Ye Feng didn't wait for the goods to get up. Immediately, he came to the goods with a brisk step. He kicked the dagger in the hands of the goods and knelt down on him. He knocked on the back of his head and knocked the goods dizzy.

At the same time, Ye Feng immediately began to turn the man over and began to untie his clothes. After taking off his clothes, he found that there was a one-piece dress on the inside of the goods. He felt that the material of the clothes was different from that of ordinary clothes, and immediately peeled off the one-piece clothes of the goods.

After taking off the Siamese clothes, Ye Feng found that there were several thread ends and stickers inside. Ye Feng immediately took off his clothes, pasted them on, put on the Siamese clothes of special materials, and finally prepared to put on his coat.

However, when I was about to put on my clothes, I took a look at the clothes on the ground that the man had been stripped off by myself. My heart suddenly moved. I immediately took off the clothes that I hadn't put on completely and threw them aside. I picked up the man's clothes on the ground and put them on. At the same time, I squatted down and took the man's headscarf, mask and goggles to my head.

Ye Feng then dragged the man to one side, tied the man's backhand to one side with his clothes, and blocked the man's mouth with his clothes. Then he took the man's laser weapon, went to one side and looked back from the roof.

At this time, a voice came from the ear of his goggles, "what's the situation on the roof, have you found anything?"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. He didn't say a word to the goods, and he didn't know how the goods' voice was. If he wanted to learn his voice, he didn't know how to open his mouth.

Think of here, Ye Feng immediately picked up the dagger on the ground, a cruel, in the neck cut a hole, immediately the blood overflowed, he immediately tore open a dress, with a cloth to wrap the wound on the neck.

At this time, the ear of the goggles, immediately came the voice of the man, said, "what's the situation, reply!"

Ye Feng then squeezed his throat and said, "just now a guy climbed up from the downstairs and almost killed me. Fortunately, I was smart and killed him..."

The man couldn't help but wonder, "what's wrong with your voice? What's the tone? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "Oh, when I was fighting with that guy just now, I was cut by him with a dagger. It was very painful..."

That person hears speech this just suddenly after oh asked, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's nothing serious. It's just the burning pain and bleeding..." Then, without waiting for the man to speak, he immediately said, "there's nothing wrong with the roof. Don't worry, I'm looking at it!"

The man gave a hum, said that it was ok, and then said, "you should be alert and contact at any time!" Then there was no more sound in the headphones.

Ye Feng just breathed a long breath. Fortunately, he was smart, otherwise he couldn't get through it. Originally, Ye Feng didn't have to cut his neck to dress like this. But if you think about it carefully, you should be prepared. Maybe he will retreat with these guys, and then he may be exposed.

Then Ye Feng began to test his magnetic levitation clothes to see how to float his body. Fortunately, one of the threads in the clothes was exposed from the cuff, and it was also connected with a chip that could be pasted on the palm of his hand.

Ye Feng held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, thinking that all the other lines were connected in his body. Only this one was on the outside of his clothes, so the controller was on this line.

After studying for a while, Ye Feng squeezed his hand hard, and immediately felt that his feet began to float up, and his whole body began to rise gradually. It turned out that it was really the same as what he imagined, which was that the exposed line was connected to the chip in his palm.

Ye Feng's whole body floats on the top of the building. Ye Feng also tests how to make his body move forward, move his hind legs, and move left and right, all relying on the chip in his hand. Even when his body has a little meaning to move forward, his body immediately starts to move forward, and the other directions are the same, just like the children's balance car on earth.

After less than ten minutes of testing, Ye Feng has completely controlled his magnetic levitation suit. It's like swimming in the water when he is on the ground on the roof. He can go wherever he wants, and he is completely in control.

Just floating in the air, Ye Feng's own mobile phone rings. After picking it up to answer, he hears the voice of Jester fee saying, "what's the situation?"

Ye Feng immediately landed on the top of the building, and then said to jesterfield, "no problem, I've done it, and now I'm wearing that guy's maglev suit!"

Jaster fee can't help frowning and said in surprise, "do you have any plans?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, I'm going to break into the interior of these guys. Now I'm wearing a headscarf, a mask and goggles, and I've contacted their people just now, and there's no flaw!"

Jesterfield reminds Ye Feng, "geek pioneers are notoriously vicious. If you are found, you will be very dangerous!"

Ye Feng said, "no matter whether they are vicious or not, now I must know what their purpose is. This is the only and best way at present. You should report the situation here to Libo Zhihui, and don't call me casually. I will take the initiative to contact you and share the situation here with you!"Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately added, "don't stay in the police station, just find the right opportunity to evacuate! After leaving, try to get in touch with Dixie and Scarlett and see what's going on there. "

After hearing this, jestefeld pondered for a while, and finally said to Ye Feng, "I know you've made up your mind. It's useless for me to persuade you You must be careful

Ye Feng is light toward Jester Fei way, "you are also careful, there are circumstances I will contact you!" Then he hung up the phone.

Then Ye Feng turned the phone into silent mode. After putting the phone away, he immediately moved to the edge of the corridor and slightly raised his head to look behind the roof.

At this time, he saw two people standing in the corridor on the top floor of a building behind. One was like other geek pioneers, wearing a headscarf, a mask and goggles. On one side of him was a person, which made Ye Feng's heart move. It was not someone else, it was Jock Emma.

And look at the look of Jock Emma, it doesn't seem to be hijacked by these people at all, but he knows these people, just a little anxious on his face.

And the person on the side of qiaoke Emma, Ye Feng, can see from the mask on his mouth what this person is talking to qiaoke Emma, but qiaoke Emma seldom talks.

Ye Feng immediately bent on the roof and looked down, only to see that there were several guys with headscarves, masks and goggles standing at the bottom of the building, but they looked very leisurely and didn't feel the urgency of being besieged by the police at all.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Ye Feng immediately squatted down, then took out his mobile phone and made a phone call to jasterfeld, "go now, their target is not on your side, now you have a chance to leave the police station! I'll cover you on the roof! "

Jester fee smell speech immediately should a, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "try not to shoot, lest expose yourself, I have a way to leave!"

Ye Feng said that after he knew it, he immediately hung up the phone. Then he held the laser gun in his hand, found a shelter, hid in the back, and aimed the muzzle at Jock Emma and another person in the back building. He thought that if they found jestefel, he would shoot at this side.

But Ye Feng prayed in his heart that the other party would not find out. As jesterfield said, once he shot, he would expose himself, and then he would get a knife in the neck in vain.

Ye Feng has been staring at Jock Emma and the other person in the corridor until he obviously feels the vibration of his mobile phone. After picking it up and answering it, he hears jesterfield say, "I'm out of the police station. You can rest assured!"

Ye Feng completely relieved, then removed the laser gun, immediately sat on the ground toward jesterfield, "that's good, now go to contact Dixie and Scarlett!" Then he hung up.

At this time, Ye Feng's earphone rang again, and the man's voice said, "what's the situation on the roof?"

Ye Feng immediately pinched his voice and said, "there is no situation!"

The man said, "it's time for a while. Just stick to it for a while."

Ye Feng hum a, in the heart but in curiosity, when arrived, these guys in the end wait for what?

Ye Feng is curious, thinking about how to get these words out, but think carefully, or don't take the risk, he finally won the other party's trust, but still can't take the risk to expose himself.

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