Ye Feng continued to say to ricksen, "I only know that" different ways do not conspire with each other ". Since we have different ways and different purposes, it is extremely meaningless to maintain the unity and integration of the organization. Instead of such false unity, we should go our separate ways. Maybe after that, there will be temporary difficulties, but I believe that as long as we realize the non false unity, we should go our separate ways On the other hand, after the true unity, the organization will still be formed. We should believe that a single spark can start a prairie fire. What's more, I saw today that the people at the bottom are indeed suffering, but there are also a large number of people. As long as we do all the forces that can be united, let alone the geek pioneers, we can shake the whole Federation! "

When ricksen heard what Ye Feng said, he immediately fell into a deep meditation. Even jaske, who was still angry, could not help stretching his eyebrows and staring at Ye Feng.

After a long time, richson said, "so, we're not wrong in choosing you. From what you said, we don't need to verify at all. You must be the descendant of Seville!"

Jascoe added, "so there's nothing wrong with what the geek Bible says. The descendants of Seville can not only resist the invasion of holy things, but also incarnate the wise!"

Upon hearing this, richson frowned at JASCO and said in surprise, "did you tell him about the geek Bible?"

Seeing jaske's nervous face, ricksen finally sighed, "just say it. Sooner or later, it will be said."

After speaking of this, richson looked at Ye Feng and said, "listen to what you just said, it seems that you have a new idea of our future, that is to say, you have decided to lead us..."

But Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I just put forward my opinion..."

Ricksen immediately interrupted, "if you promise to lead us, I can promise you that we can break away from the geek pioneers and form a new organization!"

Jaske can't help but be shocked when he hears the words. He stares at Ye Feng and ricksen with round eyes. Although he doesn't know what will happen after he leaves the geek pioneer, he always feels like he's bleeding.

After listening to what ricksen said, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at ricksen for a long time, and then said to ricksen, "but once you leave the geek pioneer, you will never have the prediction of the geek Bible again!"

Ricksen said with a bitter smile, "you don't know. I'm not the core of the geek pioneer any more. Only the core of the geek pioneer can see the geek Bible. Moreover, even if I can see the geek Bible, I don't think it's meaningful now. Compared with the prophecy in the Geek Bible, I believe that the future should be created in my own hands!"

After listening to ricksen's words, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. In fact, to tell you the truth, he didn't really believe in the language of the geek Bible. It's not that he had never encountered a similar situation before. In fact, he finally found that it was just a trick.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked at ricksen in surprise and said, "since you believe that the future will be created in your own hands, but you still believe that I am predicted in the geek Bible?"

Ricksen was stunned and pondered for a long time. Then he said with a bitter smile, "maybe human nature is complex and contradictory. I really don't believe in the geek Bible, but I have to admit that so far, the predictions in the geek Bible have come true! So in the end, if the geek Bible is good for us, I believe it. If it's bad, I don't believe it. Maybe this is the real human nature

Ye Feng can't help but look at ricksen more. In fact, ricksen is right. This is the real human nature. If the top leaders of the geek pioneers who still believe in the geek Bible appear in the Bible and want to destroy them, are they willing to die?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng has made some changes to ricksen. Before, he had a preliminary impression of ricksen's eloquence. To tell you the truth, Ye Feng is not optimistic about ricksen. He always feels the same as the spiritual tutors of those pyramid schemes.

But now after ricksen and himself said a few words from the heart, Ye Feng has a little favor for ricksen. Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help nodding to ricksen and said, "let me think about it again!"

Jia Sike can't help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "ricksen has promised you all the conditions. Do you still have to consider it?"

Ricksen then said to jaske, "don't worry. It's not a small matter after all. It's right to consider it carefully."

Ye Feng looks at ricksen and jaske thoughtfully. After a long time, he says to ricksen, "I want to go back to Huke bay for a while..."

Ricksen and jaske could not help but move slightly when they heard the words. Jaske said directly to Ye Feng, "are you going to refuse completely after you go back to Huke Bay?"

Ye Feng also does not conceal ground to look at two people, nodded a way, "also have possibility!"

JASCO immediately said, "no, you know too many of our secrets now. We can't let you go!"

Ye Feng smell speech but look to ricksen way, "you before but say, no matter what the result is, can't limit my freedom, how?"? Is it exposed so soon? "Richson looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a long time. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "OK, JASCO, you can take him back to Huke bay!"

Jaske looked at ricksen with a puzzled face and said, "ricksen, you are crazy. If he tells the Federation about our situation, we, not only us, but the whole geek pioneer may be finished!"

Richson said, "since we have agreed to him, we must let him go. Besides, I believe he is not such a person. He should not tell our conversation to the people who are not good for us."

Ye Feng clapped and said to ricksen, "I did not trust you before, but now it seems that you are exactly the same as what you said!"

Ricksen and jaske can't help frowning when they hear the words. Ricksen suddenly looks at Ye Feng with a sharp heart and says, "are you testing us?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's tempting, but I really want to go back to Huke Bay first. There are many like-minded friends over there!"

Ricksen smell speech brow a wrinkly looking at Ye Feng way: "so say, you already agreed to our request?"

Ye Feng nodded and shook his head. Before he spoke, Jia Sike said impatiently, "if you agree, you will agree. If you don't agree, you won't agree. You nodded and shook your head again. Do you agree or don't you agree?"

Ye Feng said to ricksen and jaske, "I want to promise, but I want to go back and discuss with my friends. After all, we have our own goals!"

Ricksen asked Ye Feng, "what's the purpose of you and your friends?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "please forgive me for not telling you!"

Richson took a deep breath and nodded, "OK, JASCO, you can take him back to Huck bay! You stay there and wait for the news

Jia Sike wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to say. He always feels that after seeing Ye Feng off, Ye Feng won't come back.

At this time, Ye Feng stood up and said to ricksen, "otherwise, what's the result? I'm glad to meet you!"

Richson looked at Ye Feng with a smile and nodded, "I hope the result will satisfy us all!"

Ye Feng nodded with a smile, and then walked to the side of the sheep's intestine path. Jaske said to ricksen, "do you really let him go?"

After ricksen nodded, jaske stamped his foot angrily, but he still followed Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng just walked a few steps, and then stopped. Jia Sike looked at Ye Feng and said, "how? Have you changed your mind? "

But Ye Feng turned back to ricksen and said, "I want to ask the last question!"

Ricksen stood in the pavilion, nodded to Ye Feng and said, "excuse me!"

Ye Feng asked ricksen, "what does Jock Emma want to exchange with you?"

Ricksen smell speech brow a frown ground looking at leaf maple, but for a long time also didn't speak.

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't want to answer. I'm just asking!" Then he turned and wanted to go.

Don't want this time, ricksen but toward Ye Feng said, "he needs a list!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately stops and looks back at ricksen in surprise. "A list? What list? "

Rickson shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not sure about the details, but this list is very important to Jock Emma. I mean more important than his life!"

Ye Feng was shocked when he heard what ricksen said. After looking at ricksen for a long time, he nodded and said, "thank you very much!"

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