After all, the hatred of killing my brother doesn't mean that you can put it down. Richson told Ye Feng that as long as Ye Feng can join them and fight with them, you can put down the hatred.

Hearing this, all of you can't help thinking to yourself, if it happened to you, can you do ricksen's step? Everyone's answer is almost No. after all, there is no common hatred for killing my brother.

Ye Feng also took a deep breath and looked at the virtual ricksen. After pondering for a moment, he said to ricksen, "OK, I promise you, think carefully!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, ricksen said nothing more. Instead, he hung up the phone. In an instant, ricksen's virtual portrait disappeared from Ye Feng's face.

Jesterfield then said to Yefeng, "richson is not a simple man!"

Ye Feng's eyebrows slightly moved to look at Jester Fei and said, "Oh?"

Jesteffe immediately said, "no matter whether he is from the original intention or not, at least on the surface, he can put down his hatred for the time being. This is absolutely not simple. Either he is the kind of person who can put aside his personal enmity for the sake of righteousness, or he is the kind of person who is very deep in the city and can't bear it for a while, only when he has a chance to settle accounts with you in the future!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when hearing the speech, but jaske said at this time, "judging from the years I've been with ricksen, I can't guarantee whether ricksen is the former, but it's definitely not the latter! He's a man with a clear conscience

Jesteffe looked at jascoe and said, "it's not easy for him to do this just because he is a man with a clear conscience. He is either a hero or a hero!"

Ye Feng sighed, "it's a person or a ghost. I don't know until I get along with you." He said to the public, "what do you think?" He added, "I just want to make two points. One is that once we join them, even if we break away from the geek pioneers and set up a new organization, which is also against the federal government, it may immediately become a thorn in the side of the Federation. The other is that if we do not join them, we may become enemies with the whole geek pioneers and be regarded as allies by them "Eagle dog, the running dog of bond."

The cat faced man then asked jesteffe, "what do you say, my daughter? Let's listen to you! "

Jesteffe hesitated to look at Ye Feng and said, "your goal is to retrieve your memory and know who you are. If you do this, is it too risky?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't care. In fact, despite the personal grudges with Rickson, I still agree with many of their ideas and original intentions. After all, eisf is the eisf of all human beings, not the eisf of a few powerful and plutocrats. I just went to a deserted city not long ago, where people can't afford to eat and clothes There are even people robbing the bodies of children to eat. It's like purgatory! If we want to change the Federation, we need to change these people at the bottom. Let's start! "

When the cat faced man heard this, he frowned and said, "grab the body of the child to eat? Damn, I can't imagine... "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "this is just one of the many deserted cities on the planet of essf. How many such cities and how many people are living such a life in the world?"

Jesterfield then said to Ye Feng, "you're right. It's true that such a phenomenon exists in those deserted cities, and it's very common!"

Speaking of this, the cat face man immediately said, "what else can we consider? Join them and change this inhumane world!"

However, jesteffe changed the subject. "But I don't know if you have a deep understanding. In fact, these people at the bottom of the society seem to be very poor, but after all, when they live like this, the Federation can't shirk its responsibility, but do they have no responsibility?"

When they heard what jesteffe said, they were stunned and looked at jesteffe. JASCO said to jesteffe, "are you speaking for the federal government?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't speak for anyone. I just say what I see and what I know and understand. As far as I know, the reason why these people are like this is related to their inertia!"

When people heard the words, they couldn't help but move. Jaske immediately retorted, "how many cities have you seen and how much do you know?"

Jesterfield said, "am I wrong? In fact, we don't need to see or understand at all. Just imagine that the people of a city gather in the deserted city, and they are all eating and waiting to die. They have a little enthusiasm. Even if those deserted cities can't be built, compared with those urban agglomerations in the Federation, they won't be like this at least, right

JASCO immediately said, "don't you know the federal policy? Once they have built the city, then the federal taxes will come down, and the people will suffer."

But jesteffe sneered, "this is not an excuse for laziness. They are not afraid of death. Are they afraid that the federal government will come down to collect taxes? Moreover, once the development is good, can't they unite to resist? Isn't the original intention of your geek pioneers to unite these people and fight for their own interests? "JASCO heard jesteffe say so, suddenly a burst of silence.

Ye Feng nodded at this time, agreed with jesterfield's point of view, and said, "you're right. After seeing the deserted city, I've been thinking about this question. So many people would rather hide in the deserted city. Why don't they unite and build their own homes, so that we can have the capital to compete with the federal government!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "so if we join them, we will change the status quo. The first step is to start from the bottom of these deserted cities. We can't let them live like that any more! Everyone has to start. Only by being self-sufficient can we have enough food and clothing! "

Jaske immediately nodded and said, "Rickson also said that he needs you to lead us. He has always believed that Seville's descendants must have wisdom and ability to lead us out of the current predicament!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when hearing the speech, and then said to jesterfield, "because of this, they need us more now, and we really need to do something!"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't have a problem, but I want to remind you that we are still in Huck Bay, and we work in the branch of the Federal Bureau of investigation. In addition to the fact that the pioneers of geeks came to make trouble on the island before, now the whole Island has been banned. It's not easy for us to leave Huck bay!"

Monica didn't speak all the time. At this time, she reminded Ye Feng, "besides, there's no news about Dixie and Scarlett. Shall we find them first?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech and says, "these are the problems we have to face at present. Now we are just here to unify our opinions. After Dixie and Scarlett come back, we will ask for their opinions. The second thing is to prepare for leaving Huck bay!"

Jaske then said to Ye Feng, "if you agree, I can inform ricksen now. If it's difficult for us to leave Huck Bay, ricksen can arrange people to meet us!"

Ye Feng immediately denied the proposal and said, "no, if you come here, there will be too much noise, which is bound to cause unnecessary casualties. Besides, I said that if we want to join you, we must break away from the geek vanguard and establish a new organization. Our organization is certainly not as strong as the geek vanguard. At that time, we are just in the bud, and we can't make enemies for ourselves too early More, we must have enough time to develop. First of all, the barren city you took me to see today starts from there! "

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "that said, but we can't waste too much time here, can we?"

Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "the first thing to do is to calm down. Besides, there are many people on the island who may be beneficial to us, and we need to develop them!" Speaking of this, Ye Feng continued to say, "Huck Bay is an outlying island. If it wasn't for Jock Emma to come here to do experiments, it might even be a desert island. Have you ever thought that we would plot against Huck Bay and use Huck Bay as a new base for our new organization?"

As soon as jesteffe heard this, he immediately said, "yes, although the infrastructure here is not as good as those big cities, it's also sparrow. Although it's small and has five dirty parts, once we take this place as a base, we will have a guarantee of survival first!"

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