Listening to the anti smuggling section, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Jia Sike and said, "listen to your tone, what's the old grudge between me and you geek pioneers?"

Jia Sike looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face and said, "don't you remember what you did to our geek pioneers before?"

Said immediately and cold hum a way, "perhaps say, you used to do those, for you are too used to, so you did not pay attention to?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "I really don't remember. My memory is incomplete. Many memories have disappeared. Now I can only remember some fragmentary things, and our purpose this time is to retrieve my past memory!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath, and then continued to say to JASCO, "since you know the past between me and the geek pioneer, why don't you tell me what I have done to you before? Why do you hate me so much? "

Jia Sike listened to what Ye Feng said and immediately stared at Ye Feng for a long time. He found that Ye Feng didn't look like a liar at all. He frowned and said, "do you really remember anything?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Jia Sike and said, "I really don't remember anything, but if you don't believe me, I can't help it!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Jia Sike said, "since you don't remember anything, what else can I say?"

Ye Feng immediately moved a stool to sit down, also motioned to Jakes to sit down and said, "I just said, I want to get back my lost memory, no matter good or bad, I want to know, what I have done to the geek pioneer, you tell me in detail!"

Jia Sike then hesitated to take a look at Ye Feng, then also sat to one side, looking at Ye Feng way, "before the blood pigeon square event, do you remember?"

Ye Feng can't help wrinkling his brow when he hears the words, "blood pigeon Square incident?" Then he shook his head and said, "I don't remember!"

Jia Sike frowned at Ye Feng and said, "blood pigeon Square incident, such a sensational thing, don't you remember?"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and saw that Ye Feng didn't seem to be faking at all. He immediately sighed, "that was many years ago. The then federal president was going to make an important speech in the blood pigeon square. Our geek pioneers sent out 18 top elites to assassinate the president, but the assassination failed in the end. Only one of the 18 elites came back, and this one came back One died a week later

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help looking at Jakes and said, "do you mean that I killed all these 18 people?"

Jaske shrugged his shoulders and said, "according to the last person who came back, it was a moving hand called Satan. Within two hours before they assassinated the president, Satan found 18 elites who were ambushing around the blood pigeon square and solved them one by one. It seems that Satan deliberately sent him back to the headquarters of the geek pioneer to report and save his life for the time being If not, the eighteenth will be killed on the spot! "

The cat faced man frowned and said, "is this Satan too powerful, or are your 18 elites too rubbish?"

Jaske said with a movement of eyebrows, "the 18 elites are the most powerful characters in our all geek pioneers. Every one of them is a good hand who can fight against 100 with one. The assassination was also called the most glorious jihad in history by our geek pioneers. We paid too much for that assassination, not just the 18 elites And after the assassination failed, the clean-up operations of major cities around the world made us geek pioneers lose at least thousands of people after that time! "

At that time, Zhuo wanqiu said to jaske, "I can't blame my brother Satan. At that time, you were in charge of your own affairs. As a federal agent, of course, he regarded protecting the president's safety as his duty. He was the opposite of you, and he was not to blame for doing so!"

Jia Sike shrugged at the crowd, looked at Zhuo wanqiu, then looked at Ye Feng. After taking a deep breath, he said, "that's right. Everyone is in charge. There's nothing wrong with it. But do you know who is among the 18 elites?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately looked at Jia Sike. Since Jia Sike asked this question, it shows that the 18 elites have something to do with him.

When jaske saw Ye Feng staring at him, he said, "the one you put back and didn't let him die immediately is named Richter!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly looked at jaske and said, "you mean, he belongs to ricksen..."

Jascoe nodded. "Yes, he's ricksen's brother!"

When Ye Feng hears this, he immediately looks at Jia Sike and kills ricksen's brother. If ricksen knows, he doesn't know what will happen.

Jaske then looked at Ye Feng and said, "so I said before that if you had revealed your identity earlier, Rickson would not be willing to cooperate with you, or even let you back! He swore long before the statue of the Lord that he would avenge his brother by cutting the enemy himself

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "holy Lord?"Jascoe immediately nodded and said, "yes, it's the statue in the church you went to, that's your ancestor, Seville!"

Ye Feng could not help but move at this time. He did not expect that the huge stone statue in the church was actually a statue of saiweijia.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but say to jaske, "that's difficult. I'm the descendant of your Lord now. Ricksen is very embarrassed!"

Jaske also nodded at this time, "yes, but richson didn't know. If it was me, I didn't know what to do when I heard the news! My brother's personal enemy is actually after the Holy Lord I have been looking for for for so many years! What a dilemma

Ye Feng also pondered for a long time without saying anything. He was also imagining what ricksen would think if he knew.

At this time, Zhuo wanqiu asked Ye Feng and Jia Sike, "what Lord? What descendants of the Lord

Jaske looked at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "the holy thing is Seville, and he is the descendant of the Lord's Seville!" Then he looked at Ye Feng.

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Jia Sike and Ye Feng in surprise, and then said to Ye Feng, "are you the descendant of savior?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. He himself was helpless. How could he become saiweijia's descendant.

At this time, Ye Feng thought of another thing, that is, the holy thing of the geek pioneer is still on his sole. Do you want someone to help take it out?

At this moment, jesteffe's voice came from the door and said, "are you the descendant of Seville?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help looking up toward the door, but see Jester fee is a face surprised is standing at the door looking at himself.

The cat faced man and the tree faced man stood up when they saw jesterfield coming back. The cat faced man even said to jesterfield, "are you OK, my daughter?"

Jesterfield did not answer, but his eyes were still staring at Ye Feng, as if waiting for Ye Feng's answer.

But Ye Feng asked jesterfield, "do you know Seville?"

After jestfel entered the office, Chao Yefeng said, "saiweijia is one of the most famous spiritual mentors of the geek pioneer, and also the first person to split the geek pioneer and even lead to civil strife. Unfortunately, his life is too short, otherwise he must be the leader of the geek pioneer. As long as the Federation knows the geek pioneer, there is no one who doesn't know Seville! Besides, it is said that sevega has not only many believers of the geek pioneer, but also many federal people who worship him. If he didn't die early, it is estimated that the geek pioneer will have a good chance Even if it can't overthrow the union completely, it will certainly be the most troublesome force of the union! How can I not know such a famous person? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath, "does he still have believers in the Federation?"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "yes, there was a period of time when there was even a cult fever for him. In many places around the world, there were churches built about Seville, and the statues inside were all of him. However, after the extremists came to power, they took a lot of actions to suppress this upsurge! In the eyes of many geeks and pioneers, he is a saint, but in the eyes of many federal people, he is also a saint! Now I believe there are still people worshiping him secretly! "

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng asked, "geek pioneers worship him. I can understand what this saiweijia has done to make the federal people worship him?"

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