side, but I can't rule out your side !”

A Nan still does not understand ground looking at leaf Feng way, "this point reason seems to be some far fetched?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "that's right, so I've been observing you several people, plus Dante Emma's utilitarian thought of coming to eisf. I found that in the matter of coming to eisf, including the performance after arriving at eisf, only you have never resisted!"

A Nan immediately said, "didn't I show that I fell in love with you?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "women's love for men, if not from their heart, can be seen on the surface. I can see that you don't dislike me, but as for the fact that you have listened to me and I don't object to what I say, I have no feeling at all, so You are the same as Dante Emma from the beginning to the end. You approach our spaceship with purpose! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, a Nan said, "jesteffe is more masculine. Shouldn't he be a man? For example, the guy who doesn't like to talk should be more likely to arouse your suspicion? "Ye Feng said to a-nan, "according to our civilization in the micro universe, the name of jesteffe is indeed a bit masculine, but in the civilization of eisf, there is no such thing as masculinity or feminization. Therefore, jesteffe may be a man or a woman!"

A Nan Wen Yan stares at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just relaxed one breath after, Dynasty Ye Feng says, "it seems that is what all can't hide you!"

Ye Feng said to her, "your acting skills are very good. Even in Jock Emma, they replaced us with Elsie, you didn't reveal your identity. I don't think you just want to give everyone a surprise, do you?"

Then Ye Feng immediately added, "what's more, their introduction to you at that time was a federal senior engineer. In fact, this title is worth pondering!"

A Nan can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time and then said, "so what do you think this title has to ponder?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "all I can think of is my guess. According to the current situation and form of Eve, your title will inevitably make me suspect that you may actually be a member of the experiment sent by the Federation to sneak into Jock Emma, and even the whole plan is more than you. There will be a large number of people like you who have infiltrated into the project It's in the middle! And you're the only one lucky enough to come back! "

Listen to Ye Feng say here, see Ye Feng did not continue to say meaning, immediately said, "no? Is there nothing to add? "

But Ye Feng shrugged to her and said, "the next thing to add is you"

after a moment's meditation, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "so you separate me from you, just want to ask me this question alone?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't want to ask these questions. You want me to ask them in front of the kittens!"

But a Nan says with a smile to Ye Feng, "you are quite thinking of me!" After taking a deep breath, he said, "well, first of all, I have to admit that your wisdom is really higher than ordinary people, and your guess is almost right! I'm really jestefeld! "

Ye Feng hears the speech, slightly nods, obviously he has already decided that a Nan is the same as Jester fee, completely determined, without the slightest doubt.

Jesteffe then continued to say to Ye Feng, "and you guessed that I entered the volunteer ranks of this experiment, there is almost no mistake, I am indeed a federal person! Once such a big plan is proved to be true, what reaction will it cause? No one can predict or even control it. Do you think it is possible that the federal government will not try to control it? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "impossible! It makes sense

Jesteffe said immediately, "that's it!"

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "then what's your memory? Fully recovered, or half recovered, just like us? "

"How do you say that? In a word, I remember all that I should remember. There may be some differences in the memory of some small problems, but the impact is not very big! "

Ye Feng heard Jester fee say so, immediately asked Jester fee in a deep voice, "then did you know me before?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, jesterfield asked Ye Feng, "do you think we know each other?"

Ye Feng looked at Jester fee for a long time, then nodded his head. "I think we must have known each other before, at least we had a meeting!"

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