Jaster fee can't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he shrugs and says, "maybe!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help a wrinkly ground looking at the Jie si te Fei way, "listen to your tone, seem to still more than one side of the predestined relationship so simple!"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "now your memory hasn't been fully recovered. I'll talk to you again, which means I'm talking to myself! It's meaningless. Since you can't remember anything, let's wait until you remember everything yourself! "

Ye Feng was shocked when he heard what jesterfield said. He felt that jesterfield had something to say in his words, and he also felt that he and jesterfield should be more than just a one-sided relationship.

However, Ye Feng also thinks that there is a certain truth in what jesterfeld said. Many of his memories about eisf are blank now. Even if jesterfeld says something to himself now, he is at best skeptical and does not necessarily believe it.

Jester fee saw Ye Feng staring at himself for a long time and didn't say a word. At this time, he said, "but before you recover your memory, I hope you will keep my identity secret!"

But Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "your main purpose is to keep a few of your friends secret, right?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said with approval, "yes, if your friend knows that you are Mrs. ace, but pretends to be like them and is unfamiliar with everything about eisf, your friend will be angry!"

Ye Feng nodded, saying that he agreed to jesterfield's request, but he asked, "then why do you want to bring them here?"

Jesteffe said, "in fact, it's not deliberate. It's just a coincidence. Later, I thought they were all good people, so I wanted to bring them here. After all, now you know that the universe before us was just an artificial universe. Comparatively speaking, this is the main universe. Since we can live in the main universe, why do we have to live in it What about the universe before that, which was coerced and controlled by people? "

Ye Feng smell speech also can't help nodding, and then stretched his waist, said to jesterfield, "since everything has been said, there will be no mustard in the future!"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jesterfield said, "that's not necessarily. Maybe you will hate me after your memory is completely restored!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help a wrinkly way, "it seems that we not only are not a predestined relationship before, but also contact a lot of ah!"

Jesteffe said, "that's what I said. When your memory is restored, you will know everything!"

Ye Feng smell speech stare at Jester fee to see after a long time, this just said, "forget it, as you said, all wait for later to say!"

Jesterfield nodded at this time, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "since your doubts have been solved, can we go back?"

But Ye Feng said, "not yet. It's just not important to ask your identity. Even if you don't admit it today, I will acquiesce!"

Jaster Fei frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "maybe it's hesitation, my memory is incomplete, so I'm still a little strange to the world of eisf, but my impression of eisf is not so backward, right?"

Jasfield immediately nodded, "this is just a remote island. Since the founding of the Federation, countless urban agglomerations have been formed. Almost all the development is around these urban agglomerations. As for other remote areas, the development speed is not so fast! Huke Bay is OK. Some places are worse than here! "

Ye Feng listened to jesterfield's words, then nodded and said, "that's it, I say, those steel cities in my memory, high-rise buildings everywhere, flying cars everywhere in the air, I don't feel it here at all!"

Just then, several aircrafts flew by at the same time on the road. The speed was extremely fast. The upper and lower rows were in three rows. In a flash, they disappeared from the end of the street.

Ye Feng can't help looking at the end of the street, but jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "what you expected may have happened!"

Ye Feng heart next move, immediately take out the era of communication device, to make a phone call to the past.

After a long time, Dixie just got through the phone, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly appeared a virtual picture of Dixie, asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter!"

Ye Feng immediately reminded Dixie, "there are scattered aircraft in your direction, you and Scarlett be careful!"

After hearing his brow, he could not help looking at Ye Feng and nodded, "I know!" Then he hung up.

Ye Feng put away the phone, and then toward the side of jesterfield said, "go, we immediately rushed to the police station!"

But jesterfield didn't speak. Ye Feng frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Jestfeld said, "I've taken pictures of the three airplanes just now. I'm sending the pictures to my friends and asking them to analyze them for Monika and Zhuo wanqiu to see where the three airplanes came from!"Speaking of this, he turned around and ran to the front and said, "pass it, let's go!"

Seeing this, Ye Feng quickly followed up and ran forward with jesteffe. After a few steps, he heard a loud bang in front of him. The sound rang between heaven and earth, and even felt the ground tremble slightly.

Then Ye Feng saw a thick black smoke rising not far in front of him, rushing to the sky. The direction should be the direction of the police station.

Ye Feng immediately began to run towards the police station. At this time, more and more people ran out of the buildings on both sides of the road and looked in the direction of the black smoke. Obviously, they also heard the sound of the explosion just now.

When Ye Feng and jesteffe arrive, Ye Feng finds that half of the buildings at the gate of the police station have collapsed, that is, the collapsed building is emitting black smoke outside, while the three aircrafts just seen are parked at the gate of the police station, but the cabin doors of the three aircrafts are open, but there is no one inside.

Ye Feng looked around, but did not see the trace of Dixie and Scarlett. He secretly prayed that they would find a place to hide after hearing their phone call.

At this time, inside the gate of the police station, a lot of people in police uniforms rushed out with their mouths covered. There were several police robots in the middle, and their mouths were still directing people not to panic.

Ye Feng stepped forward at this time, grabbed a policeman who escaped and asked, "what's the matter?"

The policeman looked at Ye Feng in panic and said, "we were attacked. Those people are in the police station..." Then he immediately turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at the door of the police station, and then walked towards the gate, opposite to the police running out.

The police saw Ye Feng go to the door, immediately grabbed Ye Feng and said in a loud voice, "are you crazy? Why do you go in at this time? "

Ye Feng didn't talk much. After breaking away from the police, he immediately continued to walk towards the door, and the speed of walking became faster and faster, and finally became a trot.

Jesteffe immediately followed him. At the gate of the police station, the robot in charge of commanding the police order who escaped saw Ye Feng and jesteffe. He immediately stopped them and said, "it's too dangerous in here. No one can enter!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the robot police, "we are FBI investigators..."

As soon as the robot police heard this, they immediately looked up and down at Ye Feng and jesteffe with their eyes. They said that looking up is actually scanning. In an instant, they found the records of Ye Feng and jesteffe. What they really showed was the investigators of the FBI and Huck Bay branch, but it was strange that they were all employed today.

The robot police didn't stop Ye Feng and jesteffe. Ye Feng and jesteffe walked in towards the door, only to find the bodies of several policemen lying on the ground and the bombed aircraft.

The metal door of a building in the back has been blown open by the bomb. Occasionally, laser can be seen flying around. It is obvious that someone is using laser weapons.

Ye Feng is just about to go that way. A robot police officer comes up to them, stops them, hands them a laser machine gun, and says, "the bandits have heavy weapons. Be careful!"

Ye Feng and jastefer both looked at the robot police with grateful eyes, then took the laser machine gun in his hand, and immediately ran towards the gate of the building behind.

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