After hearing what Ye Feng said, Jia Sike immediately said to Ye Feng, "isn't the whole Federation also divided into the ruling and the opposition? There are two factions in our geek pioneers. We are the opposition in the Federation! Do you understand that explanation? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at jaske and said, "so, the purpose of your search for the geek relic is not to deal with the Federation, but to deal with the authority of the geek pioneers?"

Jaske didn't speak this time. Rickson, who had been silent, said at this time, "the federal government has two groups of government problems. Although we don't deal with the top geeks, we have the same attitude towards the federal government!"

Ye Feng asked ricksen, "since your goals are the same, what's the difference between you and those in power?"

Ricksen said to Ye Feng, "that's the difference between the development routes. The Ruling Party pursues peace and hopes to achieve regime change through peaceful means. Do you think that's possible?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but move when he heard the speech. After looking at ricksen for a long time, he said, "so, your way is to bleed? In other words, you guys are responsible for the bad reputation of geek pioneers? "

Ricksen was said by Ye Feng, but he still looked at Ye Feng calmly and said, "no regime change has ever been achieved through peaceful means. Unless the opposition forces are so powerful that the ruling factions can't compete and can only abdicate and preserve themselves, it's impossible to achieve. We geeks have been developing for hundreds of years, and we are still a small organization in a corner. That's right It's doomed that we can't take the peace line. Moreover, from the beginning of our establishment, we geek pioneers grew up by blood and sacrifice. Now these people in power have started internal reform, and they want to make a new face for geek pioneers. It's just a fool's dream! History has said everything, and the future will prove that this line is wrong! "

Ye Feng stared at ricksen for a long time and then said, "but have you ever thought about killing people and setting fire everywhere? Not only the federal government regards them as eyesore, but even ordinary people, hearing the names of your geek pioneers, regard you as the existence of terror! So unpopular, how do you get power? No matter how corrupt and incompetent the federal government is, at least its superficial operation is bloodless... "

Before Ye Feng finished, richson said immediately, "that's because you don't live at the bottom of the society. Over the years, all the policies put forward by the federal government are to protect the elite of the upper class. Is there one for the common people? What's more, you may not know that all members of our geek pioneers are from the bottom who are not protected by the policy! Those who are really afraid of us are those who have vested interests, and although we are killing and setting fire, who are we killing? They are all the social elites who are not benevolent and rich in society. The so-called unpopular words you hear are just the words of some people who have lost their interests! Huck Bay used to be a desert island at all. It was a micro city that gradually began to develop after they established the experimental Institute. Most of the residents on the island are relatives of scientific researchers. How many real people are there

After listening to ricksen's words, Ye Feng was silent. To be honest, he did have an impression that the ordinary people he saw now belonged to the upper middle class, or at least the middle class.

In Ye Feng's memory, he has been to the so-called places where he lives at the bottom several times. Those cities can't even be described as cities, let alone compared with large cities such as longarsenburg. Even compared with Huke Bay, there is a hell like existence there.

In Ye Feng's memory, that kind of city is called the third world. Although it is also the people of the Federation, it can not enjoy any of the practical benefits of the Federation. Those cities are deserted all the year round, and the people gathered in them can not eat enough, and their clothes can not cover their bodies. There have even been people eating tragedies.

Originally, these memories were like dust in Ye Feng's memory. At this time, they were completely awakened by ricksen's words.

When ricksen saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, he immediately said, "if you have a chance, go to the real bottom and have a look at the life of those people who are called fireflies and victims by the federal government? And the whole eisf, do you know the ratio of people like this to people living in those big cities? One hundred forty-three to one! That is to say, every time you see a so-called normal people in Huck Bay, there are 143 fireflies in those deserted cities that are not valued by the federal government, and the victims are suffering from hunger and cold! You can also go deep into those places and ask, in their hearts, what is our geek pioneer like? "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said, "even so, this is not the reason why you can kill people at will!"

Richson looked at Ye Feng with a faint smile and said, "when dealing with these people with heavy allusions in troubled times, we can't have compassion. We have compassion for them. Who will have compassion for us?"

Speaking of this, ricksen has stood up and continued to say to Chao Yefeng, "we geek pioneers have been living for the bottom people who really live on the line of life and death since the first day of our founding. So far, this has not changed!"Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at ricksen and said, "if the geek pioneers are really as good as you say, and your mass base is so big, why can't you still fight against the small organizations of the Federation? It's not even as good as the Federal Opposition! "

Ricksen said to Ye Feng, "it has something to do with the development history of our geek pioneers. In a word, it's hard to say. Over the years, we have been used by the opposition of the federal government. Coupled with the polarization of the establishment, our geek pioneers are becoming more and more divided and less United. Now the establishment of the geek pioneers is actually the federal government and the opposition This is how geek pioneers come to be! So if we want to overthrow the federal government, we must clean up the geek pioneers, and form a real alliance against the Federation, so that the real bottom people can have hope! "

After hearing the words, Ye Feng said to ricksen, "what's the use of saying so much to me?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, ricksen said, "if we want to fulfill these dreams, we must get help!"

Ye Feng said to ricksen, "I'm just an ordinary person. I can't give you any help!"

Ricksen said to Ye Feng, "you are not an ordinary person. Don't underestimate yourself. You are the descendant of saiweijia!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, "saiweijia? Who is it? "

Jaske then said to Ye Feng, "before on the aircraft, jock Emma once said that there was a man in our geek pioneer who was not controlled by the holy things. Do you remember?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately a ground to look at Jia Sike way, "he is saiweijia?"

Jascoe immediately nodded solemnly, "yes, only the descendants of Seville will not be controlled by the holy things!"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression immediately move, oneself how also call the posterity of saiweijia? I haven't heard the name of this person at all.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he looked at JASCO again and said, "I remember you were on the aircraft at that time, didn't you receive the control of holy things at first?"

Jaske then said to Ye Feng, "that's because we've all been injected with Seville's serum!"

Ye Feng immediately surprised way, "you?"

At this time, leesenck also said to Yefeng, "I've injected it, too!"

Ye Feng then said with a movement of eyebrows, "bullshit, have all the people on the aircraft been injected? Why are you the only one out of control? "

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "even if you have injected Seville's serum, you can't guarantee that you won't be controlled by the holy things. It's related to your mental strength. Those people's mental strength is not strong, so even if you have injected Seville's serum, it doesn't work. I'm a little better, but I'm still controlled in the end! Maybe the only one who is completely out of control is the descendants of Seville! That's you

When Ye Feng heard this, he was surprised. He carefully searched for the name of saiweijia in his consciousness, but he still had no impression. Maybe this memory is because he has not fully recovered?

Just thinking about it, richson said to Ye Feng, "so it's the best choice to put the holy things on your side, but the upper level of the geek pioneer must get the holy things!"

Ye Feng looked at ricksen and said, "so?"

Ricksen said to Ye Feng solemnly, "so, we need your help, just like your ancestor saiweijia in those years, to fight with us!"

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