The aircraft is continuing to fly in the direction of the laboratory where Jock Emma is. Along the way, no one continued to say anything. There was a silence.

Jock Emma has never said anything, just looking at one place with lax eyes, as if thinking about something, and Ye Feng has been staring at Jock Emma.

Soon, the leader clapped his hands again and said, "it's almost here. Everyone get ready. After we get off the aircraft, we'll make a quick decision. We'll go as soon as we get something. Don't love war. Do you understand?"

People smell speech can't help but say a understand, Ye Feng smell speech just reaction come over, also slowly said a know.

The leader took a look at Ye Feng and didn't say anything to Ye Feng. Instead, he went directly to Jock Emma and said, "President Jock, after getting off the aircraft, I'll join you. You can help us get the things as soon as possible. We'll meet with ricksen after we leave here. Is there any problem?"

After hearing this, jock Emma regained her mind and looked up at the leader. After a long time, she nodded and said, "no problem!"

The leader nodded his head with satisfaction. Then he went to the cabin door and waited for the aircraft to land. After the aircraft landed, the cabin door immediately opened. The leader was the first to get off the aircraft, and then clapped his hands at the crowd, "get down now!"

Ye Feng followed the person in front of him to get off the aircraft, and then noticed that the aircraft was stopping at the top of the mobile building of the test station. When Ye Feng came to the leader's side, the man immediately put his arm around Ye Feng's shoulder.

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, but listen to the head of that person toward himself said, "roof I can give you, have any problem with me! Do you understand? "

Listen to the head of that person say so, Ye Feng immediately nodded, toward that person said, "understand, don't worry, give it to me!"

The leader nodded his head with satisfaction. Then he took a look at Jock Emma, who had just come down from the aircraft. He immediately walked over and said, "President Jock, you follow me, I'll guarantee your safety!"

Jock Emma took a look at the leader and nodded slightly. Then she followed the leader to the patio and went down with the crowd.

Ye Feng is the only one left on the top of the building, but he is curious about what these geek pioneers are looking for, what they are talking about in Jihad, and what they want from rikson.

Now many questions are in Ye Feng's mind, but now it's useless for him to think more. As long as he can't see that thing, Ye Feng can't think about it any more. It's impossible for him to come out of his imagination.

Ye Feng stood on the top of the building and looked around, but he didn't find anything. The secret in his heart was that the police didn't know the trace of these people, so this time it should be very smooth?

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng saw that there were several dark spots flying towards this side in the distant air. Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, just what he wanted.

To tell you the truth, Ye Feng doesn't want the police to send someone over at this time. It's better to let the geek pioneers get what they want, and then follow them to see ricksen. At that time, he can see what Jock Emma got from ricksen. At the same time, he may also know what the geek pioneers took from ricksen, and what the Jihad they were talking about.

But at this time, Ye Feng sent a message to the leader, saying, "the UFO was found on the roof of the building. I can't see clearly what the way is. It may be the police!"

Head that person hears speech to reply a way to Ye Feng immediately, "you heighten vigilance, we below very fast end!"

Ye Feng said that after receiving it, he immediately hung up the communication, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call to jesterfield. Just now jesterfield was calling himself. Maybe there was an emergency.

As soon as the phone was put through, Ye Feng heard jesterfield say on the phone, "those people have wired people in the police station, but it's not clear for the moment. Do they know about you? You must be careful. If you can't, you can retreat. We can think of other ways?"

Ye Feng hears speech heart next move, after pondering for a moment, this just toward Jester Fei way, "the plan does not change temporarily, does Dixie Si and Scarlett there contact?"

Jesteffe immediately said, "not yet. I don't have their contact information. I'm contacting Libo Zhihui. He should have the contact information of all members of our special action team!"

Ye Feng's heart is a Lin, from let Dixi Si and Scarlett go to the police station staring outside, even if he is completely lost contact with them, now out of so many accidents, still can't contact, heart always some uneasiness.

Thinking that Ye Feng didn't say much, he said to jestefeld, "I'll tell you a few simple things here. Let Libo Zhihui check it!"

Jesteffe said immediately, "you say, I'm listening!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "there's a man named crimson on the side of geek pioneer. Help to check it!"

Jestefeld said immediately, "chryson? I don't need Libo Zhihui to check. I know this man! He's in charge of the geek pioneer. Did you see him? "Ye Feng said, "no, I've only seen it in the virtual picture of the phone, and I'm also wearing a mask, a headscarf and goggles. I don't see it. This guy is the person in charge of the geek pioneer?"

Jess fee immediately said, "yes, the geek pioneers have been in existence for many years. They used to be a minority party in the Federation. Their political views were not consistent with the mainstream. Then they began to bubble gradually, and later they created all kinds of troubles with the federal government in the Western Hemisphere, and started to be more restrained. But their strength is not big enough, and what they oppose is not enough to attract the attention of the Federation and the world. They began to go to extremes gradually, and developed in the direction of extremists, and gradually formed an organizational force against which both the federal government and the opposition are united! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath after hearing the speech. He had never heard of the geek vanguard party before, and it seemed that it was indeed a minority. He immediately asked jesterfield, "what do they mean by Jihad? You know what? "

As soon as jesteffe heard this, he murmured, "Jihad?" After pondering for a while, he continued to say, "I seem to know something, which should be related to their beliefs!"

Speaking of this, jesteffe continued to add, "it is said that crimson is a religious minority. They worship the power of the sun. It is said that the sun will dim every hundred years. This is the prelude to the rampant demons. At that time, the whole planet may fall. Their doctrine is that when this day comes, they must bleed and sacrifice to ensure human survival Spend this dark time and make sure that the blood of human beings is spread! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help but move a way, "every hundred years, the sun will dim down?"

Jesterfield said to Yefeng, "don't you know that? Every hundred years or so, there will be such a natural phenomenon in the sun of essf. Sometimes it will be more than 90 years, sometimes it will be more than 100 years. No one can tell the exact time, but during that time, the planet of essf will be extremely cold. In their doctrines, this is related to the gods, but in our view, it should be related to the autobiography and the revolution of our planet! In this way, the deadline of Jihad in recent years may be approaching

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when he heard what jesterfield said. The secret passage should be a natural phenomenon, but it was said by these geek pioneers that it was extraordinary.

Jestfel then continued to say to Ye Feng, "in fact, I suspect that crimson himself should know that it's just a way to use this phenomenon to win people's hearts and expand their geek pioneers and followers."

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng asked jesterfield, "when it comes to that time, what will they do for their so-called Jihad?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "they think that their congregation is the son of the sun. In those dark and cold days, they can have the same right of destruction as the sun. They can have any power of life and death on the planet. Because their rights are granted by the sun, they are sacred, so they are called Jihad!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move a way, "so say, the so-called holy war, is they burn kill rob, for them, all is OK?"

"They represent the sun's right in the essf situation, everything is legal," jestfeld said

But Ye Feng said, "what about the Federation? Don't they know about this cycle? "

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