When the person in charge of the police station heard this, his heart suddenly moved. He looked up and looked at it aimlessly. It seemed that he had predicted from his eyes what direction the laser gun was coming from. And once he was hit by the laser gun, all his colleagues here would turn into ashes instantly, and all the surrounding buildings and facilities would be destroyed. I think of this scene They had a cold war.

However, after he recovered, Libo Zhihui had turned around and went in another direction. The person in charge of the police station immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "where are you going?"

Libozhi Hui said without looking back, "where else can I go, of course, to eliminate this possibility!"

When the person in charge of the police station heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he immediately followed up and said, "I'll go with you!"

Libo Zhihui went to the side of an aircraft, looked at the person in charge of the police station, but did not say anything. He directly sat in the aircraft. After the person in charge of the police station came up, he immediately started the aircraft, turned around and flew in the direction of the laser gun.

At the same time, Libo Zhihui also used the voice system on the aircraft to contact his staff, "immediately shoot me ten of our best separated people to join me..."

As Libo Zhihui's aircraft flies away, Ye Feng climbs up the wall and sees that there is still a little distance to the top of the building. At this time, he looks down at the bottom and sees that jesteffe is still standing in the original place. His eyes glance at his side from time to time. The laser machine gun in his hand is facing the door, covering for himself.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng immediately climbed up to the roof. When his hand just caught the edge of the roof, the man on the roof found Ye Feng. He rushed to the edge of the roof immediately.

Ye Feng heard the sound of footsteps, heart suddenly a Lin, know that this time he must be dangerous, but he does not go up now, wait for the guy to the edge, he is also dangerous.

Just thinking about it, at this time, the person on the top of the building has fired a shot at Ye Feng. Suddenly, the wall on the other side is instantly powdered by the laser, and the wall Ye Feng grabs with his hand immediately falls off.

Ye Feng immediately felt a sense of weightlessness. He immediately retracted his hand. Fortunately, his other hand was still on the wall below. At this time, he immediately propped his hands on a prominent stone on the roof of the building, trying to keep his body close to the wall.

At the same time, the man on the top of the building also appeared, holding the gun in his hand, ready to shoot at Ye Feng below, but the downstairs jesteffe immediately raised his gun at the man.

An aurora moment came in front of the man, who was really scared. Before he could shoot Ye Feng, he immediately drew back.

And Ye Feng also took advantage of this opportunity to immediately reach out, hook the edge of the roof, the body a force, immediately the whole body turned up.

As soon as Ye Feng went up, he saw that the man on the roof was hiding behind the wall on one side. When he saw Ye Feng coming up, he immediately shot at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, immediately a carp, the whole body directly jumped up, and then along the edge of the roof railings kept running to the front.

The railing behind Ye Feng is constantly beaten by the guy's laser gun on the roof. If Ye Feng doesn't run fast, even if the laser doesn't hit Ye Feng's body, he will fall downstairs directly because the stones on the railing fall off.

Downstairs, jesteffe saw Ye Feng running along the edge of the roof. His heart was completely frightened by Ye Feng and raised to his throat. Then he saw that there were stones or powder falling behind him. He knew that Ye Feng must have been attacked by the man on the roof.

But jesterfield is downstairs at this time. The man on the top of the building finds a shelter. He can't see the man from his own point of view and can't help Ye Feng. He can only pray for Ye Feng in his heart.

At this time, Ye Feng had already run to his head along the edge of the roof, and then jumped directly towards the interior of the roof. As soon as he landed, he immediately rolled on the spot, and then found a shelter and hid behind it.

Seeing this, the man on the top of the building immediately stood up, holding the laser gun in his hand, and made a fierce attack on the shelter where Ye Feng was hiding. Under the laser, the shelter was vulnerable, and it was completely destroyed in less than two seconds.

However, after the bunker was destroyed, the man on the top of the building turned pale. There was no trace of Ye Feng behind the bunker. His heart suddenly turned cold and he immediately looked around with his eyes, trying to find Ye Feng's hiding place as soon as possible.

But the man on the top of the building glanced around and didn't find Ye Feng's place. He couldn't help feeling empty, and then he immediately fell on the ground. After all, he couldn't show up for long. First, he wanted to prevent Ye Feng from being in the dark, but he became a live target. Second, he wanted to prevent the police from hiding in the distance.

The man on the top of the building lies on the top of the building and begins to crawl forward. His eyes always pay attention to Ye Feng's movement. In fact, when Ye Feng climbs up, he doesn't solve Ye Feng. He already indicates that he has been in trouble.

But I don't think that the man on the top of the building is in big trouble. At this moment, he suddenly feels murderous behind him. He suddenly turns around and holds the laser gun in his hand. He turns back with a shot.But before he had time to pull the switch, the laser gun in his hand was immediately kicked away by the shadow behind him. Before he could feel it, the shadow rushed up and grabbed his neck.

The man on the top of the building is moved. He has recognized that this man is Ye Feng he is looking for, and he has noticed that Ye Feng is also wearing a laser gun. He has been around his back. Why not attack him directly, but use melee instead?

But he didn't think much about it. He took advantage of the moment when Ye Feng rushed up, immediately took out a dagger from his leg and stabbed it at Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng then turned aside and stood up after rolling on the ground. He glanced at his chest and found that his clothes had been cut by the dagger of the goods.

The man on the top of the building immediately sat up and licked his dagger on his mouth. Then he slowly stood up and squatted on the ground, with sharp eyes staring at Ye Feng, just like an eagle dog.

Ye Feng stood there staring at the man, but with a cold smile, a look of contempt. He also waved to the man, indicating that he would come to fight.

That person really can't stand provocation, immediately a jump body, brandish the dagger in the hand, directly toward the leaf maple jumped up.

When Ye Feng saw this, he jumped to avoid it. At the same time, he kicked a roundabout side kick directly at the man's head. After the kick, he immediately took it back to prevent the man from attacking his leg with a dagger.

The man was directly kicked to the ground by Ye Feng, his head was covered, and he didn't recover for a long time. When he was a little sober, he immediately sat up and glared at Ye Feng, but he saw that Ye Feng was still standing not far away, waving to him.

The anger in that person's heart immediately was completely hooked up by Ye Feng. Immediately he stood up again, grunted, and rushed to Ye Feng again in an instant.

Ye Feng didn't move this time. His eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the goods. The man saw that Ye Feng was so weak. He felt that Ye Feng must have some conspiracy, but he stopped.

At the same time, the goods heart suddenly a Lin, he stood up, not to become the target of the police sniper, Ye Feng must be deliberately angered himself, let himself stand up, so that the police sniper to deal with himself, think immediately squat down, look around, this height is just good, there is no higher angle around to snipe himself.

He at this time toward the leaf maple stuffy hum a way, "have a kind of squat down to hit!"

Ye Feng smell speech frown to see that person, immediately after a shrug, also slowly squat down the body, and toward that person waved.

Seeing this, the man was very angry, and immediately roared again. He squatted and quickly rushed up to Ye Feng, and the dagger in his hand went up to the key of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't dodge at this time, but faced the enemy directly. When the dagger came, he immediately grasped the wrist of the goods. At the same time, one foot stepped on the ground, and the other foot instantly kicked up and hit the chin of the goods.

The goods didn't expect that Ye Feng's hands and feet were so fast. In an instant, the whole body kicked by Ye Feng had a back somersault and fell on the ground with a bang. The whole face was knocked on the ground directly. His chin had been hit by Ye Feng's foot, but now his teeth were broken.

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