Jestfel then said to Ye Feng, "you don't know. After the rise of Seville, he not only separated a group of believers from the geek pioneers, but also did a lot of good deeds in the local area. He didn't know how many good things he did for the people. Unfortunately, he was betrayed by his followers and died in the blood pigeon square of longarsenburg. That's why he didn't forget to protect himself when he sacrificed In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a hero and a saint. In those days, the people in the blood pigeon square organized a parade to take back the body of Seville and bury him. On the surface, the federal government didn't say anything, but on the back, it drove the people who appeared in the blood pigeon square out of longarsenic Fort year by year in various names! "

JASCO could not help looking at jesterfield in surprise and said, "you know more about Seville than I do. I don't know how Seville sacrificed!"

Ye Feng noticed that Jester's expense is sacrifice, which represents Jester's recognition of Savior's deeds. He frowned, "do you also think Savior is a hero or a saint?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "most people think so, just because of the environment, many people don't express it!"

Ye Feng was still doubting whether he was a descendant of Seville, and didn't even feel the benefits of being a descendant of Seville.

But at this time, hearing jesteffe say that Seville is a hero, a great man, a saint of the whole planet. At this time, he can't help feeling honored to be his descendant.

Jesteffe then added, "unfortunately, there are very few people like Seville on the mainland of Isle. Seville has been one of them for hundreds of years! If everyone could be like Seville, maybe the Federation would not be like this! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and suddenly thought of a question. He said to Jia Sike, "according to saiweijia's deeds, saiweijia's style of handling affairs is different from yours. You fight violence with violence, but saiweijia is philanthropic. You are not all the way talents!"

Jia Sike shook his head and said, "this is because you don't know Seville. Seville really loves the world and takes the rise and fall of the world and the happiness of the poor people as his own responsibility. But he is also a decisive person and will never be soft handed when it comes to killing..."

Jesteffe nodded and said, "he's right. Seville is kind to the poor people, but for those plutocrats who kill people without blood, the powerful are extremely cruel. So now the federal government is to hype the killing of Seville and ban him. Seville churches in many city states have been demolished, and now they want to do it again If you find the Church of Seville, it's hard to see it only in the deserted city where the poor people live! "

Ye Feng nodded after listening to what jesterfield and JASCO said. He also had a new understanding of saiweijia.

And just then, jestfeld looked at JASCO and said, "are you a geek pioneer?"

In fact, other people have long seen that JASCO is a pioneer of geeks from his speech and behavior. However, Ye Feng has been talking to JASCO all the time, and they haven't had time to ask this question for a while. Now jastefer helps people ask this question.

And jaske shrugged and said, "yes, I'm a geek pioneer!"

Jesteffe then looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you bring a geek pioneer to Huck Bay, aren't you afraid to be found?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and then he told the public what happened after he left Huke Bay. What they heard was a burst of consternation.

Although during the conversation between Ye Feng and Jia Sike just now, people have already known that Ye Feng may be the descendant of Seville, it's still strange to hear Ye Feng say so.

At this time, Ye Feng continued, "so ricksen wants me to join We join the geek pioneer! I want to ask your opinions! "

People listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help a while ponder, for a long time between who also didn't speak.

Zhuo wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, just make up your mind. Anyway, we all listen to you..."

Jestfeld said to Ye Feng, "it's not a problem to join the geek pioneer. As you said before, Rickson can break away from the geek pioneer. We can set up a new organization, which is completely different from the geek pioneer. We can even play the flag of Seville's descendants. I believe it will be echoed, but there is a problem. If we don't solve it, everything will be fine It's all empty talk

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward Jester Fei way, "you mean, I killed Richter thing?"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and shrugged, "yes, you have a brother killing hatred with Rickson. Unless you can keep it from him forever, it will be known by him sooner or later, and there will be problems at that time!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. In fact, what jesteffe is worried about is what he is worried about. Although he has no impression of killing Richter, what jaske said is so obvious that it shouldn't be a problem.

Jia Sike has never said anything. Ever since he knew Ye Feng was Satan, he has been worried about this problem. Although Ye Feng said he didn't remember anything, even if he didn't remember, it doesn't mean he didn't do it.Jesteffe took a deep breath and then said to Ye Feng, "according to my meaning, instead of gambling that Rickson knows the reaction after the event, we should tell him directly that if he is a person who can put down his personal feud and forget the past for the sake of great things, it's not bad. But if he knows you are Satan, he will turn his face immediately, which also shows that He's a man who can't do anything great. Let's not cooperate! "

Ye Feng can't help but feel some truth after hearing what jesterfield said. He nodded and said to jascoe, "in this way, you can tell Rickson that I am Satan now and see what he says!"

Jaske pondered for a while, then took out a phone, hesitated again and again, or dial a number, from time to time jaske appeared in front of the bearded richson.

As soon as ricksen's virtual image appeared, he asked JASCO, "how's it going?"

JASCO then said to ricksen, "if you meet the enemy who killed Rickett, what will you do?"

Ricksen's face sank when he heard the words. "Of course it's the hand blade..." But before he finished, he immediately asked JASCO, "what do you mean? Is Satan among his friends

After taking a deep breath, jaske said to ricksen, "it's not his friend, it's him, he's Satan!"

Upon hearing this, richson's face moved again. He looked at jaske in surprise and didn't speak for a long time.

Jaske then continued to say to ricksen, "ricksen, I'm not kidding..."

At this time, Ye Feng took the phone in JASCO's hand, and ricksen's virtual image immediately followed Ye Feng.

Ricksen saw that it was Ye Feng, and his face moved again. He said in a deep voice, "are you Satan?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I am!"

Richson immediately asked Ye Feng, "did you kill Richter?"

At this time, Ye Feng took a deep breath, "JASCO said it was me, but I have no impression of this episode. My memory is incomplete, I can't remember it at all!"

After pondering for a while, richson asked Ye Feng, "are you really Satan? The Satan from the FBI? "

Ye Feng immediately affirmed the location and nodded, "yes, that's Satan!"

After hearing the silence, ricksen said directly, "there's nothing to say. I swore in front of the statue of the Holy Lord that I must cut the enemy with my hand!"

Yefeng listen to ricksen said, immediately vomited a mouthful of airway, "if you want revenge, I'll wait at any time!"

Ricksen immediately hung up, while jastefer said, "it seems that this hatred is far greater than anything in ricksen's heart..."

Ye Feng sighed, "not everyone can put down their hatred. If someone killed my brother, I might be more extreme than he showed. He has been very restrained..."

At this time, ricksen's call came back. It wasn't ricksen who appeared in front of Ye Feng and said, "in this way, our hatred can be put aside for the time being. I still said that, if you can agree to our request, everything will be easy to say But if you don't agree, from today, from now on, I will do nothing for the rest of my life, that is to avenge you! "

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