Ye Feng didn't say a word. Jia Sike took a look at Ye Feng and immediately got on the aircraft. After Ye Feng got on the aircraft, he said to Jia Sike, "then even if I promise you, it's impossible to change this situation!"

Jia Sike started the aircraft and said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to underestimate yourself. As long as you are willing to do it, there must be a way!"

Ye Feng can't help wrinkling when he hears the words, "so you haven't thought of any way to change the status quo? Then why me? I have no idea what you are thinking

After taking a deep breath, jaske said to Ye Feng, "we haven't explained to you one thing about Seville's descendants."

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned at Jia Sike and said, "what's more? What? "

Jia Sike continued to say to Ye Feng, "in addition to not being influenced by the holy things, saiweijia's descendants will be smarter than ordinary people, and they will certainly come up with a way to solve the present predicament!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "smart? Who said that? Can't Seville's descendants be fools? Even if it's not a congenital fool, what should we do if we meet an unexpected fool? "

Jascoe said, "our Bible says that it must be the descendants of Seville who can lead us out of this predicament. Since the birth of the Bible, its prophecy has never been wrong."

Ye Feng smell speech complexion immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Jia Sike way, "Bible?"

JASCO nodded and said, "yes, the full name is the geek Bible! It is said that a believer of geek got it by accident on a holy peak! No one knows exactly who wrote it, but the prophecies in it have been realized one by one

After staring at jaske for a long time, Ye Feng said, "since the geek Bible is here, it means that everything has been instructed and everything will be known in the future. What else should we strive for? Just follow the instructions of the Bible

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "the geek Bible can not predict all the future, but only after one thing is predicted, new predictions will appear. After all, once the prediction does not take shape, the result will change. What's the significance of predicting tens of thousands of years later? What's more, the geek Bible has always been the most important holy thing of our geek pioneers. It has been kept in the headquarters of the geek pioneers. Only a few people can see it. Rickson once saw it, and what he saw was this one about the descendants of Seville! "

After listening to what Jia Sike said, Ye Feng can't help staring at Jia Sike for a moment. This is the first time Ye Feng has heard of it, and he has no memory of the geek Bible in his mind.

Jia Sike saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said, "you may not believe it. When I first heard about it, I couldn't believe it, just like you, but it does exist!"

Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "you haven't seen it with your own eyes. How do you know it really exists? Ricksen told you that? "

Jascoe said immediately, "ricksen told me. Ricksen never tells lies!"

Ye Feng laughs and says to jaske, "when he saw Jack Emma today, didn't he already lie? I used an empty brocade box to cheat Jock Emma. Is this ricksen who doesn't lie? "

Jia Sike listened to Ye Feng's words, but he was silent for a long time.

Soon the aircraft continued to fly back to the church. After landing on the ground, Ye Feng and jaske got off the aircraft. Jaske continued to take Ye Feng to the back of the church.

After arriving at the back yard of the church, Jia Sike took Ye Feng back to the pavilion and sat down. Then he asked Ye Feng, "have you seen the real bottom of society, haven't you shaken your mind?"

But Ye Feng looks at the little house where ricksen prays. When Jia Sike sees this, he says to Ye Feng, "do you want to talk to ricksen in person?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter. I'll tell you the truth. So far, I still have no interest!"

After hearing this, Jia Sike looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean to refuse?"

Ye Feng continues to shrug a way, "can say so!"

Jaske's face immediately changed and became very angry. He stood up with a strong slap on the stone table and said angrily to Ye Feng, "don't think that you are the descendants of saiweijia. We are already begging you in a low voice. You should stop when you are good!"

But Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "you also said that you should take it when it's good. The problem is that I didn't see it at all. How can I take it?"

Jia Sike's face sank and his eyes glared at Ye Feng. After a long time, he took a long breath and sat back. Looking at Ye Feng, he said, "talk about what you say. What conditions do you need us to promise you? You will promise us!"

Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "to tell you the truth, I really can't see what benefits I can get from the geek pioneer, so..."

Just then, ricksen's voice rang out not far away and said, "any conditions can be discussed. You didn't ask for anything. How can you know that we don't have the benefits you want?"While talking, ricksen had already come this way. When ricksen got to the pavilion, jasko immediately stood up and said to him, "I've taken him to the nearby city, but he's still not moved!"

Richson took a look at JASCO, nodded slightly, and then sat opposite Ye Feng, with a pair of eyes staring at Ye Feng and said, "talk about your requirements?"

Ye Feng also stared at ricksen for a long time, then said, "is it any of my requirements, you can agree?"

Ricksen immediately nodded, "as long as it's a reasonable request, we can do it, we can agree to it!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "is reasonable, I don't know, but you can do it!"

Ricksen immediately asked, "what are you asking for?"

Ye Feng said to ricksen, "disband the geek Pioneers!"

Upon hearing this, richson was stunned. He looked at Ye Feng and didn't say a word for a long time.

On the other hand, jaske said angrily, "what kind of requirement is this? Ricksen has already said that we need a reasonable request. Do you think it's reasonable for us to disband the geek pioneer? "

Ye Feng immediately said to ricksen and jaske, "in my opinion, it's very reasonable, but for you, it's not difficult!"

After taking a deep breath, richson said to Ye Feng, "if you say that, you just refuse?"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "it's not a refusal. At least I've offered you conditions, but you can't meet my requirements!"

Ricksen browed at Ye Feng and said, "first of all, I'm not the direct leadership of the geek pioneer. I can't disband the geek pioneer. Second, even if I have the ability, why should I disband an organization that has existed for hundreds of years? After disbanding the geek pioneer, are we going to be slaughtered by the Federation?"

After staring at ricksen for a long time, Ye Feng said, "you can disband the geek pioneers around you first..." After a pause, he said, "maybe I'm not very accurate. To be exact, I'm asking you to leave the geek vanguard!"

Ricksen frowned again, but without waiting for him to speak, jaske immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't you think your request is too much? We're out of the geek vanguard. What are we? "

But Ye Feng said to JASCO and ricksen, "since you don't agree with the upper class of the geek pioneer, and they have different styles, and even suspect that they are from the Federation, I can't find any reason for you to stay in the geek pioneer. Now that the people around you ricksen are all like-minded people, you can use them These people set up a new organization, which is different from the geek pioneer! I don't understand why you haven't done so far! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, ricksen immediately pondered for a while. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "don't you know that the geek pioneers are already a minority in terms of the whole Federation, and our people are even a minority of the geek pioneers. If we break away from the Geek pioneers, we may disappear in the long river of history in an instant!"

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