Ricksen pondered at the words, but there was no expression on his face. He just looked at Jock Emma quietly.

When Jock Emma saw ricksen's expression, she was more sure that her guess was right. After staring at ricksen for a long time, she said with a sneer, "ricksen, I always think you are different from most of the geek pioneers. It seems that I have been wrong about you for so many years!"

Ricksen looked at Jock Emma for a long time and didn't speak. After a long time, he took a deep breath. Then Jock Emma said, "thank you, Dean jock. I'm really in your wrong love. But since Dean Jock has said this, I don't want to hide it from you. This brocade box is really empty and there is nothing in it!"

Although Jock Emma had guessed it for a long time, she still had a little fantasy in her heart, hoping that she was wrong. However, when she heard richson's words, she was disappointed.

Ricksen continued to say to Jock Emma, "I'm not hiding from you. We can't get what you want. It's an important federal document. Ordinary people can't get it!"

Jock Emma looked at ricksen and said coldly, "that's not what you said when you wanted to make a deal with me. You said that federal defense is nothing to you geek pioneers. Taking one or two things is as simple as searching for things!"

After taking a deep breath, ricksen looked at Jock Emma with a slight sigh and said, "first of all, I apologize to you. This is really bragging, but you don't have to be angry. If you are smart, you won't believe me at all. First of all, I'm in the geek vanguard, not a senior leader, even if the geek vanguard really has the ability to break the federal defense and achieve success Without the instructions of the top management of the geek pioneer, I can't have the right and courage to give you the documents you need. Secondly, if you think about it carefully, if we geek pioneers can really do anything, we won't be like rats in the street for so many years. We will have the ability to overthrow the federal government long ago! "

Jock Emma said with a bitter smile after pondering for a while, "you're right. I'm so stupid!"

Ricksen said to Jock Emma, "as a leading figure in the echelon of the federal chief scientists, how could president Jock be a fool? The reason why you didn't think so much is that this document is too important for you, so that you have to worry about it. That's why you ignore something!"

After a long sigh, jock Emma stood up and said, "well, anyway, it's my own problem this time. I don't blame anyone. You can admit or deny what you want. Anyway, I'll send it to you. Later Let's make our own fortune! Goodbye

Jock Emma immediately turned around and left. Seeing this, the leader instinctively wanted to stop him, but he was stopped by ricksen. He said, "let him go. This time, we geek pioneers owe him. Moreover, jock Emma is a member of the opposition. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. At present, we are still on a front. I hope we can return this to him later Human feelings

With that, richson turned to the leader and said, "you go and arrange a plane to send Dean Jock back to Huck bay!"

The leader hesitated to look at ricksen, and then looked at Ye Feng again. After hesitation, he turned and left.

After the leader left, richson turned around and looked at Ye Feng. "Now it's your turn to hand over the things, isn't it?"

Ye Feng has been listening, and even has a trace of sympathy when he sees the figure of Jock Emma turning away. After all, jock Emma is blackmailed by the geek pioneer.

But at this time, listening to ricksen talking to himself, his heart suddenly moved. It seems that ricksen has long known that the holy things of the geek pioneer are on him, just pretending not to know.

Ricksen saw that Ye Feng didn't speak. He just stood there quietly and looked at himself. Then he frowned and said, "who are you? Take off your mask and goggles

After taking a deep breath at this time, Ye Feng still took off his mask and goggles, pulled off his headscarf and threw it on the stone table.

Ricksen can't help looking at Ye Feng for a few eyes. Then he looks at Ye Feng with a smile and says, "no wonder JASCO says you're unusual!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "Jia Sike?"

Ricksen said to Ye Feng, "so, you are not our geek pioneer. You don't even know JASCO, your leader?"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when he heard the speech. It was the first time that he heard the leader's name. At this time, he took a deep breath. In fact, he also felt that Jia Sike might have seen through his identity, but he didn't say it all the time.

Ye Feng thought, anyway, his identity has been exposed, there is no need to continue to camouflage, then shrugged to ricksen and said, "yes, I'm not a geek pioneer!"

Ricksen was satisfied with the speech and even looked at Ye Feng with some appreciation in his eyes. "You have the courage to admit that you are not one of us. Do you know how we geek pioneers deal with traitors?"Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders again, and said to ricksen with an indifferent face, "I've come to this step. I don't know if it's meaningless!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, ricksen said, "now the holy thing of our geek pioneers is in your feet. Do you know how important this holy thing is to us geek pioneers?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "I know, but now it's in my body. If you want to, it seems that the only way is to kill me and open my sole to take it out!"

After hearing this, ricksen still stares at Ye Feng for a long time and then says, "you're right, but I'm not going to do that! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning at ricksen and says, "what do you want to do?"

Ricksen said to Ye Feng, "you may not know that anyone who comes into contact with the holy object will be affected by it, including me. Now the holy object is in your body, at least his ability is suppressed by you. Although I don't know what method you used, at least I won't be affected before you are handed over to the upper class!"

Ye Feng then immediately pulled out the laser gun, resisted ricksen's skull and said, "do you think I'll follow you obediently to meet your bullshit?"

Ricksen looked at Ye Feng and said, "isn't that your goal? Or what's the purpose of you coming in disguised as our geek pioneers? "

After listening to ricksen's words, Ye Feng can't help but move. The secret is that he wanted to be an undercover, but he wanted to enter the inside of the geek pioneer.

But then Ye Feng said to ricksen, "now that you've found it, it's meaningless to disguise..."

Ricksen turned around and didn't care about the laser gun pointing at his skull. Instead, he took another sip of a cup of scented tea and said, "once the scented tea is cold, it tastes bitter!"

Ye Feng didn't quite understand the meaning of crimson. After hearing this, he frowned and looked at him. He always felt that crimson was different from what he had imagined.

Just at this time, the leader jaske has sent off Jock Emma. When he comes back, he sees Ye Feng pointing a gun at ricksen's skull in the pavilion. His face suddenly moves and he walks over quickly.

When he got outside the pavilion, Jia Sike stopped and stared at Ye Feng. It was the first time that he saw Ye Feng's true face. He couldn't help looking more, but his hand was pressing the laser pistol on his waist.

Richson said to JASCO, "JASCO, the person you introduced is really interesting!"

Jaske said to ricksen, "he doesn't know the truth yet. I'll tell him!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "the truth? What's the truth? "

Jaske immediately said to Ye Feng, "richson is definitely not the kind of person you think..."

Ye Feng frowned more tightly, looked at jaske and said, "isn't that the kind of person I imagined? Do you know who I think he is? "

Jakes immediately continued to say to Ye Feng, "although we are in the geek vanguard, we are different from other geek vanguards!"

Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath when he hears the speech. He looks at Jia Sike in surprise, and then says, "is it different from ordinary geek pioneers? Why can't I see the difference? "

Although he said that, Ye Feng had already felt it. He had felt it since Jia Sike had reminded himself in his ear after he landed the aircraft.

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