Jestfeld said to the crowd, "many years ago, I saw the geek Bible, and at that time, it was not called the geek Bible, but the federal supercomputer!"

Ye Feng and Li Bo Zhihui can't help but be stunned when they hear the speech. They stare at jesterfield and say, "Federal Computer?"

Jaske was also surprised, but after all, he had never seen the real geek Bible. He didn't know whether the geek Bible was a book or a monitor. He had heard it from ricksen's mouth, and ricksen had never said what the geek Bible looked like.

At this time, jesteffe said to Ye Feng and Libo Zhihui, "this was a supercomputer project researched by the federal government. It is to collect all kinds of big data and calculate the possible future situation. I used to be one of the leaders of this project!"

Ye Feng remembers that jesteffe's former identity is a federal engineer. Now that he is a federal engineer, Ye Feng begins to ponder. Maybe this geek Bible is the same as the prophet event he has experienced before, but it's just the result calculated by the machine.

Libo Zhihui then stares at jasfield and says, "were you a federal engineer before?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and took a noncommittal look at Libo Zhihui. But Libo Zhihui was puzzled. What exactly are Ye Feng's gang? They all seem to have something to do with the federal government.

Jia Sike's mind is almost the same as that of Libo Zhihui. He didn't expect that Ye Feng had federal engineers around him.

And Ye Feng asked jesterfield at this time, "so this calculation result has never been wrong?"

Without waiting for jesteffe to answer, Libo Zhihui immediately asked, "according to what you said, this is clearly something of the federal government. Why is it taken by the geek pioneers?"

Jestfel said at this time, "I'm not very clear about the specific situation. After all, when I was a federal engineer, the supercomputer was still in the federal government studio. As for how the geek pioneer got the computer, I don't know, and the calculation result, at least we didn't make any mistakes when testing it!"

Then jesteffe immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "the experiment of Jock Emma will be successful. It was calculated at the beginning, so I will participate in it and see what the experiment is like!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help staring at jesterfield for a moment. Then he understood why jesterfield would participate in the micro universe project as an engineer. It turned out that they already knew that the result would be successful.

Libo Zhihui looks at them in surprise, and jaske is even more puzzled. He doesn't even understand what they are talking about or what Jock Emma's experiment is.

At this time, the driver informed the crowd, "it's about to land!"

Ye Feng took a look at the display and found that the focus of the route map sign on the display was in the FBI branch.

Libo Zhihui nodded and didn't say a word. He just looked at Ye Feng and jasterfeld thoughtfully. He felt that he had been kept in the dark about many things.

Although the identities of Ye Feng and jastefer are not hidden from him, they always feel a little confused. Even their own teachers keep their mouths shut and don't say anything to themselves, which makes Libo Zhihui feel frustrated.

Jaske didn't say a word. He felt that his trip was worthwhile. He heard too many secrets that he didn't know before. If he had a chance to go back, he must tell ricksen these and ask ricksen if the geek Bible is a computer.

Ye Feng pondered until the aircraft landed. After everyone got off the aircraft, he asked jestefeld, "do you have any news from Dixie and Scarlett?"

Jesterfield shook his head and said, "I haven't got in touch yet!"

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move. He looks at jestefel in a dazed way, while Li Bo Zhihui on one side walks up to Ye Feng and says, "you have a rest first, and then I'll meet my teacher, hoping to get some effective information from him! I'll see you later! "

Ye Feng nodded to Libo Zhihui and watched Libo Zhihui get on the aircraft. After the aircraft flew away, he turned and looked at jesterfield, who was walking towards the FBI branch building. "There's a question. In front of Libo Zhihui, I'm not easy to ask!"

Hearing this, jester Fei stopped and looked at Ye Feng immediately. "What's the problem?"

Ye Feng lowered his voice and said to jestefeld in a deep voice, "I just mentioned a few words of the geek Bible, and you said that the supercomputer was still in the Federation before you left. If you just think from the literal meaning, when it comes to the geek Bible, you should first associate it with a book, but how can you associate the geek Bible with the computer you studied ?”

After hearing Ye Feng's question, jestefel's face moved slightly, and his heart was even more awe inspiring. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jestefel took a long breath. "At that time, you were talking about the geek Bible that can predict the future, and the supercomputer that I was engaged in research also predicted the future, so I will..."Ye Feng said with a sneer, "even so, the reason is too far fetched. Just because both things predict the future, you can be sure that the geek Bible is the supercomputer you study. Does this explanation seem a bit hard to accept?"

Jester fee listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately is a burst of silence, for a long time also did not speak.

Standing behind Ye Feng, Jia Sike also heard the dialogue between Ye Feng and jesteffe. At this time, he also felt that Ye Feng had some truth to say. Just because both things can predict the future, they can be sure that they are the same thing. This explanation is indeed far fetched.

However, Ye Feng saw that jesterfield didn't answer, but he didn't continue to ask. Instead, he walked towards the FBI branch building, and jaske immediately followed him.

This is the first time that jaske has entered the jurisdiction of the FBI. After entering the building, he can't help looking around and inquiring.

Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "don't go east and West. There's no secret worth exploring here! Don't forget that your main purpose here is not to spy on the military! "

Jia Sike can't help but move when he hears the speech. He immediately takes back his eyes, but he doesn't say much. Instead, he continues to follow Ye Feng and walk towards the door of an office.

Ye Feng goes to the office and pushes the door open. However, he sees Zhuo wanqiu and Monica sitting at their desks, while cat face and tree face are doing nothing. They are looking at each other operating the computer with a complaining face.

Seeing Ye Feng coming back, the cat faced man immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't you think we are backup people? Now things are over, and we haven't played yet..."

Cat face person said to see a leaf maple behind is Jia Sike but not Jie stefei, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly tunnel, "a Nan?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "she's outside the building. It's estimated that she'll come in soon!"

Zhuo wanqiu then said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, are you back?"

Ye Feng nodded, but Jia Sike looked at Ye Feng slightly, "what does he call you? Satan Brother

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "my other name is Satan!"

Jaske looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "are you the FBI, the so-called first agent Satan?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown at Jia Sike and say, "how? Do you know me? "

Jaske shook his head and said, "I've heard your name, but I've never seen it It's not just me, we are People over there have heard of the name.... "

Ye Feng can't help laughing when he hears the words, "am I so famous over there? I hope it's not a bad name, is it

Jaske said, "it's not a bad name, but it's not a good reputation. You should know that many of our people have died in your hands!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Jia Sike. He can't recall the memory of meeting with the geek pioneer.

But when Jia Sike said this, he was very strange. It didn't look like cheating at all. It seemed that most of it was true. Ye Feng couldn't help pondering.

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "you are there. You should confess your identity. If you know you are Satan, maybe we won't let you back! Ricksen won't want to work with you any more! "

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