When the aircraft was quiet again, everyone began to shut up and no one spoke.

Jock Emma was already protecting the old wooden box in his hand, and glanced at the crowd. Only the leader was still open.

"What's your name?" said Jock Emma But just after asking, he immediately said, "well, you don't have to say that you people don't even dare to show their true colors. How can you tell others your own names? Even if you say it, it may not be your real name! "

The leader took a look at Jock Emma and then said, "Dean Jock, I can see that you have a deep prejudice against our geek pioneers. Even if you say something ugly, you look down on us a bit!"

But Jock Emma said, "I don't think much of you. I want to ask you, do you think much of yourself?"

When the leader heard what Jock Emma said, he suddenly looked at Jock Emma and said, "why do I look down on myself?"

Jock Emma said to the leader, "if you look up to yourself and think that what you have done is right, why don't you show your true face to others?"

When the leader heard what Jock Emma said, he immediately looked at Jock Emma speechlessly. If Jock Emma had not asked such a question, I'm afraid the leader would not have thought about it so far.

At this time, after listening to Jock Emma talk about this problem, he thought about it carefully. It seems that there is some truth in what Jock Emma said. In the vanguard of geeks, everything they did was advocated as Jihad, for the sake of the whole human race.

In this case, everything they do is great and immortal. But why do all the people in the geek vanguard wear headscarves, masks and goggles, and even their peers don't know what each other looks like?

When Jock Emma saw that the leader didn't say a word, she immediately said, "think about it for yourself. No great cause can be as timid as you geek pioneers, hiding behind masks and goggles all day long? What kind of mentality is that? "

When the leader heard this, there was a moment of silence, while the other members could not help looking at the leader and Jock Emma. The leader seemed to see the doubt in their eyes.

Thinking of this, the leader immediately said to Jock Emma, "you don't have to say these things to shake our firm heart. We have been ready to devote our lives and everything to our great revolutionary mentor since we joined the geek pioneer. What we have done may not be understood in this era, and there may be more misunderstandings, but the time has come to an end Will give the answer, in the end who is really for the world, for the whole human All our current situations are temporary. Although we are wearing masks and goggles, our hearts are infinitely purer than those wine sacks and rice bags who are in high positions and eat plain food from the dead. "

When Jack Emma heard this, she couldn't help laughing. At first, she laughed in a low voice. At last, she began to laugh up.

The chief was surprised and looked at Jock Emma with some anger. He could hear the insult from Jock Emma's laughter.

At this time, the leader looked at Jock Emma angrily and said, "Dean Jock, you are the guest of our geek pioneer. We have maintained great respect for you, but you have laughed at us more than once!"

Jock Emma shrunk her smile, then looked at the leader and said, "all that you just said is what your tutor brainwashed you, isn't it?"

The leader frowned slightly and glared at Jock Emma. It was obvious that Jock Emma's words had aroused his extreme disgust, but after all, there was an order to make them respect Jock Emma and not hurt Jock Emma. If not, he would have had an attack.

Jock Emma could see that the leader was trying his best to control his own emotions, but he didn't mean to be restrained. Instead, he continued to lead the way, "you kill people like grass mustard. This is what you geek pioneers have done for all mankind and the world?"

The leader immediately stood up, pulled out the laser pistol, stood up to Jock Emma's head, and yelled, "shut up, I don't want to listen to you any more!"

At this time, jock Emma looked up at the leader in front of her, but there was no fear in her eyes. She just sighed, "I don't want to say anything more to you. You have been completely brainwashed, and what you do is not controlled by yourself! This is your tutor's problem! "

But the leader was still angry, "shut up, don't insult our teacher!"

The others also stood up and pulled out their guns to aim at Jock Emma.

Ye Feng has been listening before, at this time to see everyone stand up, angry look, immediately also stand up.

After taking a deep breath, jock Emma said, "you don't like listening. I want to say something more. People are not afraid of doing wrong. What they fear most is that they feel right after doing wrong! That's really pathetic! "

Hearing the words, the leader immediately put the muzzle of the gun against the skull of Jock Emma forward again, and said harshly, "do you still say..."Ye Feng's heart moved. He was really afraid that the leader could not stand the stimulation of these words, which was really bad for Joe Emma.

However, Ye Feng is also curious. Geek pioneers have existed for so many years. The so-called style has been formed for a long time, and it's not a matter of two days. Jock Emma can't just know. He is obviously using words to estimate the anger of the leader. What's his purpose?

No matter what Jock Emma thinks and whether she wants to die or not, Ye Feng knows that Jock Emma can't die at this time.

Thinking of this, he stepped forward and immediately seized the laser pistol of the leader against the skull of Jock Emma.

The leader and Jock Emma's face can't help but move. The leader's angry voice immediately says to Ye Feng, "what are you doing?" Finish saying to aim the muzzle of the gun at Ye Feng immediately, "your kid is also an undercover?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to the leader, "he is obviously deliberately irritating you. Can't you hear that? Besides, there is an order on it that we should respect Dean jock. You can't do this to him! "

The leader's anger was overwhelming. He could shoot at any time. His eyes were about to burst into flames.

Even if you are angry with Jock Emma, now even your own men dare to stop you?

However, after listening to Ye Feng's words, the leader can't help looking at Jock Emma, thinking about what Ye Feng said.

If you don't say it's said above, you should respect and don't hurt Jack Emma. What Jack Emma said just now really makes you feel bad. But if you think about it carefully, it's just like what Ye Feng said.

Jock Emma can't fail to see that she has been angered by him. He may be in danger of life at any time, but she still has to continue to say these words that she doesn't like to hear. It's really that she is deliberately angering herself.

Thinking of this, the leader took a deep breath, put away the pistol, then looked at Jock Emma and said, "do you want to die?"

But Jock Emma shrugged and said, "I live well. Why do I want to die?"

The leader said immediately, "then why do you deliberately say that to irritate me? Don't you want me to kill you? "

But Jock Emma looked at the leader with a smile and said, "didn't you kill me in the end?"

The leader couldn't help staring at Jock Emma for a long time. Then he sat on the side of Jock Emma.

Others also sat down, while Ye Feng sat opposite the leader and Jock Emma, looking at them.

The leader stares at Jock Emma and says, "Dean Jock, do you have a problem? If you want to die, no one can stop you, but please die after you see ricksen. If you do this now, it will only embarrass us! "

But Jock Emma shrugged, and then breathed a long breath and said, "come on, I can't tell you anything. I'll shut up, OK?"

After saying this, jock Emma can't help looking at Ye Feng. There seems to be some complaint in her eyes.

From the complaining eyes, Ye Feng knows that he seems to have guessed right. This Jock Emma is really deliberately angering the leader, but what is his purpose? This makes Ye Feng puzzled.

However, at this time, jock Emma had closed her eyes slightly and didn't say anything any more. The leader was relieved to see this. He thought that he had just killed him on impulse. He could not help but be afraid. At this time, he looked at Ye Feng with grateful eyes.

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