As the aircraft continued to fly forward, gradually everyone on the road became quiet, no one spoke any more, and Jock Emma began to close her eyes.

At this time, the leader sat on the side of Ye Feng, looked at Ye Feng, closed his eyes, leaned his head back, and began to rest.

Ye Feng looked at the leader and saw that he didn't speak and other people had closed their eyes for a rest, so he closed his eyes for a rest. However, although his eyes were closed, his mind was thinking about the abnormal performance of going to Jock Emma just now.

But soon, Ye Feng's head began to empty up. After all, he hasn't had a good rest since he entered eisf. He doesn't feel very tired physically, mainly because he feels tired mentally.

When Ye Feng just fell asleep, not long after, Ye Feng suddenly felt a shaking, and immediately opened his eyes to have a look, but saw that the aircraft is now flying around, and everyone opened their eyes and looked around in horror.

At this time, the leader also woke up, immediately supported the side of the aircraft, stood up and looked at the front seat, and asked aloud, "what's the matter?"

But the companion in the driver's seat didn't reply, but suddenly a companion sitting opposite Ye Feng immediately looked at the driver's seat in front of him in horror, "monster, monster..."

Ye Feng can't help frowning and immediately looks to the driver's seat. However, in his eyes, there is nothing unusual there, let alone any monster. It's just that the driver seems to faint and sit there motionless.

At the same time, the leader rushed forward, held the steering wheel, and checked the driver. Seeing that the driver didn't know when he fainted, he immediately pulled the driver aside and sat on his own.

And the man sitting opposite Ye Feng, at this time, not only did not converge, but also looked at the driver's seat in front with more frightening eyes, "monster, monster..."

At this time, not only that, but several other people are also looking at the people around them with a look of horror. They want to stand up and keep saying "ah, ah..." It's like seeing a ghost.

Ye Feng was surprised. He didn't know what had happened. But in his eyes, the aircraft is now flying. Besides the mental abnormality of these people, there is no other problem.

Originally, the flying machine was a bit rickety. Now, after the leader used to drive it himself, the flying machine gradually began to stabilize, and Ye Feng didn't see any ghosts in those people's eyes.

At this time, Ye Feng's heart moved, and immediately looked at Jock Emma. However, he saw that Jock Emma was still sitting in the distance, but he was looking up at several people with his head on his side. His face looked very strange.

Seeing the seemingly evil look of Jock Emma, Ye Feng's heart was suddenly shocked, and then he looked at the performance of other people. It seemed that in the whole aircraft, he and the leader were normal, and all the others were abnormal.

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that a green halo flashed through the gap of the cover of the ancient wooden box on the side of Jock Emma, and it was flashing regularly and intermittently, which Ye Feng had never seen before.

Ye Feng see so, heart immediately move, immediately toward the head lead way, "that ancient wooden box in the end what stuff?"

At this time, the leader is flying the aircraft. Listening to Ye Feng's question, he can't help looking back at the old wooden box around him, but he doesn't say anything.

And at this time, Ye Feng opposite those companions, someone has been holding a gun, screaming to shoot at the companion, Ye Feng see, immediately a foot up, the man's hand to kick the gun.

Ye Feng is not distressed to be attacked, but now they are flying in mid air. Once they shoot here, all the guns here are laser devices. If they hit the cabin of the aircraft, it may be dangerous. Ye Feng certainly won't let this kind of thing that threatens his safety happen.

What's more, the companions in the eyes of these guys, even everyone here, may be monsters in their eyes. Sooner or later, they will treat themselves as monsters, and they will probably shoot at themselves at that time.

So after kicking a gun, Ye Feng immediately walked up to the crowd and quickly collected all the guns in their hands to eliminate this possibility.

After Ye Feng had just collected all the guns from the aircraft, and just sat down, there were two companions trembling together. They punched at each other fiercely, which was not ambiguous at all. They wanted to kill each other.

Ye Feng wanted to stop it, but he saw that there was still a green halo in the gap of the ancient wooden box on the side of Jock Emma. He immediately changed his mind and walked towards Jock Emma.

After arriving at qiaoke Emma's side, Ye Feng immediately reaches out his hand to the ancient wooden box on qiaoke Emma's side. He doesn't want to see that as soon as Ye Feng hands it, qiaoke Emma hands it.

And the speed of qiaoke Emma's hand is not slow, instantly in front of Ye Feng, blocking Ye Feng's hand.Ye Feng can't help but move. He doesn't see that qiaoke Emma's skill is pretty good. When he wants to rob the ancient wooden box again, qiaoke Emma just stands up and attacks Ye Feng immediately.

Jock Emma's moves are systematic and self-contained, and they are extremely fast. Not to mention whether Jock Emma has any skills, just depending on her age, she should not have such speed.

But qiaoke Emma's action seems to break through the limit of the human body in general, a move of constantly changing use, directly will Ye Feng forced even back a few steps.

Ye Feng originally thought that even if qiaoke Emma had some skills, he should deal with it easily. However, after seeing qiaoke Emma's hand, he started to do well. Now he has a fierce attitude in every move, and even every move takes Ye Feng's key. He has a posture of taking Ye Feng's life.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. He also begins to take a deep breath and calmly deal with every move and style of Jock Emma.

Ye Feng's body was transformed before, but now he has changed his body. Although his body is not as good as before, his consciousness is all there, so he can barely cope with it and get the upper hand.

At this time, the leader sitting in the driver's seat looked back at the situation behind him and immediately said to Ye Feng, "what's going on?"

Ye Feng, while coping with the serial moves of Jack Emma, said to the leader, "I don't know the details, but I suspect it has something to do with the ancient wooden box of Jack Emma. The things in it may have affected everyone's mind!"

When the leader heard this, he frowned and looked at Ye Feng. His mouth murmured, "has it affected everyone's mind?"

Ye Feng immediately continued, "that's right. This explains why before, jock Emma tried to stimulate you to die. Maybe at that time, he had already received the influence of that thing in the ancient wooden box. Now it's starting to affect everyone, too! "

The leader hears speech heart next move, immediately toward leaf Feng way, "that why I and you are all right?"

Ye Feng is also curious. He doesn't know why it affects everyone, but it doesn't affect himself and the leader. He can't explain it at all.

But at this time, Ye Feng takes advantage of a flaw of qiaoke Emma, immediately strikes while the iron is hot, and forces qiaoke Emma into a dead corner. With a punch, she hits qiaoke Emma in the back of her head. Qiaoke Emma suddenly faints and sits on the ground.

Ye Feng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then went to the ancient wooden box. Now Jock Emma has fainted, and no one can stop him from taking the ancient wooden box.

But Ye Feng just went to the side, ready to reach for the ancient wooden box, immediately a person jumped in front of Ye Feng, blocked Ye Feng's way, did not wait for Ye Feng to come back to God, then hit Ye Feng's forehead with a fist.

Ye Feng's heart was cold, and he immediately dodged away. When he looked at it, he saw that it was the companions of the geek vanguard. At this time, the people who were attacking Ye Feng had no eyes, but their faces were full of murderous spirit. When he saw a move, he immediately pressed up again.

leaves maple as like as two peas, and then saw a few companions around them. At the same time, they were staring at themselves as they were before. The eyes were empty, but their faces were full of murderous and similar to the people in front of Ye Feng.

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