Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately is a move, but at this time did not give him time to hesitate, move or not, he must immediately make a choice, after all, the leader there may have begun to doubt him.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng immediately started shooting downstairs with a laser gun. Fortunately, the people below have started to run around and start looking for shelter. Otherwise, Ye Feng will be in a real dilemma.

When those people find the shelter, they no longer dare to stand up casually. The leader's voice continues to ring in Ye Feng's ear. Let Ye Feng continue to attack those people and don't give them the chance to get close to the experimental building.

At this point, Ye Feng doesn't have to hesitate at all, just pretend to continue to attack those bunkers and don't let those guys out.

After a while of attack, Ye Feng finds that several large aircrafts are flying in the distance at the same time. His heart suddenly moves. Hasn't jesteffe got in touch with Libo Zhihui yet?

If these large aircrafts come here to help them perform, it's too much noise.

In order not to let the gang of geek pioneers doubt, Ye Feng still reported the current situation to the leader. When the leader heard this, he immediately said, "you guard first, and we'll be ready soon!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words. What's the role of this boy? How do you feel that these people depend on themselves for everything? Is it difficult that the one who was tied to the top of the police station was originally the most powerful role of these guys?

Ye Feng didn't think much. He landed on the top of the building and looked at the distance. When the large aircraft flew closer, the leader asked Ye Feng what was going on on on the top of the building and they were ready to come out.

Ye Feng said that two large aircraft are coming, but at this speed, it is estimated that it will be a while, and there is no danger for the moment.

Less than ten minutes after Ye Feng's report, someone had climbed up from under the patio, and then one by one, jock Emma was among them.

Jock Emma's hand is also holding an ancient wood carved box, which seems to be very expensive, holding it with both hands.

After Jock Emma got on the plane, other people of the geek pioneer also got on the plane one after another. The leader called Ye Feng on the plane.

Ye Feng on the aircraft, immediately after the door closed, and then the aircraft began to start flying out, quickly opened in one direction.

And Ye Feng at this time a pair of eyes staring at the wooden box in Jock Emma's hand, secret way this is what Kristen wants? What's in it?

At this time, the leader sat on the side of Jock Emma, looked at Jock Emma and said, "President Jock, I can keep this for you!"

On hearing this, jock Emma instinctively moved the wooden box closer to her body and said, "no, I can keep it myself! I won't give it to anyone until I see crimson! "

But the leader said with a smile, "Dean Jock, have you ever thought that if I want to rob the box in your hand, it can be said that it's easy. We didn't do that. It shows that, first, we respect you very much. Of course, that's what chryson means. Second, we don't want to bully the weak. Third, I think you understand that if we really have something wrong with you So when we see what's in this box, we can do it! "

Jock Emma can't help frowning, looked at the leader, and then snorted coldly, "then you really should thank you for your kindness, you didn't use strong words to me, otherwise you know what the consequences are?"

Hearing this, the leader looked at Jock Emma and said, "what are the consequences?"

Jock Emma did not answer directly, but looked at the leader, and then sighed, "it seems that you really know nothing about what I have in my hand!"

Hearing this, the leader's face moved slightly and instinctively glanced at the wooden box in Jock Emma's hand. Then he asked Jock Emma, "what is that thing in this wooden box?"

Jock Emma looked at the leader and said, "what? Didn't crimson tell you what's in it? "

The chief said, "we only know the general appearance, but we don't know what it is! Crimson won't tell us. We didn't ask! "

Jock Emma said to the leader, "since you didn't ask, that's good. The more you know, the less good it will be for you! If I were you, don't ask me anything, and don't focus on me any more! "

The leader's face changed several times. After staring at Jock Emma for a moment, he nodded and said, "you're right. I won't ask if I'm curious to kill the cat! You can keep it

Jack Emma didn't speak. After putting the wooden box on her leg, she pressed it with her hand. Then she led the way to the head, "are we going to see chryson now?"

On hearing this, the leader immediately nodded and said to Jock Emma, "that's right!" Then he stood up, pulled out a laser pistol at his waist, and said, "but before we meet Collinson, let's solve a little problem first!"Ye Feng has been paying attention to qiaoke Emma and the leader. Seeing that the leader has pulled out the laser pistol, his heart suddenly moves. However, he sees that the leader is looking at his side, holding the pistol and walking towards him step by step.

Ye Feng at this time subconsciously clenched his fist, but saw the leader quickly walked in front of Ye Feng, and immediately aimed the pistol at a person on Ye Feng's side, and immediately hooked the trigger.

In an instant, the man's head sent out a smell of burning. A hole was made in his head by the laser gun, and he was all burnt.

Ye Feng heart suddenly a Lin, in just a moment, Ye Feng almost to hand, but he never thought, the leader will kill another person.

At this time, the leader said, "the police all know where we go, and they can follow us immediately. This boy has been informing us."

People smell speech all can't help but see one eye fall in leaf maple side of that person, all cold hum a, obviously appear particularly angry.

Ye Feng was completely relieved at this time, at least that his side has not been suspected, before Jester fee's worry is redundant.

At this time, the leader put away the laser gun, reached out to drag the body's feet, went to one side of the hatch, opened the hatch, and directly threw the body down.

Immediately after the cabin door was closed, the leader turned to look at the crowd and said in a loud voice, "we geek pioneers are all like-minded people. If someone has two hearts now, we can say that we can let you, Tao different, do nothing. This is a very normal thing! I ask you, "is there anyone who wants to leave now?"

Everyone was silent, and no one said anything. The leader immediately said, "well, since everyone doesn't leave, it means that you have acquiesced in some rules of our geek pioneers, that is, your own people!"

Speaking of this, the leader said in a loud voice after a pause, "however, since I give you the chance to go, if you don't go, don't blame me for my impoliteness. This time, I just kill him! Next time I find out who betrayed us, I will not only kill him, but also his relatives and friends. Moreover, I will not let him die so simply. I will certainly let him suffer all kinds of torture before killing him! "

When they heard the leader say this, they all couldn't help looking at him. At this time, jock Emma said, "if the rules of your geek pioneers are really so good, there won't be any traitors. What are you worried about?"

As soon as the leader heard this, he couldn't help looking at Jock Emma, and then said, "Dean Jock seems to have a lot of dissatisfaction with us geek pioneers?"

Jock Emma shrugged and said, "there's nothing full of discontent. The way is different. It's just that they don't conspire with each other."

The leader looked at Jock Emma in silence for a while, then glanced at the crowd again. Then he sat back and asked the pilot in front of him, "are those two aircrafts away?"

The pilot said immediately, "off!"

The leader nodded with satisfaction, then looked back at Ye Feng and said, "what's your situation today? Is your standard too abnormal? Can't both aircraft come down? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, it seems that his abnormality is not without the leader's attention, he immediately explained, "may be related to my neck injury, aiming at the time, always feel the neck side of the scab pulling pain!"

But the leader snorted, "who hasn't been hurt? This is not your reason. Next time, I will treat you as a traitor! "

After Ye Feng's heart moved, he nodded and said to the leader, "I know. I'll pay attention next time!"

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