Libo Zhihui immediately took something similar to a walkie talkie from the person in charge of the police force and asked him, "has the public address been turned on?"

Seeing that the person in charge of the police station nodded, he immediately said to the walkie talkie, "listen to the people inside, you are completely surrounded. Please give up your resistance immediately..."

Li Bo Zhihui's voice came from almost every angle of the whole police station when he called. Even the voice seemed as clear as everyone's ear in the police station.

Libo Zhihui continued, "Huke Bay's laser gun has been adjusted to the current police station, so even if you have the ability to go to heaven and earth, you can't escape here! It's better to give up resistance, maybe there's still a chance to survive! "

After listening to Li Bo Zhihui's words, Ye Feng sees that the geek pioneers are not moving at all. He doesn't know whether they are frightened by Li Bo Zhihui's words.

Ye Feng can't help but say to jesterfield at this time, "is there a laser gun in Huke Bay?"

Jesterfield shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. I don't know much about this island! But as far as I know, laser cannons have been set up in many cities in the Federation, but I don't know if Huck Bay has one! "

At this time, some of the geek pioneers inside yelled to the outside, "just bomb here, but don't forget that there are many of you here, as well as some suspects who have not been tried. They will become our funeral objects. What are we afraid of?"

Although the sound was not very loud, it was like a sharp sword. It passed directly from the two gates to Li Bo Zhihui's ears outside the gate. Naturally, the police outside also heard it.

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, he immediately asked the police department in charge of humanity, "in addition to the gang of geek pioneers, Ye Feng and a Nan, how many of your colleagues and how many suspects are there in the police department?"

The person in charge of the police station on one side shook his head to show that he didn't know. However, a robot police officer said to Li Bo Zhihui, "according to my data, there are at least 13 of our colleagues in it, nine of them are human beings, four of them are my kind, and as for the suspect, there may be more than 30 more..."

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he could not help but frown and scolded in secret, "these are 40 or 50 hostages!"

The person in charge of the police station then said to Zhihui Chao Libo, "and your two colleagues, if it's not good, they will be their hostages! Besides, it is said that the gang of geek pioneers are very vicious. Even if they escape, they will kill the hostages. Didn't you use the laser gun in the city? When it's time, just fire it... "

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, he looked at the police station and said, "are you crazy? You and my colleagues are still in it, and there are still 40 or 50 lives! "

But the head of the police said to Li Bo Zhihui, "of course I know, but you may not know these guys. If we can't catch them, the disaster of Huke Bay will come. They may make Huke Bay restless, or even directly destroy the whole Huke bay!"

Libo Zhihui takes a deep breath. He has heard about the geek pioneers for a long time. According to the rumor, these guys are all despicable terrorist gangsters, murderers and extremists. What the person in charge of the police station said may really happen.

However, he was in charge of humanity to the police station in a low voice at this time. "I said that the laser gun was aimed here, but it was to fool these guys. How can I have the authority to mobilize the city defense military facilities?"

The person in charge of the police station frowned at him and said, "what shall we do now?"

After taking a deep breath, Libo Zhihui took charge of humanity in the police station. "It seems that all hope can only be placed on my two colleagues!"

However, the robot police reminded Libo Zhihui, "don't forget that these two colleagues are just the investigators who have just joined today. The general investigators are only civil servants. Are they competent?"

After hearing the speech and taking a deep breath, Libo Zhihui said to the robot police, "I don't know. I hope they are competent."

At this time, Ye Feng and jesteffe are still hiding on the side walls of the gate. They listen to the movement behind the door and on the roof. At this time, they are quiet, which makes people feel uneasy.

But at this time, a geek pioneer behind the door said with a loud smile, "what laser gun is aimed at here? It's just fooling us I hacked into the city defense system of Huke Bay and found that the laser gun didn't move at all It's ridiculous... "

Ye Feng and jesteffe heard this. They couldn't help but move. Ye Feng thought that Libo Zhihui had mobilized the laser gun. Anyway, they could at least suppress these geek pioneers. They didn't expect Libo Zhihui was bragging.

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, his heart was cold. After a moment, he immediately looked at the robot police and the person in charge of the police station on one side and said in a deep voice, "can these guys sneak into the city defense system of Huke Bay? It's incredible. The security capability of the system can't be solved by any two hackers... "

The person in charge of the police station frowned when he heard this. The federal city defense system is a central control system, and the global joint defense system. The security settings can be regarded as the nightmare of global hackers. Since the day the system was formed, it has launched a challenge task to hackers all over the world. As long as someone can break into the federal city defense system, he will be rewarded with 100 million federal dollars.What's the equivalent of 100 million federal dollars? You can buy half a building in the prime location of the world's first city, lonasburg. This temptation can be seen. Over the years, hackers have flocked to the 100 million federal dollars, but so far no hacker has successfully invaded the federal city defense system. This Geek pioneer actually claims to have invaded? It's incredible.

Libo Zhihui, of course, also knew this. At this time, he and the person in charge of the police station looked at each other. They both saw the doubt in each other's eyes and knew that the other was suspecting that he was an insider.

Seeing this, Libo Zhihui took a deep breath and was responsible for humanity to the police station. "There are only two of us here. Assuming that the federal city defense system is impossible to be broken, there must be a geek pioneer inside between us!"

The person in charge of the police station, with a heavy face, hums coldly to Libo Zhihui, "this is what I want to say to you. There must be an insider between us, but I'm not. It's only you!"

Li Bo Zhihui also snorted coldly, "I think it might be you here..."

At the same time, the person in charge of the police station and Libo Zhihui instinctively step back and stare at each other for a long time.

Then Libo Zhihui suddenly realized that the police station was responsible for humanity, "now it's not just the two of us!"

The person in charge of the police station immediately took a look around. Other policemen and people from the Federal Bureau are near the door. Where else are there people around them?

However, Libo Zhihui turns his head and looks at the robot police on one side. When the person in charge of the police station sees this, he immediately moves again and looks at the robot police. He has always been instinctive and has not seen the robot police as human beings.

Even if he just looked around and saw the robot police standing on one side, he didn't want to count him. Moreover, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that although the operating system of the robot police is not as strict as the federal city defense system, it is also one of the top secret systems of the police station, and it won't be cracked so easily.

When the robot policeman saw that Libo Zhihui was staring at him, he immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "don't you doubt me? I use the central system. The police all over the world use the same system, and it will be incorporated into the federal city defense system in the future. I can't be hacked! "

When Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he could not help frowning. In fact, he certainly knew that the robot police system was not so easy to crack. After all, the Federal Bureau was also using this kind of service-oriented robot. He was also clear about the strictness of the system, and he used almost the same system as the police department.

But this is strange, and then he can't help looking at the surprised police station in charge of humanity, "then you are the only one possible!"

As soon as the person in charge of the police station heard this, he immediately looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "why is there only one possibility left for me? Aren't you also a possibility?"

Suddenly, it seems that the initial state of suspicion has returned. Libo Zhihui and the person in charge of the police station distrust each other and suspect each other.

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