Ye Feng listened to ricksen's words and saw that Jakes looked at himself with sincere eyes. At this time, he took a deep breath and didn't speak for a long time.

After all, when I came here, I just wanted to go undercover to see what was going on inside the geek pioneer. I didn't expect that things would suddenly come to this stage.

How can he become a descendant of Seville? Now ricksen, the opposition leader of the geek pioneer, still asks himself to take them to fight?

All of this, completely beyond Ye Feng's expectation, a lot of things turn let Ye Feng some overwhelmed, for a moment, Ye Feng can't answer richson and JASCO's words.

Ricksen saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said, "don't worry. I know I've said so much to you all at once, and it's hard for you to accept it at one time. It's normal. We can give you time to think about it, and you can think about it slowly. Don't worry!"

Jia Sike also said to Ye Feng at this time, "also, if you have anything you don't understand, or have any requirements, you can put forward with ricksen, we can try our best to meet you!"

Ye Feng is still pondering for a long time. He just looks at ricksen and jaske quietly. Then he goes to the side of the stone table and sits down. He still doesn't speak.

Ricksen continued to say to Ye Feng, "do you have any doubts?"

Ye Feng then said to ricksen, "if I'm a descendant of saiweijia, you want me to lead you to fight, you mean..."

Richson took a deep breath and said immediately before Ye Feng finished, "I know what you mean. You want to talk about your identity and status, don't you? I can tell you now that if you agree to our request, all the geek pioneers on my side will be at your disposal in the future! "

Ye Feng really means that. Since ricksen said he wanted to lead them, could he lead these people.

At this time, after hearing the affirmative answer from ricksen, he immediately looked at ricksen for a moment, and then asked, "including you?"

After taking a deep breath, richson said to Ye Feng, "of course, including me, JASCO and I will listen to you! As I said, we need you to lead us to the path that Seville wanted to lead us to. As long as you nod your head, you will be the absolute leader on our side immediately. Of course, in the future, you can also be the leader of the whole geek pioneer. If everything goes well and the federal government is overthrown, you can also be the new king of the new global empire

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath. He has never thought about the new king of the global empire. His purpose of asking these questions is not really to lead the geek pioneers, but to see Rickson's attitude.

From the tone of ricksen's reply just now, Ye Feng can see that ricksen is either an absolute performer who can deceive himself, or he is really sincere.

For a moment, Ye Feng had some difficulty in making a choice. After all, all the information he had heard about the geek pioneer was negative. Now Rickson wants to be the leader of this organization full of negative news, which is really hard to accept.

When ricksen saw that Ye Feng still didn't speak, he sighed slightly and continued to say to Ye Feng, "to tell you the truth, since the death of Seville, we geek pioneers have no goal and development for 100 years, and we are about to decline completely. We have been waiting for Seville's descendants to appear, and finally let us wait until this day..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for ricksen to finish, and immediately said to ricksen, "how can you be 100% sure that I am the descendant of Seville? Maybe there is some misunderstanding?"

Jia Sike, who had never said a word, said to Ye Feng, "this can't be wrong. Only the descendants of saiweijia will be completely immune to the holy things. Even if you are not directly related, you must be related to saiweijia by blood!"

Ye Feng continued to ask, "if I'm related to saiweijia as you said, but I'm not directly related, what if I find saiweijia's descendants who are directly related in the future? What are you going to do with me? "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, richson and jaske can't help but be stunned, staring at Ye Feng for a while, no one said anything.

When Ye Feng was about to speak, richson said, "we don't want to hide it from you. If this is the case, your position will definitely be given up. Our leadership must be pure descendants of Seville, but you can rest assured that since you can have no influence on the holy things, at least you are related to Seville, and you are in the vanguard of geeks There are still many senior positions to do in the future! "

After hearing what ricksen said, his heart suddenly moved. It's not that Ye Feng really cares about this senior position of geek pioneer, but that he wants to test ricksen and jaske's attitude towards himself through this question.

If ricksen and jaske tell themselves that even if they find the real Seville's descendants, they will definitely be the users themselves, then Ye Feng will hold a hesitant attitude towards their words, which can only show that they have said a lot of words in order to win over themselves.

But now ricksen's answer is a bit beyond Ye Feng's expectation. At least from this answer, ricksen is really thinking about the future of the geek pioneer. On the surface, he doesn't show any selfishness.But Ye Feng doesn't believe that there is such a selfless person in the world. Richson must have his consideration when he does so. Thinking about Ye Feng, he can't help asking richson, "you should be the absolute leader of the internal opposition of the geek vanguard now. If I come here, but I occupy your position, don't you want to be second-line? It seems unfair to you?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Rickson said to Ye Feng, "if you ask such a question, it means that you really don't understand us. We are all gathered together for a belief. Our goal is to build a truly fair and just new eisf, not a federation just for a few people!"

But Ye Feng said to ricksen, "this is just an idealized Utopia. There is no real fairness and justice! When a new empire is established, there will inevitably be new powers, and then there will be new vested interests, and then there will naturally be a new distribution of interests, resulting in injustice. "

Ricksen could not help nodding and said, "you are right. There is no real fairness and justice in this world, but we should at least achieve the fairness and justice of the vast majority of people. Once again, it should be better than the current Federation. Even if the new empire is only one step or even half a step ahead of the current Federation in the end, it is also the result of our efforts. For the whole empire, it is not only a step forward, but also a half step forward As far as human history is concerned, eisf has also made progress. If there are new cracks in the new empire, there will naturally be a new group of fighters fighting for the new bottom of society! "

At this time, jaske added, "Seville once said that even if we only get half a point in return, we have to make great efforts! You are the descendants of Seville. I hope you will remember this sentence of your ancestors, which is now the creed of our geek pioneers, at least the creed of our gang! "

Ricksen took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, who had not spoken yet, "you don't need to give us an answer right now. We have plenty of time. We have been waiting for a hundred years, and we don't care about waiting any longer. We can wait until you give us an answer, give us an answer or second, and finally give ourselves an answer. In this world, it's only a hundred years, In the end, we need to do something. We don't want to be magnificent. At least we have fought for a belief. Even if we die at last and look back on our life before death, we have no regrets! "

Ye Feng can't help staring at ricksen for a long time. If ricksen works in MLM, he must be surrounded by a large number of people. Most of his words are brainwashing, which sounds reasonable. But the problem lies in the truth, and what he says is general.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to ricksen, "but not everyone in the world lives for faith!"

Ricksen frowned slightly, but Ye Feng continued, "I'm an ordinary person without faith. I don't want to be magnificent, and I don't even want to leave no regrets before I die. A regretful life is perfect in my opinion!"

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