Ye Feng and jasteffe rush to the door, and then they see two shadows running from the back to the front door. Both of them are wearing headscarves, masks and protective glasses. When they see Ye Feng and jasteffe, they are stunned and slow down.

Ye Feng and jesteffe see this scene is also a face change, also instinctively slow down the pace, after all, two people are not sure who the other is, but after seeing clearly, Ye Feng immediately toward jesteffe called, "a Nan, attention! It's them

As soon as jestfel heard this, he immediately raised his laser machine gun and fired at the two people in front of him. The two people came to see Ye Feng and jestfel were not in police uniform, and they were still wondering who they were. At this time, they all came back to their senses, and then they yelled, retreating and shooting at Ye Feng and jestfel.

At this time, Ye Feng also shot at them with his gun. There were laser guns on both sides. There were several burnt bullet hole marks on the wall where the laser went.

The two men's shooting technique had retreated. At first sight, they were professional. They quickly hid on both sides of the back wall. At the same time, Ye Feng heard someone shouting, "there are thorns!"

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he suddenly lost his mind. This is an unpopular professional word. It doesn't exist in the mainstream vocabulary of eisf. It should be a nickname for special people.

The most important thing is that Ye Feng faintly felt that he had heard this name, but he couldn't remember when and where. In a word, this memory should not exist on the earth. It should be in his dusty memory here.

Jastefer and Ye Feng also hide on both sides of the door. Ye Feng looks at jastefer at this time, and her heart is also strange. Jastefer is a senior engineer in the display of information, but her way of holding a gun is a bit like that of a senior gunner.

However, Ye Feng is not in the mood to guess what kind of career jesteffe used to be in before eisf, who these people are hiding in the police station, what their purpose is, who their target is, and whether it is related to the arrest of Jock Emma.

At this time, Ye Feng heard a buzzing sound, which seemed to come from the top of his head. He immediately looked up to the sky, but saw a guy with the same scarf, mask and goggles. At this time, he was in the middle of the air, and he didn't rely on any equipment. He was pointing a laser machine gun at Ye Feng and jestfel.

Ye Feng saw this, his heart immediately a Lin, and then toward jesterfield there yelled, "pay attention to the top of the head!" With that, he immediately jumped to one side.

At the same time that Ye Feng jumps away, a series of lasers start to line along the wall, and the whole wall is directly cut by the laser from the middle.

When jestfel heard Ye Feng's hint, she immediately dodged to one side. However, she saw that the other side didn't shoot at her. She immediately squatted on the ground, picked up the laser machine gun in her hand, and shot into the air.

All the laser beams hit the man in the air in an instant. He flew over the roof and hid on the roof.

Ye Feng this time, the body will be tightly attached to the wall, looked up at the top of his head, mouth is still saying, "this guy is superman?"

Jesteffe then said to Ye Feng, "what Superman, his clothes have magnetic levitation force, after special restructuring!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, in the heart secret way, magnetic levitation? There's a scientific term for this on earth, and there's a scientific term for this on eisf?

However, on the earth, the magnetic levitation force is generally used in the research of trains and other major equipment. Don't you want to use it in the research of clothes in eisf?

Ye Feng said in his heart that he must know these things before, but now he knows nothing, so it's strange to see them.

The hum is still coming from the top of the head. Ye Feng and jastefer look at the top of the head against the wall. They know that the guy doesn't fall, but continues to float in the air. But at this time, he is blocked by the building, so they can't see it. Maybe it's somewhere on the top of the building, looking for an angle, ready to attack them again.

At the same time, there was a sound of footstep inside the door. It seemed that those guys were using the guy on the top of their head as a cover, trying to highlight the "encirclement".

Ye Feng said to jester at this time, "a Nan..." When he saw jesteffe looking at himself, he immediately pointed to the top of his head, meaning to make jesteffe pay attention to the guy on the top of his head.

And Ye Feng himself began to approach the door gradually, and the footsteps in the door were getting closer, and it seemed that there was more than one person.

Just at this time, he saw jesterfield shooting at Ye Feng's sky. At the same time, the footsteps in the door quickened, and they rushed out from time to time.

The two were still dressed as headscarves, masks and goggles. They also held laser machine guns in their hands. However, as soon as the probe was put on, Ye Feng immediately fired at them.

The two obviously didn't expect that Ye Feng was waiting for them. They immediately started to step back and shoot back at Ye Feng. At this time, the guy playing with magnetic levitation clothes on the top of his head was also there. As soon as he reached his head, he was beaten back by jesterfield.At this time, outside the main gate of the police station, many of the policemen who had already run out had come back and stood on both sides of the gate, holding laser machine guns, and many of them had surrounded the police station.

At the same time, Libo Zhihui, who is on the other side of Huke Bay Federal Bureau, also received the news and is leading the team to this side.

At this time, Ye Feng saw that the buzzing sound on his head suddenly disappeared, and the footstep in the door also disappeared. His heart suddenly moved.

But at this time, Ye Feng's brain is still constantly searching for the word thorn, the total feeling is about to come out, but that layer of window paper is always stuck.

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng at this time, "magnetic levitation clothes are not what ordinary people can wear. These guys must have a lot of talent!"

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and asked, "who do you think they might be?"

Jesterfield shrugged. "I don't know!"

Ye Feng asked again, "the opposition?"

Jesteffe said, "it doesn't look like the villains are so blatant to me. Either I go to the micro universe and what has changed over the years, I think these guys are a bit like geeks and pioneers in their way of doing things!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "geek pioneer?" It seems that I am familiar with this word in my mind, but just like that thorn, I always feel ready to come out, but I just can't get it out of my mind.

At the same time, Libo Zhihui has arrived with his subordinates from the Federal Bureau, and is negotiating with the person in charge of the police station at the gate of the police station.

The person in charge of the police station told Libo Zhihui, "you have two colleagues who are exchanging fire with the gang inside."

Libo Zhihui asked with a moving eyebrow, "our people? Who is it? "

On one side, a robot policeman came and said, "it should be Ye Feng and a Nan! According to the information, they all joined your branch today! "

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he was shocked and looked at the gate of the police station. He muttered, "is it them? It's fast! "

Thinking of Libo, Zhihui immediately asked the robot police, "who is the other party? Do you have any information?"

The eyes of the robot police shot a faint light, and then several virtual mannequins appeared in front of the crowd. They were all guys with headscarves, masks and goggles.

The head of the police station said, "according to the data, these people should be the pioneers of geeks who have just emerged in recent years!"

Li Bo Zhihui frowned and said, "it's these guys. Don't these guys often live in the western hemisphere? How did you get here? "

The head of the police department shook his head and said, "it's not clear. At least we have never found any trace of these guys in Huck Bay. This is the first time in history!"

After pondering for a moment, Libo Zhihui immediately asked, "where is Dean Jock Emma? Is he living or dead now?"

The person in charge of the police station shook his head and said, "when these guys came, they rushed to the back directly. The purpose and target were not clear. Moreover, the surveillance system of the police station was completely destroyed. I don't know the situation inside for the time being!"

When Libo Zhihui heard this, his heart could not help but move, and his face was even more anxious. However, when he thought that Ye Feng and a Nan were inside, he was a little more settled in his heart!

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