Ye Feng looked at the ancient wooden box at his feet, and immediately stretched out his feet to reach the ancient wooden box. Fortunately, it was not too far away from Ye Feng's feet, and soon he was hooked by his feet.

However, even if the ancient wooden box was hooked by Ye Feng, it didn't have any real effect, and Ye Feng's neck was almost cut off by Jock Emma. After taking a deep breath, he thought that he would die here anyway, so he might as well take a chance.

He immediately stepped on the ancient wooden box with one foot, exhausted his last strength, and wondered whether the stone in the ancient wooden box had been crushed, and all this might subside.

After Ye Feng kicked it, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his feet. The hardness of the stone was far greater than Ye Feng imagined. With this kick, the ancient wooden boxes were crushed, but the stone was not crushed, and his feet were pierced by the stone.

Even Ye Feng felt that the stone actually pierced the sole of his shoes, and then his skin and flesh, and directly pierced into his feet. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain at his feet, and with a sense of electric shock.

But Ye Feng's foot, the green light of the stone also disappeared. Suddenly Ye Feng also felt that the strength of Jock Emma pinching her hand was obviously smaller, and the green light in the eyes of the people around Ye Feng also disappeared.

Ye Feng takes advantage of the fact that the strength of qiaoke Emma's hand becomes smaller, immediately breaks off qiaoke Emma's hand, and then turns aside. At this time, he takes a look at the crowd and finds that their anger has disappeared.

At the same time, Ye Feng felt the sharp pain at his feet. At this time, he immediately sat aside, raised his feet and looked at his feet, but found that the sole was intact.

However, on the route from the stool where I was sitting just now, there were blood footprints on the ground, and the strangest thing was that the blood footprints were still red at first. Now when you look at them carefully, the red gradually disappeared, but it revealed the green fluorescence, which was permeated with a sense of terror.

Ye Feng immediately looked at the place where the old wooden box was, and found that the debris of the old wooden box was still there, but there was no trace of the green stone. Ye Feng could not help but move.

And at this time, everyone in the cabin suddenly fell to the ground one by one, as if suddenly fainted.

Ye Feng's heart moved again, but he thought that it must be because of the influence of the green stone. But when he thought of the disappearing green stone, Ye Feng thought deeply. He immediately took off his shoes and looked at the soles of his feet.

After all, it was obvious that I felt pain before, which means that the sole of the foot must have been injured. But now, after taking a look, I found that there was no wound under my foot, but there was a green spot, which could not be wiped off by hand.

Moreover, when Ye Feng pinches it with his hand, he obviously feels hard, as if there is a stone in his skin, but when he presses it hard, he can't feel it, as if it's a normal sole.

At this time, someone on the ground had woken up, sat up and looked around in surprise, with an expression of not knowing what had happened.

Then more and more people wake up. When the man who broke his hand by Ye Feng wakes up, his first reaction is to feel the pain of his wrist and cry out in pain.

Before Ye Feng put on his shoes, jock Emma and the leader also woke up. Jock Emma's first reaction after waking up was to look for the ancient wooden box.

When Jock Emma saw that the old wooden box had been crushed, her face suddenly moved. She immediately reached out and picked up all the scraps of the old wooden box and held them in her hands, but her eyes were looking around, as if looking for the green stone.

However, when Jock Emma saw a green spot on Ye Feng's feet, her face immediately changed, and then she got up and went to Ye Feng, sat down on the ground, lifted Ye Feng's feet and looked at it. She was still mumbling, "it's impossible, it's impossible!"

Ye Feng is so moved by qiaoke Emma that he looks at qiaoke Emma awkwardly. At this time, the leader is fully awake. He stands up and looks at Ye Feng and qiaoke Emma. He is surprised and says, "what happened just now? What happened? "

Then he saw that Jack Emma was still carrying Ye Feng's feet. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Ye Feng retracted his feet and immediately put on his shoes.

Jock Emma just recovered, then stood up, looked at Ye Feng and said, "what did you do to it?"

After Ye Feng put on his shoes, he stood up and looked at jock. Emma said, "I want to ask you, what have you done? So that everyone here is as mad as a lost heart? "

At this time, the leader suddenly remembered what happened before. After all, he was the last one who was mentally retarded except Ye Feng. Although he couldn't remember what happened after he was mentally retarded, what happened before was clear.

It seems that all his subordinates are influenced by the things in Jock Emma's hands, and they become ghosts. Even though he doesn't know what happened after his dementia.

But when I think of the appearance of my subordinates, I can roughly guess what I look like when I have no memory.Jock Emma grabbed Ye Feng's neck and said harshly, "what have you done? Why is it under your feet? "

Ye Feng pulls off the hand of qiaoke Emma. At this time, qiaoke Emma's hand is a standard old man's hand. There is no strength at all. He is pulled away by Ye Feng.

Then Ye Feng stares at jock and Emma says, "you haven't answered me. What have you done? Why did the people here just lose heart and go crazy? "

Hearing the words, the leader went to the side of Jock Emma and said harshly, "what is that thing? Why do you make my people like that? "

At this time, jock Emma looked at Ye Feng blankly, then looked at the leader again, finally sat to one side, shrugged his shoulders and said, "forget it, anyway, this thing is gone, I have nothing to give him when I see ricksen..."

Ye Feng hears speech to sit in the side of Qiao Ke Emma, looking at Qiao Ke Emma way, "what is this thing after all?"? What's the usage? I look at it as if it's weird... "

The leader also sat opposite to Jock Emma, and other people sat up one after another. They were all at a loss, and they still don't know what happened.

At this time, the leader also looked at Jock Emma and asked Jock Emma, "Dean Jock, we have come to this stage now, and we will see ricksen soon. What is this thing? Are you going to keep it a secret? "

After taking a deep breath, jock Emma said to the leader, "this is the holy thing of your geek pioneers. Don't you know it?"

The leader and Ye Feng smell speech facial expression all can't help but move, the leader is on the mouth to mumble a way, "what? "The holy things of our geek pioneers?"

Jock Emma looked at the leader and said, "how much do you know about the history of your geek pioneers?"

After pondering for a while, the leader said to Jock Emma, "you mean the predecessor of our geek pioneers?"

Jock Emma immediately nodded and said, "yes, you geek pioneers were a religion hundreds of years ago, and your founder leader was called geek, so his followers were called geek pioneers, and finally became you geek pioneers first!"

The leader immediately nodded his head and said, "I know all this. What I want to know is, what's the matter with this holy thing?"

Ye Feng also echoed, "holy things, in my opinion, are more like evil things!"

Jock Emma said, "this thing should be an alien thing. In those days, geeks used this thing to control the minds of the believers, and then gradually began to expand their religion, and gradually evolved into the current geek pioneer. However, a hundred years ago, when the geek pioneer was founded, there was a rebellion, and one of the believers was not affected by this thing, so he could see it Geek is using this thing to influence people's mind, so he stole the holy things. In the past 100 years, how many people have transferred this thing to me, so Rickson wants to get your holy things back from me! "

Speaking of this, after a pause, jock Emma continued, "he doesn't know where he got the news from. He had contacted me several times before, but I refused them all!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately looked at Jock Emma and said, "before you refused, but this time you agreed. Is it because ricksen has something you really want? What's that thing? "

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