After listening to Ye Feng's words, jestfeld immediately said, "of course, we know that the civilization of aeschf has lasted for nearly ten thousand years. Can we not know this kind of periodic event? And over the years, there have been ways to deal with it! As for whether what the geek pioneers did during this period is legal or not, it depends on the fact that relatively speaking, for themselves, of course, they think everything is legal, but from the perspective of the federal government and the world, of course, it is illegal! "

But Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "I have a different view. Geek pioneers used to be a minority, but now they can be so rampant, which shows that they still have a certain mass base, otherwise they dare not be so blatant!"

Jester feiwen said to Ye Feng, "you're right. In recent years, geek pioneers have expanded a lot in the Western Hemisphere, and they have won the support of many people. This is mainly due to the unbalanced development of the Federation. Hundreds of years ago, when the federal government was just established, the development of the western hemisphere was relatively fast, and the Federation was trying to balance the East and the West The development of the ball has been supporting the eastern hemisphere for hundreds of years. On the contrary, the development of the eastern hemisphere has surpassed that of the Western Hemisphere, which makes many people in the Western Hemisphere feel dissatisfied. As a result, organizations such as geek pioneers have a chance to survive... "

Hearing this, Ye Feng took a deep breath, thinking that if there is only one government in the whole earth after the development of the earth, may there be such a problem in the end?

But at this time, Ye Feng saw that the shadows in the distance were flying closer and closer, and immediately said to jestefeld, "this kind of problem will be discussed later. Now we are in the laboratory of Jock Emma. The geek pioneers want Jock Emma to help them with one thing, and Jock Emma also wants to get one thing from ricksen. As an interactive condition, there are several aircrafts heading for the future I don't know if it's from the police department or the Federal Bureau. Please contact me and let them not stop the geek Pioneers! "

Hearing the words, jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "do you mean to let the tiger go back to the mountain?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, we don't know what rikson wants from Jock Emma, or what Jock Emma wants from rikson. Now even if we catch them, it doesn't have any practical significance. It will only lead to more radical people of the geek pioneers. It's better for us to let them go and see what they are doing We are in favor of you. You should reflect this situation with Libo Zhihui and let him cooperate with him! "

Hearing the speech, jestefeld immediately said, "OK, I'll try to get in touch with that side, but the police and the Federal Bureau haven't heard a word and it's unrealistic And As I told you before, the police may have undercover agents from geek vanguard. Your whereabouts can't be guaranteed now, so you must be careful! "

Ye Feng said that he knew it, and then he said to jestefeld, "keep in touch with Dixie and Scarlett, and don't let anything go wrong with them! Also, take care of yourself and wait for me to come back smoothly! "

After hanging up the phone of jesteffe, he saw that the nearby aircraft was about to fly over the Research Institute. At this time, the leader's voice sounded in Ye Feng's ear, "what are you doing on the roof? Is your gun vegetarian? Get those two aircrafts down for me! "

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when he heard this. He was thinking about the reminder of jasterfeld to himself. Now he can't guarantee whether his identity is completely exposed. If it is completely exposed, why doesn't the other party expose himself immediately? They depend on the fact that they have more people than themselves, and they won't worry that they can fight back. Is that still unknown?

What Ye Feng is really worried about is that when the other party knows it, he pretends not to know it and deliberately deceives himself to continue to work for them. If so, is his muzzle aimed at the two aircrafts?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath. Since he didn't know whether the other party knew his whereabouts or not, he could only act as if the other party didn't know it. Now he has no room to retreat. No matter whether the other party knows his identity or not, he can only move forward.

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, immediately took the laser gun in his hand, and began to aim at the two aircrafts not far away, which were still flying towards this side. He was still thinking that jesteffe's phone didn't know whether to call Libo Zhihui. If Libo Zhihui calls the people on the aircrafts now, they still have a chance to retreat.

However, Ye Feng also knows that he has been slow to shoot. If the geek pioneers don't know his identity, his slow performance is tantamount to telling them that he has a problem.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng didn't care so much. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately pulled the trigger and fired a shot at one of the aircrafts. Suddenly, a laser shot at the aircrafts.

The aircraft in the laser is about to shoot, but suddenly turned the direction, two aircraft began to fly toward both sides in the past, unexpectedly avoided Ye Feng's shot.

At this time, Ye Feng's heart was relieved, at least he didn't have to kill these innocent people. In this way, Ye Feng could show his performance to his heart's content. He immediately pointed the muzzle of his gun at the tail of one of the flying planes and kept shooting, but deliberately every shot was half a shot slower than the flying speed of the flying machine. In this way, he could see that he was constantly attacking Hit the other side's aircraft, but at most the other side's flying skill is superb, always able to avoid their own shooting.Sure enough, Ye Feng's ears soon heard the leader's voice, "have you planted vegetables on your boy's hands? Can you aim a little bit! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath after hearing the speech. At this time, the lower body of the aircraft exposed two laser guns, and immediately began to shoot at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw that the secret way was good, or he would not fight back, which would easily arouse the suspicions of these people. However, when the laser came at him, Ye Feng kept dodging, and almost got hit several times, Ye Feng scolded. He pretended to be wrong again and again, and failed to hit the two aircraft, but the two aircraft didn't seem to have his own I mean, I've actually attacked myself with live ammunition. If I didn't have strong skills, I would have been killed several times.

After dodging for several times, Ye Feng finds a patio and jumps in directly from the patio. At the same time, he starts the magnetic levitation suit in his palm to float his body in the air. Instead of falling directly on the ground, he floats in the air.

After the gunfire on the roof stopped, Ye Feng immediately flew out of the patio, holding the laser gun in his hand, and immediately fired at one of the aircraft. This time, Ye Feng did not pretend to miss, but shot at the tail of the aircraft. Suddenly, the aircraft was like weightlessness, spinning in mid air, and moving towards the side of the stairs I ran into it.

Ye Fengxin next move, did not expect that this aircraft so without a fight, only a shot, is about to hit the jade burning?

Seeing that the aircraft was about to hit the building on one side, the aircraft didn't know what was going on. Maybe the pilot's skill was superb. He just took the aircraft into the air again, then dived down to the ground, taxied all the way on the ground, hit a tree, and then stopped.

Another aircraft immediately turned around, and the muzzle of the gun shot at Ye Feng. Ye Feng immediately jumped up and down on the top of the building with his magnetic levitation suit, as if his body was not affected by gravity. A somersault could turn several meters high, easily avoiding the attack of those lasers.

However, it seems that the purpose of the aircraft is not to attack Ye Feng, but to cover the escape of the crash companions. After the people in the crash aircraft escape, it immediately flies to the ground, probably to meet them.

But this time, the leader did not ask Ye Feng to shoot quickly. Instead, there was a laser shooting from the window downstairs. It was a burst of fierce shooting at the aircraft, all of which hit the aircraft. The aircraft exploded immediately, and the people on the aircraft were buried in the sea of fire before they could escape.

Ye Feng floats on the top of the building. He can't help but move. At this time, the leader's voice rings in his ears, "wipe out all the people on the ground downstairs!"

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