Ye Feng has determined what he will do next, and now the situation is stronger than others. Now the situation is pushing him forward, and it's not up to him to choose.

And at this time, Ye Feng's headphones sounded before the voice of the person, "out of a little bit of the situation, may have changed action, we are ready for it!"

Ye Feng heart next move, out of a little situation is what meaning, just not still say wait for time to come, how just after a while, there is a situation.

And Ye Feng also heard that this sentence should not only be said to himself, but also to all of us.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of the man standing with Jock Emma, who should be the leader of the group, so it must be this man who spoke.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng leaned out his head again and looked at the corridor behind him. But he saw that the man was moving his mouth. He could only vaguely see that the mask on his mouth was moving. Then he remembered that he seemed to be saying something before. On one side, jock Emma didn't say a word. Maybe he was talking to other partners, not to Jock Emma on the other side Emma didn't say a word.

After confirming that this guy is their leader, Ye Feng stares at the man for a moment. After all, so many people are wearing masks, headscarves and goggles. If you want to remember a person, you must remember some details of them.

After remembering this person's appearance, Ye Feng sat down again, and then thought about what the guy said. After a while, let's wait for the time to come, and now there is an emergency.

And at this time, Ye Feng's ears again came the voice of the man, said, "you pay attention to the roof, we are ready to retreat, you rear!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, secret way is about to retreat now, their way to now is completely blocked, where still have the opportunity to retreat?

But then I thought, now the weapons of eisf are so powerful and destructive, maybe the surrounding buildings are not worth seeing at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng stood up, holding the laser machine gun in his hand, and pretended to go to the side of the roof.

At the same time, Ye Feng picked up his mobile phone to make a phone call to jesterfield and said, "they are ready to retreat. They want me to go to the back of the hall!"

Jesterfield is outside the police station at this time. Hearing Ye Feng's words, she immediately tells the police on one side of the situation.

On hearing this, the police's face suddenly moved. As soon as they were ready to deploy to prevent these people from escaping, Ye Feng said on the phone, "I need the police to play a play for me and let them deliberately let these guys go!"

Jaster fee smell speech surprised toward leaf maple way, "let them go?"

Ye Feng immediately said to jesterfield, "now that Jock Emma is with them, the purpose is not clear. Even if we catch them, we may not know what they are going to do. What's more, since they dare to come like this, we must have expected all the circumstances, and we may not be able to catch them. We'd better let them go and fish for a long time!"

Jesteffe immediately communicated with the police on one side, but the person in charge of the police frowned and said, "I can't be the master without our director!"

Jestefeld asked the other party to contact the director immediately. After hesitating for a moment, the person contacted the director. The director was with Libo Zhihui at this time. After hearing this, he immediately said, "no, if anything goes wrong, who will be responsible?"

Jesteffe immediately called and said to the director, "now the other party's purpose and goal are not clear, and no one knows how many geeks and pioneers there are in Huck Bay. If we forcibly arrest these people, will there be any accident next? Even if these guys are burned, no one can guarantee. Instead, let's let them go Our people are undercover by their side, so that we can find out their details. Wouldn't it be better to catch all of them then? "

The director's side is still hesitating. Jesteffe immediately said, "if Libo Zhihui is on your side, give him the phone!"

The director was shocked and handed his mobile phone to Libo Zhihui, saying, "your men are looking for you!"

After receiving the phone call, Li Bo Zhihui said, "you must persuade him. Ye Feng is risking his life to help you..."

After taking a deep breath, Libo Zhihui immediately said to the director on one side, "this matter is so decided. If something goes wrong, I'll carry it!"

Director Wen Yan's face suddenly moved, and he took a look at Libo Zhihui. However, he thought that Libo Zhihui and himself had just come to the laser fort and captured all the geek vanguard Yudang. After pondering for a moment, he nodded.

See the director so, Libo Zhihui immediately to the phone in Jester fee way, "according to you say do!"

On hearing this, jesteffe immediately told the person in charge of the police about the contents of the phone. The person was still dubious. He called the director again. After confirmation, he nodded and agreed with jesteffe.

At this time, there was a loud bang, and all of them were stunned. At this time, they all looked in the direction of the explosion, but saw that it was smoke again, just like the explosion in front of the police station.Ye Feng stood on the top of the building and felt more intense when he heard the sound. He immediately turned back to the back of the building and looked at the corridor behind it. However, he saw that half of the building behind had been flattened, and Jock Emma and the man had already disappeared.

Ye Feng immediately leaned over and looked down the stairs, but saw several figures below. He was running towards the collapsed building in a hurry.

Ye Feng's heart hesitates for a while, whether he still wants to stay at the back of the building at this time, don't really let himself stay at the back of the building, and let himself find a way to get away. These are not problems. The problem is that Ye Feng doesn't know where to find these guys, so it's completely revealing.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately started the magnetic levitation suit, floated his body completely, and flew towards the building, with the laser gun still in his hand, pretending to shoot two shots underground from time to time, indicating that he was still covering them.

When Ye Feng flew to the top of the remaining half of the building behind, he saw the sound of gunfire and small-scale explosion from time to time. When Ye Feng flew over the top of the building, he saw that the gang of geek pioneers were fighting with the people who had been hiding there for a long time.

However, Ye Feng can see that the police didn't try their best to deal with it. Soon the geek pioneers had already boarded the aircraft, and then several aircraft soared into the air.

At the same time, Ye Feng's ears immediately heard the voice of the man before, "we have all been on the aircraft, you follow us!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said a receive, at the same time picked up the phone to jasfield to call a phone, tell her in the sky flying is himself, let her inform those police don't open grab.

Along with the aircraft in front of him, I occasionally encountered someone shooting two shots into the air. However, it seemed that he was able to cope with the situation. The symbolic shooting did not pose any threat to Ye Feng and the aircraft in front of him.

Ye Feng has been following the aircraft, has been flying in one direction, soon out of the town, to the front of a forest above, the aircraft began to reduce the altitude, flying in the forest.

After a while, several aircrafts landed on the ground. After several aircrafts stopped, Ye Feng also controlled the maglev suit to fall on the ground.

At this time, I saw a large aircraft not far ahead, and the people on the small aircraft in front of me came down one after another and began to run towards the front.

Ye Feng also saw that the man was pulling Jock Emma toward the other side, and at the same time, he was still using voice to inform all humanity, "the police didn't pursue, there must be ghosts in it, everyone be careful!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. The secret way is yes. These police can't perform any drama. They don't even send two aircrafts to pursue them symbolically. Now they are suspicious of each other. Then they think they will be more dangerous.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng also followed the crowd to the large aircraft, followed a crowd to the aircraft, but his heart was in a panic. If they all untied their headscarves and masks after they got on the aircraft, they would reveal themselves. It's impossible for everyone to untie them, and they would insist on carrying them. That would be too strange.

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