Ye Feng could not help nodding and said, "yes, Huke Bay has its inherent advantages. It is surrounded by the sea and isolated from the world. It is a place that can be used as a main base for development!"

JASCO then said to Ye Feng and jastefer, "don't forget that there is no geographical difference in the development of science and technology. Huck bay island is big or small, but as long as a space laser gun, Huck bay can be turned into a real Bay in an instant. It's only a matter of a few minutes to erase it from the map."

Ye Feng knows from his memory that the federal government of eisf has deployed modern scientific and technological weapons into space. As JASCO said, if the laser gun in space wants to deal with any area on the planet, as long as the executor presses a button in the office, the whole Huck Bay will evaporate instantly.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "so, I mean, we can't directly rebel from Huck Bay, and we can't have any positive conflict with Huck Bay. The best way is to plot against all the people in Huck Bay who can plot against us, and let them all work for us. On the surface, they continue to work for the Federation, but in fact they work for us, We can avoid such problems! "

Jaske was stunned and then sneered, "there may be hope for one or two people to plot against Huck Bay, but it's very difficult to plot against Huck Bay. You should know that it's impossible and unrealistic. And the most important thing is that once someone informs the federal government in the process of plotting against Huck Bay, our plan will be completely defeated, It's likely to attract more federal troops. What shall we do then? "

But Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "I have thought of what you said, but it seems that there is no loss for us, right? If there is such a problem, the most important thing for us is to give up Huck Bay, which has little impact on us. But once we succeed, you can imagine that we not only have a suspended island base far away from overseas, but also have people who have entered the Federation working for us. With such a small and broad business, there is no reason not to gamble? "

Jia Sike was silent when he heard what Ye Feng said. What Ye Feng said seems reasonable. After all, for them, the most important thing is to leave Huke Bay. There is no loss at all. As Ye Feng said, once they succeed, they will get more than the risk they have to take.

After thinking of this, JASCO seems to find no reason to refute Ye Feng, but says to Ye Feng, "this plan, I have to report to ricksen to see what we didn't expect from him!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said, "you can talk to ricksen, but not now. It depends on whether our first person can succeed or not. This first person is very important. If he refuses, this plan will almost lose half."

Gastefi immediately asked Ye Feng, "do you mean Libo Zhihui? He is the head of the Federal Bureau of investigation, Huck Bay branch. Once the plot against him is successful, even if we stop plotting against others, at least the whole branch of the Federal Bureau of investigation is working for us! "

On hearing this, jaske nodded, "that's right. We can fight against him first. We can advance and retreat, and we won't be defeated!"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "what you said is right, but Libo Zhihui is not the first choice in my mind. Moreover, if I tell him directly, I may not succeed in plotting against him!"

Jaster Fei can't help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "isn't it him? Who else could it be? We don't have any other connections, do we? "

Ye Feng immediately said to jestefeld, "you have forgotten a very important person. He is the most important person on this island. It can be said that Huke Bay has changed from a desert island to what it is now because of him. Moreover, he is also the teacher of Libo Zhihui. As long as he nods his head, Xiangxin doesn't need us to move our mouth to find Libo Zhihui at all. He can help us with it, and He also has contacts with the federal government and the opposition. As such a vital person, if you think about it, if we can win him over... "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, they all couldn't help but move. They looked at Ye Feng in a daze. Jastefer said the name of the man for everyone and said, "you mean, jock Emma?"

But Jia Sike immediately said, "you also heard from Li Bo Zhihui. When he returned to Huke Bay, he was immediately invited by the police to accept the investigation!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "this is our chance. Jock Emma was asked to go for investigation twice by the police, which shows that the federal government has begun to doubt Jock Emma. Isn't this our chance?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "the reason why he is suspected is that the federal government suspects that he is connected with the opposition!"

Ye Feng said, "that was the last time he was arrested, but he was just rescued by the geek pioneers not long ago. I believe the whole Huck Bay people know about it, and even someone has reported it to the federal government. In other words, in the eyes of the federal government, jock Emma is probably involved with the opposition and the geek Pioneers! Isn't this our chance? We just plot against him and serve us. At the same time, we can make the federal government think that there is also a connection between the opposition and the geek pioneer. If not, why would the geek pioneer rescue Jock Emma for the opposition? "Jasteffe and jaske can't help staring at Ye Feng. Jaske finally says to Ye Feng, "I'm so sorry that you can think of taking advantage of his being rescued by us to drag the opposition and our geek pioneers together!"

But jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "but you should know that he should not be so easy to rebel. After all, his identity is very special. No one can tell whether he cares about the federal government, the opposition or the geek vanguard! The most important thing is that you don't forget that there's another Dante Emma thing between you and him! "

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, her face suddenly moved. Even when Monica and Zhuo wanqiu on one side heard the name, her face changed a little.

Jesteffe continued, "and you should know that Dante Emma has been successfully resurrected by Jock Emma. We don't know who he is and who he is. If Dante Emma asks Jock Emma to pretend to cooperate with us, and then he's yellow, it's hard for us to guard against him!"

Ye Feng thinks that jestfel is right. They still have a hidden danger. Dante Emma, the boy is still haunted. He has been in trouble from the earth to the planet.

And JASCO continued at this time, "also, don't forget that ricksen once wanted to woo him, but you can see his attitude. He knows what the result may be when he goes back to Huck Bay, but he would rather go back to Huck Bay again and be arrested by the police than stay with ricksen, and Jock Emma is very kind to us geeks The pioneer has quite prejudice, which can be seen from his speech and manner. I believe it is more difficult to plot against him than to ascend to heaven! "

Ye Feng didn't say a word at this time, but he was thinking about JASCO and jastefer's words in his mind. What they said was very reasonable and pointed out some things he didn't pay much attention to.

However, after pondering for a long time, Ye Feng said, "it's not difficult to ascend to the sky now. I believe Jock Emma must have his own plan, but we don't know his concerns. Once we master his concerns, it's easy to control him!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng looks at JASCO and says, "for example, he wants something ricksen can help him find, if we can get it..."

Jaske said with a sneer, "he can't even get ricksen what he wants. How can we get it?"

At this time, Ye Feng looked at jesteffe and continued to say to JASCO, "don't forget, we have a former Federal engineer who has participated in supercomputing engineering. I believe she is more familiar with some parts of the Federation than we are? Even computers should be more familiar than all of us here. It's not hard to be as black as the federal government's network, is it? "

Jester Fei can't help frowning when he hears the words. Cat face man looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "what do you say? Is she a federal Engineer? Is it true or not? "

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