After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Jack Emma said, "do we still have to talk?"

Ye Feng smell speech also can't help but stare at Qiao Ke Emma way, "we don't have to talk? Don't forget, there are still promises between us! "

Qiaoke Emma said to Ye Feng, "we don't know how long it takes to fulfill our promise. Besides, what kind of agreement should be reached between you and ricksen now. Even if you didn't come to assassinate me this time, at least the purpose of your coming has something to do with ricksen?"

Ye Feng can't help shrugging his shoulders and lighting a cigarette. Then he slowly says, "it can be said that it has something to do with it, or it doesn't matter!"

Jock Emma frowned at Ye Feng and said, "I just said that I don't like beating around the bush when I speak. If you have something to say, you can say it directly. It's not my strong point to guess other people's words!"

Ye Feng then said to Jock Emma, "well, I might as well tell you straight. You saw it on the aircraft at that time. The holy object of the geek Pioneer has entered my soleplate, and it's still there today!"

As soon as Jack Emma heard this, she instinctively looked at Ye Feng's feet, and then said, "I've always been very strange about this. Why does this happen?"

Ye Feng is ahead of qiaoke Emma said, "in fact, it's very simple, qiaoke Dean should have heard the name of saiweijia?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "of course, I know the man who stole the holy things of geeks and was later worshipped by some of the pioneers of geeks. I remember I mentioned this man to you on the aircraft at that time!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, "yes, you mentioned it, but what I want to say is that the reason why I am not affected by the holy things of geeks like him is that his blood is flowing in my body!"

On hearing this, jock Emma couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "is saiweijia's blood flowing in your body?" Then he said, "no, your body is later. Do you want to say that you originally had something to do with Seville, or that the owner of your body now has something to do with Seville?"

Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears what Jack Emma says. He looks at Jack Emma in a daze. To tell the truth, Ye Feng didn't think of this before. Do they say that they are the descendants of Seville, that Satan is the descendants of Seville, or that they are the descendants of Seville because of their own body?

Jock Emma saw Ye Feng staring at him, but did not speak, can not help but smile, "you will not be this problem also did not think clearly?"

Ye Feng took a cigarette and said to Jack Emma, "it doesn't matter. What I want to tell you is that now ricksen is going to lead their geek pioneers with me!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma can't help saying, "there are only a few geek pioneers under ricksen. He doesn't belong to the mainstream among geek pioneers. He is weak. He not only woos you, but also woos me..." Speaking of this, jock Emma couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "since you mentioned this, it means that you have promised him. Now that you come to me, you won't be a lobbyist for ricksen to persuade me to join you."

Ye Feng, hearing what Jock Emma said, immediately nodded, "I'm really here to persuade you to join us, but not to be a lobbyist for ricksen, but for myself!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "for yourself?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Jack Emma, "there is one thing I haven't said yet. Ricksen asked me to join them. He asked me to lead their geek pioneers to re-establish a new organization completely independent of the geek pioneers. I am the leader. So the purpose of my coming here is to sincerely invite you to join our new organization !”

After hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she frowned and said, "independent of the geek pioneer? New organization? What's your name? "

Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "it doesn't matter what we call it. What matters is what we should do. President qiaoke doesn't ask the key because he doesn't care at all, does he?"

Jock Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "to tell you the truth, I really don't have much interest!"

Ye Feng immediately said to qiaoke Emma, "the reason why President qiaoke doesn't care is that President qiaoke has made any agreement with the Federal Opposition? In fact, what I want to say is that even if you have any agreement with the opposition or gentleman's agreement, it will not affect you to join us! "

However, after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma sighed, "in fact, I'm really not interested in your organization. As you said, what your organization will do in the future is the most important thing, but I believe that with your ability, it's the second geek pioneer at most!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and smiles at qiaoke Emma. "It turns out that President qiaoke doesn't look up to our organization!"

Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "I don't like the geek Pioneers!"

Ye Feng immediately said to qiaoke Emma, "I don't need to ask Dean qiaoke to give you an answer immediately. You can think about it slowly. As for what we are going to do, I can reveal some to you. Maybe you will be interested after listening!"But Jock Emma quickly stopped and said, "no, since I don't plan to join, naturally I don't want to know what you will do. Since I'm different from you, I should not conspire with you!"

But Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "our plan doesn't need to hide from President qiaoke. Even if you don't plan to join us after listening to it, I can tell you the same. Besides, President qiaoke, you are on the opposition side, and I'm not afraid of you going to the Federal side to tell us. Even if you don't join us in the end, at least our goals are the same so far, so I believe you

After hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma just looked at Ye Feng quietly, but didn't listen to her again, and didn't let Ye Feng say it immediately.

Ye Feng continued, "we plan to rebuild some cities at the bottom of the city..."

As soon as he said that, jock Emma immediately interrupted, "take the bottom line? It's a good idea, but have you ever thought about it? Once those abandoned cities are rebuilt, taxes will come. When the time comes, the income can't make ends meet. How can we continue to operate? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Jock Emma, "when I said this idea, many people thought the same as you, but I found a problem, that is, you only wanted the federal government to collect taxes, but you didn't want to fight..."

When Jock Emma heard this, she couldn't help laughing and said, "resist? What are you fighting with? A space laser gun will completely solve the problem, how to resist? Do you underestimate the means of the Federation, or do you underestimate the scientific and technological weapons now? To deal with the rebellious power of a place, you just need to sit in the office and press a button to solve the problem.... "

Ye Feng immediately said to Jack Emma, "you're right, but why hasn't the geek pioneer been eliminated for so many years?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "that's because the geek pioneers don't have a stronghold, they are mobile, but if you want to start building cities, it's different. With the target of attack, it's a piece of cake for the federal government! So I said, it's not realistic to build a city at all, because now all the scientific and technological weapons, except the Federation, are completely blocked by technology. It's not that I look down on you. You can't even build the simplest defense system! Now it's just a dream. "

Ye Feng then asked Joe Emma, "how about the defense system of Huke Bay?"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma immediately frowned at Ye Feng and said, "Huke Bay?" Then his face suddenly moved and said, "you're not thinking about Huck Bay, are you?"

Ye Feng then smoked a cigarette, this just smile toward Qiao Ke Emma way, "yes, I really have this meaning!"

Jock Emma immediately said, "Huck Bay does have a defense system, but it's just a general defense system. Before the geek pioneers came to save me, they broke through this defense system and came in? If you hope to use the defense system of Huck bay to defend against space weapons, it's just a dream. What's more, Huck Bay is not in your hands. You geeks can't occupy Huck bay! "

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, looking at Jock Emma said, "no one wants to occupy Huck Bay, just to rebel!"

After hearing this, jock Emma suddenly looked at Ye Feng, and finally understood the purpose of Ye Feng's trip. She immediately said, "crazy, crazy, crazy, I think you are crazy! Plot against Huck Bay? What's wrong with you? "

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