Ye Feng wants to take a look at the front of the aircraft display, which also shows the autopilot's route map, seeing that the route map's journey has gone to more than half, is about to arrive at the destination.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the driver's seat and looked out of the front glass window. There was a deep blue sea outside. It was estimated that the aircraft had already flown out of hukewan island and was about to enter the mainland.

At this time, the leader took the driver who had just woken up to one side and sat down on the other side. He sat on the co pilot with his eyes fixed on Ye Feng and didn't say a word.

Ye Feng was a little hairy by the leader. He couldn't help looking at him. He didn't talk much. He just muttered that the leader didn't receive the influence of the holy things immediately before. He should have something special.

Soon Ye Feng saw the inland not far ahead. The leader immediately took a deep breath, turned back and said to Jock Emma, "it's coming soon!"

Jock Emma nodded, did not say a word, just staring at Ye Feng's back, he felt that the back was familiar, but he could not remember where he had seen it.

However, what attracts Jack Emma most is that Ye Feng can absorb the holy things of the geek pioneer into his body. It's very special that he is not affected by the holy things. After all, there has been one for so many years. If Ye Feng is not that person, then he is the second one.

But if there is a real dispute, it is more special to be able to absorb the holy things into the body than not to be affected by the holy things. After all, this is the first person in history.

Soon the aircraft flew into the inland, and the aircraft automatically flew toward a target inland. Soon, we saw a large church like building in front of us.

The aircraft flew directly to the square of the church and landed. After the aircraft landed, the leader immediately stood up and said, "here we are!"

But Ye Feng looked out of the window and saw several statues standing on the square of the church, a large fountain in the middle, and a group of unknown white feathered birds pecking on the square.

After everyone got off the aircraft, Ye Feng also opened the door of the driver's seat and came down from the aircraft. Just as he came to the leaders, the leader whispered in Ye Feng's ear, "don't talk in a moment, listen to me!"

Ye Feng can't help but be shocked. The leader doesn't have to explain himself alone, but he doesn't say a word to others. At this time, he sees the leader walking towards Jock Emma. When he gets to his side, he says, "President Jock, please follow me!"

Jock Emma did not immediately follow the leader's steps, but looked at Ye Feng on one side and said, "you'd better take him. He is a holy thing now. Later, ricksen asked, I can say it!"

The leader can't help but look at Ye Feng and then says, "isn't it necessary? Rickson won't see him as he is! "

Jock Emma shrugged and said to the leader, "if Rickson doesn't see him, I won't see him either! Why don't you report it first! I'm not in a hurry! "

Hearing this, the leader took a thoughtful look at Jock Emma. Then he took a side look at Ye Feng. He nodded and said, "OK, then president Jock, please wait here for a moment. I'll go in and report to you!"

Then the leader walked towards the church building. When he passed by the white birds, the white birds immediately flapped their wings and flew away. However, after the leader left, the white birds fell down one after another.

At this time, the men of the other leaders walked towards another building on the side of the church. No one spoke, and no one called Yefeng. Soon, Yefeng and Jock Emma were left on the square.

Jock Emma walked up to Ye Feng at this time. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "I guess we've met before!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help looking at Jock Emma, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "President Jock is really joking. This is the first time we have met!"

But Jock Emma shook her head and said, "my biggest advantage is that I have a good memory. I've definitely seen your back, and I'm familiar with your voice. We must have seen it. Do you mind taking off your mask and goggles and showing them to me?"

Ye Feng's heart immediately turned to Yilin. After staring at Jock Emma for a moment, he said, "sorry, Dean Jock, we geek pioneers have regulations that anyone can't take off the mask and goggles without permission!"

Jock Emma was about to say something. At this time, the door of the church had been opened. The leader walked out of the door and said to Yefeng and Jock Emma, "come here, richson agreed!"

Ye Feng breathes a sigh of relief when he hears the speech, but he is secretly saying that this Jock Emma's memory is too good. Just by his back and his voice, he can judge whether he has met him.

Fortunately, the leader has come out to relieve the siege, otherwise he really doesn't know how to face this Jock Emma.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately stretched out his hand to Jock Emma and said, "President Jock, please!"Jock Emma still stares at Ye Feng for a moment. Then she walks towards the church gate. Ye Feng follows her closely.

One after the other, they walked towards the gate of the church. After entering the gate, Ye Feng saw clearly that the god worshipped in the church was a God he had never seen. Moreover, Ye Feng didn't know about the painted figures on the walls and the glazed tile roofs.

There is a huge white statue in the front of the hall. The figure on the statue looks very big, not angry, red. He is naked, and his lower body is wrapped with a piece of cloth. He has a sword in one hand and a huge shield in the other. He looks like a person in ancient times.

The leader continued to take Jock Emma and Ye Feng forward. After reviewing everything in the church, jock Emma led the way to the head, "ricksen really knows how to find a place. He found such a place!" He said with a sneer, "you are hiding in the God's residence, but what you are doing is killing. Isn't that a bit ridiculous?"

The leader didn't say a word. He just looked at Jock Emma and said, "it's coming soon!"

Soon the leader with Ye Feng and Jock Emma passed the hall and went to the side of the huge statue in front, where there was a small door.

Behind the small gate is a backyard, with various flowers and plants planted on both sides. Occasionally, there are one or two small white statues between the flowers and plants, such as decoration, and it seems that they are dedicated here on purpose.

In the middle of the garden, there is a small path leading to another Western European style building not far behind. A road at the fork of the road leads to a western style pavilion in the garden.

When they got to the door, the leader knocked, stood at the door and said, "here they are!"

Then a middle-aged man's deep voice said, "take them to the pavilion to have tea first, and I'll come out after praying!"

As soon as the leader heard this, he immediately turned to Jock Emma and said, "richson is still praying. Let's go to the pavilion over there for tea. He will come to us after praying!"

Jock Emma sneered and said, "pray? Why, do geeks and pioneers pray? "

He deliberately said it loud, obviously because he wanted Rickson in the room to hear it, but there was no sound inside.

The leader's face was slightly moving, but he didn't answer. He just led Ye Feng and Jock Emma back along the sheep's intestine path. When they got to the fork, they walked towards the garden pavilion.

There is a stone platform in the middle of the pavilion, on which some tea sets have been put for a long time. After the three people went over, the leader asked Jock Emma to sit down and then poured tea for Jock Emma.

Jock Emma sniffed the tea cup, but still said with disdain, "richson is very good at enjoying life. This kind of scented tea is very unusual as soon as you smell it!"

The leader didn't say a word. Instead, he looked at Ye Feng standing on one side. He saw that Ye Feng was looking around. He made an instant sound. When he saw that Ye Feng was looking at himself, he immediately winked. He didn't know what he meant.

Ye Feng looked at the leader in surprise, but saw that the leader had already sat on the side of Jock Emma. He poured a cup and drank it slowly, but he didn't say anything to Jock Emma.

Ye Feng at this time a burst of surprise, do not know if he is also sitting to the side of his own tea, hesitated or sat in the past.

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