Ye Feng listened to what Jia Sike said, but he didn't say anything. He followed Jia Sike directly to the aircraft. To tell the truth, Ye Feng wanted to see what richson and Jia Sike said, which really belongs to the life of the people at the bottom.

Although Ye Feng has a little impression of these places in his memory, to tell the truth, if ye Feng is allowed to think about it carefully and talk about what is going on, Ye Feng can't say it at all. For him, where is still too far away.

After the aircraft took off, Ye Feng didn't speak, and Jia Sike didn't speak much. The cabin of the aircraft was quiet, and soon a city was seen not far away. Jia Sike reminded Ye Feng that it was coming soon.

Ye Feng just stares at the city in front of him. The city printed in his eyes can't be called a city. There are also high-rise buildings everywhere, but the buildings are full of ivy, and there are few complete pieces of glass.

In addition to these high-rise buildings, the middle of the city is full of weeds, trees, flowers and vines. JASCO's flying aircraft is not too high. If he flies a little higher, he may not even notice that there is a city here.

Jia Sike and Ye Feng said at this time, "this is one of the most prosperous coastal cities hundreds of years ago. Look at the tallest building with more than 100 floors. It used to be a landmark here, but now you can see where there was half of the style of that year."

Ye Feng then stares at the towering building and sighs in his heart. However, he thinks that JASCO should just drive by with an aircraft, but he doesn't expect that after JASCO flies close, he starts to land.

Ye Feng can't help looking at Jia Sike in surprise, "is there anyone in this city?"

Jia Sike also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "someone? You seem to have forgotten what I'm bringing you for? Don't you just look at the bottom of society? This is it. Compared with Huke Bay, this is the real bottom of society! "

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the words. At this time, he looked at the deserted city in front of him. He couldn't help sighing. The buildings in this city have been deserted. If people live here, how should they live?

Soon the aircraft landed on the ground, JASCO opened the cabin door and went out, followed by Ye Feng. It was only then that he found that there was no road at all, and there were weeds everywhere.

After approaching a building, Ye Feng noticed that there were people everywhere in the building. His clothes were ragged and dirty, and he could not see the original color. Some people even wrapped the key parts with cloth strips, and other places were exposed.

In such a large building space, they separated countless single rooms with various kinds of cloth strips. There was only a bed made of miscellaneous things. On both sides of the bed, there were all kinds of sundries. It looked like a refugee from famine.

Some people noticed that when Ye Feng and Jia Sike came near, they could not help looking up at them. But from the eyes of those people looking at themselves, Ye Feng could see that these people's eyes were completely without light. To put it bluntly, they were numb and had no hope.

After looking at it, jaske continued to walk forward and said, "it's just a drop in the ocean. It's the same situation in every building in front of him. There are people everywhere!"

Ye Feng followed Jia Sike and asked, "do they usually sit here? What do they eat? No job? "

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "they eat everything. Sometimes they eat captured hamsters, sometimes they eat suburban plants In short, what can fill the stomach, eat what! Work? What else do you think there is to work in such a deserted city? "

Ye Feng sighed after hearing the speech, and followed Jia Sike to visit several buildings, which were similar to what he saw in front of him, and even worse than those.

As they walked, Jia Sike and Ye Feng heard a loud noise. Looking at it, they saw a black and thin man running in front with a child in his arms, while several people were shouting behind him.

Ye Feng and Jia Sike can't help but stop and look at the past. Ye Feng noticed that the child in the black and thin man's hand is thinner than him, and he shrugged his hands. It seems that he has no life features for a long time.

At this time, jaske rushed over with a shoulder, and then he kicked the black and thin man out, and shot the child in his hand.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. According to ricksen's idea, all the members of the geek pioneer come from here. At the bottom of the society, why does jaske attack his former companion so hard?

Just hesitating, the person who chased the black and thin man had already run over, while jaske gave the child to those people. Several people immediately cried, while someone was digging a hole to bury the child.

At this time, jaske went to the black man who was kicked down by him, pulled him up, and immediately smoked a few mouths, "you beast..."

The black man's head seemed to have no strength to lift up again, and several people who had been chasing the black man behind him also gathered around and beat the black man violently, until the black man lay motionless on the ground and was completely killed by them.Ye Feng sighed and looked at the angry faces of those people. After thanking Jia Sike, he went to the children's grave and cried for a while before leaving one after another.

Ye Feng at this time roughly know that the black thin man is robbing the child, but he robbed a child's body to do?

After Jia Sike came back, he saw Ye Feng looking at the distance in surprise. Then he said to Ye Feng, "do you know what that guy did to rob the child's body?"

Ye Feng felt something. He felt a pain in his throat, but he heard Jakes say coldly, "he must be hungry. He wants to eat the baby!"

What Jia Sike said was the same as what Ye Feng thought. Ye Feng suddenly felt acid in his stomach and spat. He had heard about cannibalism and had never seen it before. He didn't expect to see this scene today, which made Ye Feng hard to imagine.

Seeing Ye Feng's appearance at this time, Jia Sike shrugged his shoulders and said, "this kind of thing is common here, but it's much better now. In the past, they were really hungry and crazy. They would catch living people to kill and eat. After being rectified several times by us, no one dared to do this, but occasionally they ate corpses! We happened to meet him today, or he would have been eaten! "

Ye Feng has not uttered a word, Jia Sike see this just said, "how? Do you want to keep looking forward? "

Ye Feng shook his head and cleared his throat before he said, "no! Go back

Jia Sike takes another look at Ye Feng. After staring at him for a long time, he starts to go back. On the way, no one talks, Jia Sike doesn't explain anything, and Ye Feng doesn't ask any more.

It was only in front of the aircraft that jaske said to Ye Feng, "there are more than tens of thousands of cities like essf. This is the real bottom of society. Huck Bay is a paradise compared with here!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng took out a cigarette and lit one. He smoked half of it but didn't say a word. After a long time, he looked at Jia Sike and said, "why don't you help them rebuild their homes and spend the rest of their lives in such a wasteland? What's the difference with those animals?"

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "I know what you think. There are so many people here. Why don't you make the city more decent and suitable for them to live in..."

Ye Feng didn't say a word, but his expression was that he acquiesced to Jia Sike's words.

And JASCO said to Ye Feng, "we did that in the early days, but do you know what the federal law is? As long as the cities become normal, all kinds of taxes will follow. The degree of taxes can crush such urban agglomerations again. Therefore, in the end, they would rather do this now than repair the cities again, because even if they work hard, the final result is that they will only help the Federation grow a layer of fleece and then return to what it is now. In this case, why We have to work for nothing

After listening to Jia Sike's words, Ye Feng could not help sighing again, and then said, "why don't you build cities that are divorced from the federal government and don't pay them taxes?"

JASCO said, "it needs to break with the Federation completely and arm them thoroughly. For the time being, we don't have the ability and financial resources to do so."

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