These people feel like zombies that Ye Feng has seen before. They are like zombies who have lost their souls one by one. The only difference is that they can feel more murderous with goggles and masks on their faces.

At this time, these people are quickly toward the maple around, and one by one posture as if to swallow the maple alive.

After Ye Feng kicked the guy who was closest to him, it was as if there was a spring behind him, and he immediately stood up again.

At this time, all the people swarmed up and surrounded Ye Feng in the middle. In fact, their attack power was limited. They attacked Ye Feng with their hands and feet. It was very harmful, but it was in the way.

The leader looked back at Ye Feng and immediately adjusted an automatic flight mode. Then he stood up and walked towards the crowd. He said angrily, "what are you doing? Get out of the way

In the past, as long as the leader said a word, these guys would not ask, and immediately went to do it, even if they were allowed to make cannon fodder.

But now that the leader has finished his sentence, it's like a bullock entering the sea. There is no one to answer him.

Seeing this, the leader rushed to the outside and shoved away the outermost man. Unexpectedly, after the man was shoved away by Ye Feng, he rushed up again. But this time, the target was not Ye Feng, but the leader.

Suddenly a few people on one side surrounded the leader. Suddenly these guys divided into two groups, and surrounded Ye Feng and the leader in the middle.

Ye Feng and the leader pushed around their companions and looked at the ancient wooden box on the seat. Ye Feng then asked the leader, "what's in it?"

The leader immediately said to Ye Feng, "I don't know what it is. I only know that it's very precious. It's something we geek pioneers desperately need! I don't know anything else! "

Ye Feng immediately said to the leader, "the things in it are very evil. Now the abnormal behavior of these guys may be affected by the things in it. We must take him out and see what's going on!"

When hearing this, the leader instinctively glanced over there and saw a green light in the crack of the old wooden box. Then he thought about all this and the abnormality of Jock Emma, and his heart was shocked.

At this time, he looked at the subordinates in front of him, one by one, as if they were crazy, completely different from what they used to be. After taking a deep breath, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "I'll cover you. You go to take that thing and see what's going on!"

With that, the leader began to stretch out his hand to pull the companions around him one by one. At the same time, he also stretched out his hand to pull the people in front of Ye Feng. Ye Feng was also pushing the people in front of him. As soon as there was a gap, he rushed to the front immediately.

As soon as Ye Feng got away, he didn't want to be hugged by someone behind him. Moreover, the strength of the man's hand was very strong. Holding Ye Feng, Ye Feng couldn't move at all.

Ye Feng's heart moved, immediately turned back to hold the man's arm and twisted it. He immediately broke the man's arm. Taking advantage of this moment, he immediately stepped forward and grasped the ancient wooden box on the seat.

As soon as Ye Feng got the old wooden box, he immediately opened the lid of the box, and suddenly a green halo came out of the box. The whole cabin of the aircraft looked green illuminated by the green halo.

Ye Feng immediately felt that after the green halo was shining on her body, she felt a shock on her skin. However, this feeling was also fleeting. After that, it seemed that there was always an electric current on her skin to transmit to her whole body, which was numb and itchy, and even felt that the sweat hairs on her skin were standing up.

However, when Ye Feng looked at the dead companions behind him, he saw that they were all holding out their hands to block their eyes, as if they were very afraid of the green halo.

And the leader's eyes at this time are staring at the green light in the ancient wooden box in Ye Feng's hand. It seems that his eyes are particularly dull. Originally, he stretched out his hand to pull the people around him, but now it has been completely released.

But fortunately at this time, those who had been led by the leader were covering their eyes with their hands, and they didn't go to Ye Feng immediately.

Ye Feng quickly looked around the environment, and then immediately looked down at the green light in his ancient wooden box. The halo was not dazzling, but there was always an uncomfortable feeling when he looked at it.

And the central position of the halo, the green is the most abundant, the more the green is lighter, the green in the central position looks a little dark green, and even black.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see clearly what is in the green halo. Ye Feng didn't see what it is after a long time. At this time, he couldn't help extending his hand to the green light.

However, when Ye Feng just reached for something in the green light, his hand just blocked the green light, and the green light of half the cabin suddenly disappeared. Those companions immediately put down their hands to cover their eyes and began to rush towards Ye Feng again.Ye Feng saw this, his heart suddenly moved, and immediately retracted his hand. As soon as his hand retracted, the green light suddenly came out again. Those people just took a step, immediately reached out to cover their eyes, and stopped in the original place.

Ye Feng see this, can't help but frown, it seems that his guess is completely right, they these people's abnormal behavior, is completely affected by the green light.

Ye Feng looked at the green light of the ancient wooden box Li, and then looked at the people in front of him. Then he stepped back and sat on the stool on one side. He took the ancient wooden box with his other hand, and the other hand stretched out to the green light in the opposite direction.

This time, when Ye Feng's hand blocked the green light again, it blocked the other side, and the green light in front of him was not affected at all.

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and pinched his fingers carefully. At this time, he felt that his fingers seemed to pinch a cold but hard thing. It was preliminarily estimated that it was bigger than his thumb and was similar to a stone.

However, Ye Feng felt that the stone seemed to be completely welded to the wooden box. After holding it with his fingers, he didn't feel the stone move at all. He tried to break it with force, but he didn't move it. He could not help frowning immediately.

Just when Ye Feng's energy was completely on the ancient wooden box, jock Emma, who fell on his side, stood up slowly, and her eyes turned into green eyes. After standing up, her eyes stared at Ye Feng for less than a second, and instantly put up her hands and pinched Ye Feng's neck.

Ye Feng's attention is completely on the ancient wooden box and the stones in the box, and after Jock Emma wakes up, there is no sound at all, which makes Ye Feng not notice when Jock Emma wakes up at all.

It was not until Ye Feng's neck was completely pinched by Jock Emma that Ye Feng regained his mind. Looking at Jock Emma in front of him, he saw that Jock Emma had a fierce look on her face. Her hands were like steel tongs. She grabbed Ye Feng to death. She could not break half of her hand.

Ye Feng was choked by qiaoke Emma completely out of breath. At this time, the ancient wooden box in his hand was also removed. Instinctively, he broke qiaoke Emma's arm with both hands, but it still didn't help.

And after the ancient wooden box fell to the ground, the green light suddenly came out completely, and those guys who had blocked their eyes immediately rushed up to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sees this and says that it's not good for him to wake up now. If he is still pinched by Jock Emma, he can be pinched by Jock Emma in less than three minutes.

At this time, he put all his hope on the leader. After all, besides himself, there is another leader who has not been affected by the green light. Now he can only rely on the leader to save himself.

However, when Ye Feng glanced at the leader on one side with his spare light, he saw that the leader's eyes were dull at this time, and his eyes were as green as those of Jock Emma's. The only difference was that the leader seemed to be completely dull now, standing still.

Ye Feng saw such a scene, his heart suddenly cool, he immediately realized that the leader should also be affected by the green light, he now in addition to himself, no one on.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's hand is still hard to break off Jock Emma's hand, but still can't move half a minute. At this time, he looks at the ancient wooden box falling on the ground beside his feet. It seems that the way to stop all this is to start from the source of the ancient wooden box.

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