Ye Feng doesn't know what these two aircrafts are for, but judging from the previous tracking bomb attacks, most of them are for catching them. It must be because Huke Bay has strengthened its defense after the geek pioneers attacked the police station.

Jia Sike and Ye Feng didn't run away, because they all know that it's impossible for them to run over the aircraft at this time. They are just wasting their energy. It's better to save some energy and stay here to wait for the aircraft to land.

Soon, several aircrafts landed on the side of Ye Feng and Jia Sike, and several people came down from the aircrafts, including Li Bo Zhihui and jastefer. Seeing these two people, Ye Feng was relieved.

However, when Libo Zhihui and jesteffe see Ye Feng, they can't help but be stunned. Then they quickly walk towards Ye Feng. Libo Zhihui says to Ye Feng, "how are you?"

Ye Feng shrugged to Li Bo Zhi Hui and said, "why can't it be me? Who do you think it is? "

Libo Zhihui didn't answer Ye Feng's words. Instead, he looked at Jia Sike, wearing a mask, goggles and a lens. Then he frowned and said, "who is he? Geek pioneers? "

As soon as Jia Sike heard these words, he felt awe inspiring. He immediately clenched his fist and made preparations to attack Libo Zhihui at any time.

However, Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "it was before, but it is not now. He has been successfully rebelled by me. Before I went undercover to the geek vanguard, I was soon found. He saved me and took me to grab a flying machine to escape!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui and Jia Sike can't help but move when they hear the speech. Jia Sike looks at Ye Feng in surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Feng to answer like this.

Libo Zhihui then lights Jia Sike for a long time. Jia Sike slowly loosens his fist and tries to relax himself. Since Ye Feng has made an explanation for himself, it's easy to be suspicious of his posture.

At this time, Libo Zhihui nodded to Jia Sike and said, "since you have decided to leave the geek pioneer, there is no need to take these things with you. After entering the city, it will cause unnecessary misunderstanding!"

Jia Sike's heart moved when he heard that Li Bo Zhihui wanted to take off his mask and goggles. He hesitated to take a look at Li Bo Zhihui and looked at Ye Feng on one side.

Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "he's right. Since you've betrayed the geek pioneer, you're not a member of the geek pioneer. There's no need to take this with you! Take it off

Jia Sike listen to Ye Feng also say so, can't help a moment of hesitation, but after thinking again and again, or took off the face mask and goggles.

Ye Feng this is the first time to see Jia Sike's appearance, but he has a beautiful face, and a pair of dark blue eyes look particularly attractive, and look at his appearance and his voice a little out of place feeling.

Jaske's voice is the kind of man who seems to be low and rough, but he didn't expect to look the same as a Western cream, which is completely beyond Ye Feng's expectation.

After taking a look at Jia Sike's appearance, Li Bo Zhihui said to Ye Feng, "follow us to the aircraft. I'll ask you what happened when you got to the geek pioneer? Why was my teacher put back? "

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "has Jock Emma come back?"

Libo Zhihui walked towards the aircraft and said to Ye Feng, "less than an hour before you came back, now he has been re arrested by the police and under investigation!"

After everyone got on the plane, Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "I left here with the pioneers of the geek. When I got to the destination, I separated from Jock Emma. I don't know what happened to him!"

After taking a deep breath, Li Bo Zhihui said to Ye Feng, "have you arrived at the base of the geek pioneer? where are you? Can you mark it on the map? "

With that, Libo Zhihui pressed a button on one side of the aircraft, and a virtual display immediately appeared in the middle of several people. After Libo Zhihui called out the map on it, he said to Ye Feng, "point it out to me!"

Ye Feng's heart moves and stares at the map, but he doesn't speak. Jia Sike on one side is also staring at Ye Feng. He is looking at whether Ye Feng will point out the location of the church to Li Bo Zhihui.

And Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, then said, "when I went there, I didn't pay much attention to the flight route. I can only remember that it took me about an hour to fly here from there!"

Li Bo Zhihui pondered for a while. After looking around on the map, he drew a stroke on the virtual map, and suddenly a circled area appeared on it. He said, "in more than an hour, it should be in this area, but this area is not small. We can't find a specific place. It's very difficult for us to do things."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "in fact, it's useless to find it, because before I was ready to flee, they were preparing to leave there!"

Li Bo Zhihui frowned and said, "are they ready to evacuate?" Then he murmured, "so what's the purpose of their operation? Why did you catch the teacher and put him back? "Ye Feng immediately asked Libo Zhihui, "after Jock Emma went to the police station, didn't she explain anything?"

Libo Zhihui shrugged and sighed, "after the teacher came back, he hasn't said a word so far! No one knows what happened to him! "

Ye Feng pondered for a while, and jaske on one side was also relieved. However, when he looked up, he saw that jastefer sitting opposite him was staring at him. Jaske could not help getting nervous again, and immediately raised his vigilance.

But jesteffe just looked at JASCO and didn't say much.

Libo Zhihui then said to Ye Feng, "so this time your undercover operation is a complete failure? Have you been gone so long that you haven't got any meaningful information? "

Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears that he used to be an agent of the Federal Bureau of investigation. This identity is clear to Libo Zhihui. In his previous identity, if the undercover agent is found this time, it can be explained. But if there is no information at all, it is obviously not realistic.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "I've got some news, but I don't know if it's useful!"

Libo Zhihui had been staring at Ye Feng. Just as Ye Feng had just thought, Libo Zhihui was already suspicious of Ye Feng's undercover operation. He knew that Ye Feng used to be a well-known agent of the Federal Bureau of investigation. If Ye Feng didn't get any information, Libo Zhihui had reason to believe that ye Feng had reached any agreement with the geek pioneer, or even this institute It is said that the members of the geek pioneers who are being attacked by Ye Feng are also likely to be the eye liner that the geek pioneers are planting at the side of Ye Feng.

But listening to Ye Feng's words, Libo Zhihui immediately dispels his doubts. Looking at Ye Feng, he says, "what's the information? Is it useful or not? We'll know after we analyze it!"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "although I didn't pay attention to their landing location at that time, when the aircraft was flying, I saw an abandoned city below. Maybe the aircraft landed in less than ten minutes after flying over the ruins of the city!"

Upon hearing this, Libo Zhihui immediately enlarged the map on the inland side of Huke Bay. Then he double-click on it and the map enlarged again. At this time, he frowned and said, "the nearest inland coastal city to Huke Bay, and the only one that has been abandoned is Aegean City, which has been abandoned for nearly 100 years, but there are a lot of people gathered here "The firefly..."

Said Libo Zhihui staring at the map after a long time, this just toward Ye Feng way, "there are other information?"

Ye Feng said, "also, I heard that the geek Pioneer has a geek Bible, which can predict what will happen in the future."

Li Bo Zhihui and Jia Sike can't help but move when they hear the words. Jia Sike obviously didn't expect Ye Feng to say it.

However, after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Libo Zhihui murmured, "geek Bible? Is the rumor true? " Then he asked Ye Feng, "did you see the geek Bible?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "how can I see it? I just heard those people mention it. It's said that it's in the base camp of the geek pioneer, and only a few core people of the geek pioneer can read it!"

Jesteffe, who had never spoken, said to them, "as far as I know, the geek Bible is not a book, but a monitor!"

People can't help but be stunned to see to jesterfield, Ye Feng is more surprised way, "a monitor?" Then he immediately asked, "how do you know?"

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