Ricksen listened to Ye Feng's words, and then said to Ye Feng, "I know that if you want to accept all this now, you will have an instinctive resistance mentality in your heart for a moment. I said that we have plenty of time, we can wait until you figure it out!"

After listening to what ricksen said, Ye Feng pondered for a moment and said to ricksen, "what if I refuse you directly? What will you do with me? "

Ricksen frowned slightly and looked at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he said, "I said, we can wait until you figure it out!"

Ye Feng continued to say to ricksen, "what I mean is that after I have figured it out, I still refuse. What are you going to do with me?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, richson immediately ponders and looks at Ye Feng for a long time without saying anything. Ye Feng can see from his expression that he is not ready to be rejected directly.

Jia Sike, standing on one side, said to Ye Feng, "we will wait until you change your mind."

Ye Feng hears speech then sneer a way, "that is to say, if I refuse, I will be put under house arrest by you all the time, house arrest till I agree to your request?"

Ricksen shrugged his shoulders at Ye Feng and said, "to tell you the truth, I really haven't considered that you would refuse. After all, I personally think such a request is too loose, even with temptation. I don't understand, and I can't think of the reason why you want to refuse!"

At this point, after taking a deep breath, ricksen continued to add, "first of all, if you agree, you are our leader. We will carry out all your orders. In other words, as long as you nod your head, you can do whatever you want in the future. I really can't imagine that you will refuse!"

Ye Feng said to ricksen, "what you said is very nice..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, richson immediately continued to say to Ye Feng in an emphatic tone, "it's not nice. If you nod your head, we will follow what we said. In fact, it's just like that. It's not just our words that deceive you!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded a way, "even if admit what you say is the truth, but have you ever thought, this is not the life I want? I don't want to lead you! "

Richson heard the words again, and then stood up and said, "you're still resisting from your heart. Well, I'll give you time to think about it."

Then he said to Ye Feng, "I'll let jaske take you to the real bottom these days. If you still refuse after watching..."

When ricksen said this, he pondered for a long time. Then he said, "if you still refuse, we'll let you go!"

Ye Feng can't help staring at ricksen when he hears what ricksen said. Jaske, who is standing on one side, also looks at ricksen in surprise. It's obvious that letting Ye Feng go is not in their original plan. Jaske's eyes seem to be telling ricksen that his decision is a little hasty.

Ricksen looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't look at me with such questioning eyes. The reputation of our geek pioneers is not very good in your so-called bottom people's psychology, but we don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. Every time we decide to kill a person, we have to go through layers of voting before we start. We are still very democratic, of course, if you are willing to stay Next, it's easy for us. If you don't want to stay, we can't deprive you of your freedom. That's not our intention! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath when he heard what richson said. To tell the truth, Ye Feng felt that he was a little bit moved by richson. But his reason told him that things should not be so simple. There must be something he didn't know. Richson and jaske would not tell him. Everything must be two-sided, So reason is telling itself not to make a decision easily.

So although Ye Feng's heart has been moved by ricksen, he never let go of his promise.

When ricksen saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, he nodded and then said to jaske, "take him to see what kind of life the real bottom is living."

After that, richson looked at Ye Feng again and said, "you can go with jaske. After you finish watching, if you still insist on leaving, we'll let you go!"

After speaking of this, richson stares at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he leaves the pavilion and walks towards the house at the end of the path. He must continue to pray.

After richson entered the room and closed the door, jaske said to Ye Feng, "come on, I'll take you to have a look!" Then he went out to the pavilion.

Ye Feng follows Jia Sike's side, and then asks Jia Sike, "in fact, you have already known what you used to take when you went to find Jock Emma this time."

Jaske shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's right! I've known for a long time, otherwise we wouldn't have all beaten Seville's serum to prevent it from being affected by the holy things! "

At this time, Ye Feng immediately asked Jia Sike, "then you are on the aircraft, the subordinate you killed..."

As soon as jaske heard this, he immediately said, "that's not the federal undercover, but the top undercover of the geek pioneer. Before this operation, we are ready to kill him, but ricksen said that we should let him send out the news that we have found the holy things, and then kill him!"Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help a wrinkly ground looking at Jia Sike way, "why?"

Jaske shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. Maybe Rickson has his own plan. He wants to tell the upper class that we can find the holy things here! As for why, I don't want to understand, I don't want to understand. It's up to richson to plan everything! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng followed jaske into the front church, and then asked jaske, "do you trust richson so much?"

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "we have come to this day under the leadership of ricksen, otherwise we would have been eliminated by the people above. Without ricksen, there would be no us, so we believe in ricksen unconditionally!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan continued to ask, "never doubted?"

JASCO said firmly, "not once! No, not half a time, to be exact! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at JASCO. When he talks about ricksen, his eyes are full of admiration and trust, without any hesitation.

Maybe in JASCO's heart, ricksen is their spiritual mentor. Everything he says is the supreme truth in JASCO's heart.

But history tells Ye Feng that generally, such people are either deified after death, just like Jesus, or will be gradually torn off the mask of hypocrisy in the future. I don't know whether richson is the former or the latter.

After getting out of the church, jaske said to Ye Feng in surprise, "I don't understand very much. Richson has given you such good conditions. Do you still want to refuse?"

Ye Feng didn't answer Jia Sike's question. For a hot group of richson, he couldn't accept any explanation, because they would feel that they were questioning their spiritual tutor.

That's not to mention his doubts about ricksen. Ye Feng estimates that if he doubts, he doesn't even need to speak ill of ricksen. JASCO can't accept it. He may even feel that he has a brain problem.

Just as JASCO thinks that the conditions given by ricksen are good and can't be any better, he still has to consider or even refuse. He doesn't understand this, so it's useless for him to say more about such problems.

Ye Feng had several questions that he wanted to ask himself. He began to ask Jia Sike, "you just think I'm a descendant of Seville, but have you ever thought about my identity in the Federation?"

Jia Sike frowned at Ye Feng's words and sighed, "ricksen told me that he knows you must have a position in the Federation. The purpose of your undercover visit is to investigate our geek pioneers. But ricksen said that your position in the Federation will not affect you and us, because we are all the same People

When Ye Feng heard Jia Sike say that ricksen said that they were the same kind of people after all, his heart could not help but move, and ricksen's confident and deep face appeared again in his mind.

And jaske then walked up to an aircraft, turned back and said to Ye Feng, "come on, get on the aircraft, I'll take you to see the world you may not have seen! It is estimated that it will shock or even completely re wash your mind! "

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