Jesterfield said to the cat face, "I'll explain these things to you later." Then immediately toward Ye Feng said, "since we have a goal, we should act immediately!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately stood up and said to the crowd, "I'll go to the police station to talk to Jock Emma in person. You are responsible for finding Dixie and Scarlett. You must find them!"

Jaster Fei said to Ye Feng, "no problem, I'll go with you!" Then he said to the cat face and tree face people, "you help to keep looking for Dixie and Scarlett!"

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng at this time, "what do I do now?"

Ye Feng said to JASCO, "you stay here and talk to ricksen about our ideas. You can communicate with him there!"

Jia Sike can't help nodding when listening to Ye Feng's words, and immediately said, "OK, I'll contact ricksen later!"

Ye Feng and jesterfield immediately went out of the office door, went to the playground of the Federal Bureau, found an aircraft, and flew directly to the police station.

When I got over the police station, I saw that half of the building at the gate of the police station was still collapsing over there, but some workers were repairing there, and some police officers were patrolling the streets.

Ye Feng drove the aircraft directly into the playground of the police station, and then it gradually landed. After landing, Ye Feng and jesteffe immediately got off the aircraft.

As soon as I got off the plane, several policemen came over. They came quickly and asked Ye Feng and jasterfeld what they do.

Ye Feng showed the police his ID card from hukewan branch of the Federal Bureau of investigation, and said to the police, "we are ordered to investigate Jock Emma. Is he being held here now?"

When the police saw that Ye Feng's certificate was true, they could not help but frown and immediately gave it back to Ye Feng. Then they said, "we need to ask the director for instructions!"

Ye Feng pretended to take a look at the time and said impatiently, "our time is limited. Please ask for instructions as soon as possible. We'll wait here!"

The policeman immediately trotted to the director for instructions. Jesteffe then said to Ye Feng, "the director knows us. He may not agree with us."

Ye Feng shrugged and said to jesterfield, "it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if we know each other. Anyway, our identities are not fake. What are we afraid of?"

Just then, the policeman ran back and said to Ye Feng, "the director said, jock Emma is now a major criminal here, no one can see!"

Ye Feng frowned, and one side of the jester fee is a completely unexpected look, just quietly looking at Ye Feng.

Don't want to Ye Feng at this time immediately angry voice way, "do you think I don't know Qiao Ke Emma is to commit?"? He is now involved in the security of the Federation. We are from the Federal Bureau of investigation. Now we need to see Jock Emma immediately for special interrogation. If there is any accident, can you and your director bear it? "

The policeman was stunned by Ye Feng's loud voice. After all, the nature of the FBI is different from that of their police department. It belongs to the special intelligence section and belongs to the global nature in the degree of confidentiality, so he did not dare to neglect it. He immediately told Ye Feng not to be angry and he went to apply again.

Ye Feng took advantage of him not to leave, immediately said to the police, "if he doesn't agree, let him directly call Libo Zhihui, let them communicate, if you don't agree, don't blame us for being impolite, just do it yourself!"

The man turned back to Ye Feng and said that he would apply now. He ran to the front, and there was no trace after a while.

Jestfeld said to Ye Feng, "we're just a little investigator of the Huck Bay branch of the FBI. Are you still the top agent of the FBI headquarters? Even if Libo Zhihui came to apply, the police chief may not let us see him. Besides, we didn't pass Libo Zhihui at all! "

Ye Feng said to jestefeld, "although he didn't apply to Libo Zhihui, as long as the police director contacts Libo Zhihui, he will help me to say something, but he will come right away!"

Just then, the policeman ran back and said to Ye Feng, "our director has already contacted your director. The director promised that you could see Jock Emma, but director Libo Zhihui is coming too!"

Ye Feng nodded and immediately asked the police to lead the way. The police soon took Ye Feng and jesteffe to the door of a detention room. After opening the door, they said to Ye Feng and jesteffe, "the director said that only one person can see Jock Emma!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward jesterfield said, "then you stay at the door here, waiting for our director to come!"

Jesteffe nodded, then stood to the side of the door, Ye Feng walked in, but Jock Emma was not there, the police said let Ye Feng sit for a while, he went to take Jock Emma now.

Ye Feng sits over there and lights a cigarette. As soon as he gets to the middle of the cigarette, the police will bring qiaoke Emma. After qiaoke Emma enters the door, he sees Ye Feng. He can't help but stand at the door and frown. He hesitates, but he still comes in.

After the police arranged for Jock Emma to sit on a stool, a translucent aperture appeared around his stool, which was on the ground and on the roof, and instantly linked together.The police reminded Jock, Emma and Ye Feng, "it's a laser ring. Don't try to leave this ring, or you will bear the consequences!" After that, he turned and left the detention room.

After waiting for the door of the detention room to close, jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you back, too?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart but move a way, "I? Come back? What do you mean

Jock Emma shrugged and said, "at that time, I thought I had seen you somewhere on the aircraft. After I came back, I kept thinking about it. I didn't think about it at the moment before, but when I saw you at the door just now, I knew that the person on the aircraft was you!"

Yefeng heart next move, just ready to deny, don't want to Jock Emma immediately said, "you don't have to deny, your clothes inside the maglev clothes sold you!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look down at his body magnetic levitation clothes, mouth said, "magnetic levitation clothes in the world is more than one?"

Jock Emma shrugged and said, "if you talk like that, it's meaningless, isn't it?"

After listening to what Jock Emma said, Ye Feng took a deep breath and shrugged, "OK, it's me!"

But after looking at Ye Feng for a long time, qiaoke Emma said to Ye Feng, "didn't richson find you?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "found out, also know I am Satan!"

Jock Emma frowned at Ye Feng and said, "he knows you are Satan. Can you come back alive? You killed ricksen? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, he didn't lay hands on me. He let me back!"

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng in disbelief and said, "did he let you back? I don't think so. As far as I know, when you killed Richter, it was richson's brother. How could he let you go? "

Ye Feng looked at Jock Emma and said, "Dante Emma is still your nephew. I killed him several times. Don't you do nothing to me? Hatred depends on profit

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma said, "I understand. So, what kind of interest exchange have you reached with ricksen?" Said brow can't help a wrinkly ground looking at leaf maple way, "he isn't to let you come to kill me of?"

But Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "President qiaoke, you think too much. If ricksen wants to kill you, you can't go back to Huke Bay. Why do you do this again and let me do it again?"

When Jock Emma heard this, she thought she was right. She frowned and said, "what do you want me to do?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath of his last cigarette and snuffed out the butt. Then he said to Jack Emma, "I'm looking for you for another purpose. It's related to your future life!"

Hearing this, jock Emma couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she said with a bitter smile, "don't you think it's ridiculous to talk about the future life of a man who has been in prison and has no freedom?"

Ye Feng said that Jock Emma said, "it's only temporary. I know that you're willing. If you want to leave here, it's easy. It doesn't take much trouble at all!"

Jock Emma still stares at Ye Feng with his deep eyes. After a long time, she says to Ye Feng, "so what's the purpose of looking for me? If you have something to say, I don't like to beat around the Bush! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time and then said to Jack Emma, "in fact, it's nothing. I just want to have a chat with you!"

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