After Jia Sike got on the aircraft, Jia Sike started the aircraft and asked Ye Feng, "what do your friends in Huke Bay do?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said casually, "they have nothing to do like me!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Jia Sike can't help looking at Ye Feng from the rear-view display. He looks like he wants to talk but stops talking. In the end, he doesn't say anything.

Soon, the aircraft flew towards Huck Bay. On the way, Ye Feng and jaske didn't talk much. However, Ye Feng found that jaske wanted to talk to him several times, but finally he didn't say a word.

Ye Feng didn't say anything at first. After the aircraft flew over Huck Bay, he asked JASCO, "do you have anything to ask me?"

Jia Sike shakes his head and says it's nothing. After listening to Jia Sike's words, Ye Feng doesn't ask any more questions. After all, the other party doesn't want to say it, so it's meaningless to ask more.

Just at this time, jaske's face suddenly moved, immediately staring at the display in front of the cab, and then said to Ye Feng, "I found several targets approaching our aircraft!"

Ye Feng immediately got up and sat in the co pilot's seat, staring at the display, but saw that there was a red dot on the display, which was approaching the aircraft they were taking. It was estimated that the speed was very fast, and it could arrive at the scene in about ten minutes at most.

Ye Feng asked Jia Sike, "what's the red dot? Other aircraft? "

Jaske shook his head and said, "no, it should be a small tracking bomb!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly moved. He didn't know why they just flew over Huke Bay, and immediately there would be tracking bombs.

Jia Sike then said to Ye Feng, "we have investigated Huke bay for a period of time before. We believe that Huke Bay has entered a comprehensive defense system. That is to say, from now on, once there is a UFO over Huke Bay, it may be shot down by a tracking bomb immediately. Obviously, we have become the target of Huke Bay defense system It's like that

After listening to Jia Sike's explanation, Ye Feng immediately asked Jia Sike, "how likely is the aircraft to avoid this kind of tracking bomb?"

Jia Sike took a deep breath and immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's almost zero!"

Ye Feng's face changed as soon as he heard this, and then he said to Jia Sike, "what are you waiting for? Don't hurry to land

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "at present, there are beaches nearby, and there is no suitable place to land. When we find the place to land, we will be attacked by tracking bombs!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart is a move, immediately ask Jia Sike way, "aircraft have jump equipment?"

JASCO shook his head and said, "no, there was no equipment on the large aircraft before, and there was no equipment on this small aircraft. We didn't expect Huck bay to start the defense system of the whole island! This is our miscalculation

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly moved again, but soon he thought that he had a magnetic levitation suit on his body. Thinking of this, he immediately opened the cabin door, and then said to JASCO, "don't hesitate, jump with me!"

Jaske pondered for a while when he heard the speech. He looked down and still hesitated. In order to keep a distance from the tracking bomb, the current aircraft has almost maintained a high speed. Although the height is not very high, it is half disabled to jump at such a speed.

Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "I have magnetic levitation clothes on me. You jump down and I'll try to save you..."

Jia Sike immediately said to Ye Feng, "the design of the magnetic levitation garment can bear the weight of one person at most, but it can't bear the weight of two people at all!"

Ye Feng immediately said to jaske, "although you can't stand the weight of two people, it's better than falling directly. Now you can either jump with me or sit on the aircraft and wait for the tracking bomb to hit the aircraft and die! Do it yourself! "

After Ye Feng finished, he didn't say anything more and immediately jumped from the front passenger seat.

When Jia Sike saw Ye Feng's situation, he hesitated. He took a look at the monitor in front of him and saw that the red dots around him were approaching the aircraft. Finally, he opened the cockpit door, closed his eyes and jumped down.

Jaske just jumped down less than ten seconds when he heard a loud bang coming from the sky. Jaske could not help but move when he heard the sound. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was falling down.

Then jaske looked up again, but not far in front of him, the aircraft was full of fire and smoke and fell down.

Just after jaske felt that he would fall down and die, he suddenly felt that his double room was pulled up by something.

Jia Sike immediately looked up, but saw that Ye Feng was on his own at this time, holding out his hands and pulling his double room clothes, but the speed of his downfall didn't seem to slow down a lot.

Jia Sike immediately said to Ye Feng, "let go, or we will both be killed!"

Ye Feng did not say a word, but continued to pull Jia Sike's clothes, along with his clothes down to some, then hugged Jia Sike from behind, completely did not mean to let go.Jaske couldn't help but move when he saw this. He immediately looked down again, but he saw that they were falling rapidly. It must take less than a minute for them to fall directly on the beach on the ground. Although the ground is a piece of beach, they can also fall into meat mud when they fall from this height.

Seeing this, Jia Sike immediately yelled to Ye Feng, "let go, at least one can live. If you hold me, you will only die together. It's not worth it..."

At this time, Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "wait a minute, I haven't started the maglev suit yet..." With that, he immediately pressed the two buttons on his sleeve. Suddenly, Ye Feng felt a sudden upward force in his body and began to lift his body up.

At this time, Jia Sike also felt that Ye Feng held his hands and suddenly had an upward force, which showed that Ye Feng's magnetic levitation clothing had played some role, but it just slowed down the speed of decline, and did not change their overall trend of decline.

At this time, Ye Feng had already pressed down the buttons of the two cuffs, but the strength might have been designed according to a person's load-bearing. Now holding Jia Sike, he obviously felt that he was not the same as before.

But Ye Feng still does not want to give up Jia Sike's meaning, he continues to hold Jia Sike, at the same time toward Jia Sike way, "the body as far as possible, increase resistance!"

Jascoton understood the meaning of Ye Feng, immediately changed a posture, his body in the air, Ye Feng also along jascoton's body began to cross in the air, immediately after the resistance increased, the speed of decline began to slow down.

Ye Feng also asked Jia Sike to open his arms and legs as far as possible and continue to increase resistance. After some operation, coupled with the floating force of the magnetic levitation suit, the two men's descending speed gradually began to slow down, but they still fell heavily on the beach on the ground.

As Jia Sike is under Ye Feng's body, Jia Sike's body is almost completely immersed in the beach, and Ye Feng is also splashed with mud by the beach. He quickly stands up and pulls Jia Sike out of the beach.

At this time, Jia Sike's front is full of black mud. Originally, it should not be a big problem for him to fall down at this speed. However, because Jia Sike was pressed by Ye Feng to make a back cushion, he was directly knocked unconscious.

Ye Feng directly drags Jia Sike out of the beach. When he gets to the dry beach, he puts Jia Sike down. He immediately tests his breath. Seeing that he just faints, he feels relieved and forcefully pinches Jia Sike.

Jia Sike was pinched by Ye Feng for nearly five minutes before he had a little consciousness. He opened his eyes slightly. When he saw Ye Feng sitting on his side, he was still surprised. He must have thought that he was dead, but he didn't expect that he would still be alive.

When Ye Feng saw Jia Sike wake up, he was completely relieved. Then he stood up and said to Jia Sike lying on the ground, "since he is not dead, let's go now! Now that there is no means of transportation, it is estimated that it will be a long way to go to the town! "

Just as he was saying this, he saw several aircrafts flying in the middle of the sky, and they had a clear goal. They were coming towards them. Jaske immediately jumped up, looked up at the sky, and said, "this is to catch us?"

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