Hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma immediately glanced at Ye Feng and said, "what do I need? Do you care? This is not what geek pioneers should care about, right

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart can't help but move, secret way oneself is to ask too many, indeed the leader also didn't ask these questions, oneself isn't want to expose oneself?

But at the same time, jock Emma continued with a long sigh, "but now it's meaningless for you to care about anything. You've got the holy things of geek under your feet, and I have nothing to exchange with ricksen!"

The leader frowned and stared at Ye Feng for a moment. He didn't pay attention to the first half of what Jock Emma said, but he was very concerned about the second half. He frowned and said to Ye Feng, "is the holy thing under your feet? What do you mean

Ye Feng had no choice but to take off his shoes and show the soles of his feet to the leader. The leader saw that there was a green spot on Ye Feng's soles at this time, and felt that the green was transmitted from the skin. He could not help but frown again.

After staring at Ye Feng's sole for a moment, jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "what have you done? Why is that? "

The leader Wen Yan also looks at Ye Feng. He also wants to know what happened and why the sacred things of their geek pioneers run to Ye Feng's foot floor.

Ye Feng put away his feet and put on his shoes. He said to Jack Emma and the leader, "don't you remember what happened just now? You besieged me at that time, and I was almost strangled by you. I had an idea at that time. I felt that your change should be affected by this thing. I thought that I was going to be strangled anyway. Before I died, I saw if I could step on this stone. I knew that if I stepped down, the fun would run to my heart, but fortunately you all returned to normal! "

When the leader heard this, he suddenly realized how his subordinates had besieged him and Ye Feng. He still remembered that he had a heart. After listening to Ye Feng's words, he suddenly understood everything.

However, after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma asked Ye Feng, "this holy thing really has the ability to influence people's mind. What happened here is really influenced by it..."

At this point, jock Emma instinctively leaned forward and stared at Ye Feng, and her voice became deeper. "But, that is to say, just now everyone was affected by the holy things, but you didn't?"

Ye Feng's heart can't help but be awed. At this time, the leader can't help but look at Ye Feng in consternation. It's true that, as Jock Emma said, everyone has been affected before, but he and Ye Feng have not been affected.

But when Ye Feng opened the ancient wooden box, he seemed to be affected, but Ye Feng was still not affected at all. The meaning of Jock Emma's words is very obvious, that is to ask why Ye Feng is different from others, which is exactly what the leader wants to ask.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's useless for you to look at me. It's the first time I've seen this thing. I don't know why I'm not affected. If I know what's the reason, it's good!"

Jock Emma and the leader showed a trace of disappointment after hearing the speech, but Jock Emma quickly adjusted her mind. After all, he knew that Ye Feng did not know that the situation was normal.

But soon, jock Emma thought of another thing, and then stared at Ye Feng for a long time without saying a word, just quietly looking up and down at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was not at ease when he was seen by Jock Emma. He immediately asked, "what are you looking at?"

Jock Emma said to Ye Feng and the leader, "just now we mentioned that the geek Pioneer had a rebellion a hundred years ago. At that time, there was a guy who was not influenced by the holy things, so he found that the holy things were charming mental things, so he stole the holy things, that person was not influenced by the holy things, and you..."

Speaking of this, jock Emma's eyes narrowed slightly at Ye Feng and looked at him again. Finally, she snorted, "you are not affected by the holy things like him?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately is also a Lin ground looking at Qiao Ke Emma way, "what meaning? You don't think I'm the one, do you? "

The leader a listen to this words, the heart immediately is also a ground to see to leaf maple.

However, jock Emma said, "that's impossible. That rebellion was 100 years ago. At that time, he was at least 30 or 40 years old. It's not difficult for him to live to more than 100 years old in espresso, but even if he's not dead now, he won't be like you! The voice will not be so young! "

Ye Feng can't help but feel a sense of awe when he hears that there is really no memory of age and life span in his only memory of eisf. At this time, he was surprised to hear what Jock Emma said. After all, in the global civilization, human beings have reached the age of 100, and almost few people do. The average life span is 70 or 80 years old. I didn't expect to live in eisf However, it is not difficult to live to be over 100 years old?

Jock Emma continued at this time, "unless you've transplanted consciousness through technology, if so, you can do it!"Ye Feng's heart is moving again. He feels that if Jack Emma continues to talk with him like this, even if he finally proves that he is not that person, he will eventually expose his secret.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "President qiaoke, you think too much. If I were that person, I would have found you this holy thing. Why wait until now?"

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng without saying anything. The leader didn't speak all the time. Then he asked Jock Emma, "why did richson ask you for this holy thing? But we geek pioneers rarely know? "

Hearing this, jock Emma immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "that's what happened to you geek pioneers. I don't know, but it's not hard to understand. After all, this holy thing is a relic of your geek pioneers, and it also has this magical function. Naturally, the less people know, the better!"

Hearing this, the leader looked at Jock Emma and finally nodded, "no wonder richson will come here on his own initiative this time. We wondered at that time that a little thing would disturb richson. It turns out that he came here for the holy things! And he didn't let us touch the sacred object, and even asked us to be polite to you. It's not like richson's style. In general, as long as we see something, we can take it back directly, or even kill you. That would be more convenient. Maybe because he also knows the function of the sacred object, and is afraid that we will be affected, he won't let us touch it or let me Do you ask more questions? "

Jock Emma frowned at the leader and said, "you mean richson is near Huck Bay?"

The leader nodded and said, "yes, he's waiting in a secret stronghold of our geek pioneers on the inland coast. It's estimated that he will arrive in about four hours!"

Jock Emma could not help nodding when he heard the speech. He knew that Huck Bay was a remote island. It would take at least four or five hours to land from Huck Bay, which was not too far.

However, when she thought that she would be able to see ricksen in about four hours, jock Emma fell into a deep meditation. After all, the holy thing of the geek pioneer is under Ye Feng's feet now, and then the things she traded with ricksen will be gone, so she will be in a passive position.

Thinking of this, jock Emma suddenly moved again, immediately instinctively looked at Ye Feng, followed his body to see his feet, and immediately browed.

It's true that the sacred object is at Ye Feng's feet, but it doesn't mean that he has lost it completely. As long as he gives Ye Feng to ricksen, he should have completed his task. As for how ricksen takes the sacred object out of Ye Feng's feet, it's not something he can care about.

When Ye Feng sees that Jock Emma looks at her feet, her eyebrows pick slightly, and the corners of her mouth are rising. Suddenly, her heart is moving. He can see through Jock Emma's intention at a glance.

However, Ye Feng didn't reveal the intention of Jock Emma. He just pretended not to. After all, he was going to be an undercover. He thought that when he got to ricksen's side, the task of the leader and his subordinates would be completed, and maybe he didn't have a chance to see ricksen at all.

But now the situation is different. The holy things of the geek pioneer are in his body. If Rickson still wants the holy things, he must meet with himself. In this way, he saves a lot of trouble.

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