At this time, Ye Feng is also in a state of anxiety. Now they can only hide behind the walls on both sides and dare not move. After all, the guy who used to use magnetic levitation clothes on the roof must be hiding on the roof.

As long as they leave the wall, they may enter his strength range and become the live targets of his shooting. The fire must be everywhere behind the door. As long as they show up, they can be beaten into meat sauce immediately.

But at the same time, Ye Feng knows that the geek pioneers don't dare to show their heads casually. Although the laser guns may not be aimed at this side, there are many snipers from the police department and the FBI branch nearby aiming at this side. Their worries are similar to those of Ye Feng and jestfeld.

At this moment, several geek pioneers behind the door were leaning against the wall, holding laser weapons in their hands, wearing headscarves and goggles. They couldn't see each other's faces. However, judging from the ups and downs of their chest, they should not be very nervous. It seemed that they were recidivists in this big scene.

At this time, two people came out of a room in the back building. One was wearing a headscarf, a mask and goggles, and the other was Jock Emma. Jock Emma had apparently just been taken out of the detention room.

Jock Emma went to the corridor railings and took a look at the situation in front of her. She frowned slightly and took a look at the half collapsed building not far away, which is still smoking. She immediately said coldly to the people on one side, "as for making such a big noise?"

But the man shrugged at Jock Emma and said, "you know how tight the federal security has been for so many years. It's almost impossible to take you away without any action. Only in this way can you have a chance!"

After hearing this, jock Emma could not help but look at the man beside her. Then she took a deep breath and looked around again. Then she said, "now you're making such a big stir, let alone Huck Bay. It's estimated that the news has reached longarsenburg! And I don't think you have a way to leave, do you? "

After pondering for a while, the man said, "if we don't have full assurance, we won't decide to do it. Now that we do it, you can rest assured that we will take you away from here, but you have to be patient and wait!"

Jock Emma looked at the humanity around her with a slight movement. "Wait? What are you waiting for? Wait for the federal government to send other support to Huck Bay? "

After laughing, the man looked at the distance and didn't answer Jock Emma's words.

On the contrary, the laughter made Jock Emma's heart tremble. She could not help looking at the man again. Then her face moved again. "It seems that your rescue is just a cover, and there are other purposes?"

The man said to Jock Emma, "don't ask too much. I'll take you away anyway."

But Jock Emma said to the man, "I want to talk to ricksen!"

The man glanced at his wrist phone watch and said to Jock Emma, "they've cut off all the communication systems in the police station. There's no signal to contact the outside. Don't worry, you'll see ricksen!"

After pondering for a while, jock Emma didn't speak any more. She just stared at her eyes, but her mind was running fast, thinking about what these guys wanted to do besides save themselves?

Soon, jock Emma's brain flashed, as if she had thought of something. She looked at the man in a dazed way. She wanted to say something, but finally she closed her mouth and said nothing.

At this time, on the other side of Yefeng outside the door, jesteffe took a look at Yefeng and said to Yefeng, "I can't wait any longer. I feel that those guys are not worried at all. We are completely following their rhythm. It's very bad for us and good for them!"

In fact, Ye Feng also felt that the gang of geek pioneers were completely surrounded, but they were not nervous at all, and they were not worried.

Generally, in this situation of being surrounded heavily, the bandits have hostages in their hands. They should contact the police in a hurry and use the hostages as a threat to ask the police to provide a way for them to leave safely.

However, it seems that these guys inside have never asked for anything except to tell the police outside that they have No. 40 or 50 hostages in their hands.

The strangest thing is that there is no news from the police and Libo Zhihui outside. It seems that the whole situation is deadlocked here.

Just because of this, Ye Feng and jasterfeld, who are in the middle of the two groups, seem to be very passive. They seem to have made sandwich biscuits, neither withdrawing nor attacking.

Now that jestefeld says this, Ye Feng also realizes that he can't spend it indefinitely any more. He even suspects that the police and Libo Zhihui may even hope that they, as pioneers of the police and the FBI, will fight with these gangsters first, so that they can make a profit.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to jesterfield, then pointed to the direction of the door, and pointed to the direction of the roof, with a sign to jesterfield.Jesterfield actually understood Ye Feng's meaning completely. He asked himself to stare at the direction of the door, and Ye Feng wanted to climb to the top of the building from here, so he solved the guy on the top of the building first.

Seeing this, jesteffe immediately continued to speak to Ye Feng and said, "you can't take such a risk. If you climb to the middle of the climb and are found by the other party, or the other party is ready to stand out and find you, you will be in a dilemma!"

Ye Feng replied to jestefeld in spoken English, "there's no other way but to take a gamble!" After that, Ye Feng immediately put away the laser machine gun, carried it behind him, and began to climb upstairs with bare hands.

This kind of Western architecture is built with large stones. The gap between the stones is relatively large, which is convenient for climbing. But not everyone dares to do so. After all, there are certain risks.

When Jester Fei saw that Ye Feng had already said that he would do it, it meant that he would say nothing more. On the contrary, it was easy to expose Ye Feng's tracks, so he simply said nothing.

At this time, outside the gate of the police station, Libo Zhihui and the person in charge of the police station were still looking at each other, as if they were looking at each other, feeling that they could see the flaws and clues in each other's eyes.

This is the robot police said to them, "you are so suspicious of each other is not the way, and there is a third possibility, that is, they have already captured the location of the city laser cannons, so they will see through your lies!"

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui and the person in charge of the police station heard this, they suddenly looked at the robot police. In fact, it's not impossible. After all, these geek pioneers dare to burst into the police station like this. What's more, they dare not do.

At this time, the person in charge of the police station immediately said, "our Huke Bay has always been a remote island. There are not many police forces, let alone garrison forces, because in recent years, after there are many more places for scientific experiments on the island, we have increased some police forces and deployed a laser gun. Moreover, it is a low-level laser gun, which is not as powerful as those high-level laser guns at all..."

Libo Zhihui knew all these things. After a moment of pondering, he said, "how many people are there on the other side of the laser Fort?"

The person in charge of the police station said, "generally there will be a class of garrison there, about ten people..."

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "bad..."

The person in charge of the police station can't help frowning, "what's wrong?"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "the other side has hostages in their hands, but they don't have any requirements for us, and they are not in a hurry to leave. It's obvious that they are well prepared..."

The person in charge of the police station could not help nodding and said, "that's right! They seem to be waiting for something! Just don't know what to wait for! "

Hearing the speech, Li Bo Zhihui immediately said to the person in charge of the police station, "don't you understand? They don't need to leave here at all, let alone break through our encirclement. If the laser fort is captured by them, it's very likely that the design goal of the fort has been targeted at us now... "

On hearing this, the person in charge of the police station suddenly changed his face. He looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "aim at us? What do you mean

Libo Zhihui nodded and said, "yes, they are waiting for us to be attacked!"

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