After all, Huck Bay is a bit of a dream. After all, Huck Bay is big or small. There are at least a thousand people on the island. Everyone's mind is different. It's almost impossible for everyone to be moved by himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Jock Emma in a deep voice, "there is no absolute way in the world. Before anything is done, there is a possibility of success. How many countries did eisf have many years ago when he said that he wanted to establish a global Federation? I believe there are not many times that he would feel successful, right? It's not the same in the end, but it's done? "

But Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "it's true, but the actual existence time of this kind of federation is only more than 100 years. After more than 100 years, although the Federation is still on the surface, it has disintegrated in essence. Even the federal government is divided into two camps: the power camp and the anti party camp, let alone how many local organizations like geek pioneers exist In fact, the federal government has long existed in name, but many people are unwilling to admit it, and they are still greedy for the false prosperity in front of them! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, the federal government has been prosperous for more than a century, but that's because there are problems within the federal government itself, which has nothing to do with other things. What we need to do is to establish a new global empire to replace the decadent federal government's New Empire. Isn't it Joe "What do you want?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma said with a sneer, "the ideal is very full, but the reality is full of obstacles. Let alone rebuild a new empire, even if it's a mere Huke Bay, how can you conquer it?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, jock Emma immediately said, "modern wars are easy to attack but difficult to defend. I believe you can win Huke Bay, but how to defend the captured Huke Bay is the real problem. Moreover, there are countless Huke bays in the future. Once these cities are won, how to defend them is the problem you have to consider ! Otherwise, it's just a story on paper and a fool's dream! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded to qiaoke Emma with approval and said, "President qiaoke, you are right. Now our biggest problem is that we do not have weapons resources. Since the establishment of the Federation, we have started to guard against this situation. All weapons are owned by the Federation. It is not difficult to seize a city or even a continent, but we have to guard against it It's really hard to live! Otherwise, with so many years of resistance, why can none of them succeed? "

Jock Emma can't help nodding and looking at Ye Feng, "it seems that you are not confused, but since you know these, why do you insist on going your own way?"

After taking a cigarette, Ye Feng stares at Jock Emma and says, "nothing is difficult in the world. I'm afraid that people who want to do it will not do it because it's difficult? If we don't do it in this generation, there will be people coming out to do it in the next generation. It doesn't have to be me who will succeed. Even if everything we do fails in the end, at least we will leave a failure experience for future generations. I believe that even if several generations are unsuccessful, we only need to do it one generation after another. Summing up the experience of our predecessors, there will be one generation to complete this task Historical mission

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jock Emma immediately fell into a moment of meditation, staring at Ye Feng for a long time without saying anything. Several words in Ye Feng's mouth can be said to deeply move Jock Emma, such as success doesn't have to be in me, generation after generation, historical mission and so on.

He couldn't help staring at Ye Feng. He tried to understand Ye Feng's idea, but he finally felt that his knowledge was limited, and he couldn't see Ye Feng's real idea. Maybe the planet of essf needed Ye Feng. Every generation or every other generation had one of them, so that essf could have hope. He thought that there had been a sevega before, now There's another maple.

Now Ye Feng, as he said, must have summed up the experience of Seville's failure. He may not be able to complete all his things as he said, but success does not have to depend on him. As long as he is willing to say, sooner or later someone will complete it for him.

After thinking about this clearly, jock Emma still stares at Ye Feng for a long time, and then says to Ye Feng, "I can see that you are not a hot blooded and rash person. Your thinking is clear and your expression is clear. I believe you must have a comprehensive plan before you come to me!"

When Jock Emma stares at him, Ye Feng is actually looking at Jock Emma. He can see from Jock Emma's expression that Jock Emma has been talked about by his own words, but he doesn't know his plan, so he is a little cautious.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but say to qiaoke Emma, "President qiaoke, have you heard a six person law?"

Hearing this, jock Emma frowned at Ye Feng and said, "the law of six? What's the law of six? Never heard of it

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and explains to Jock Emma, "the so-called law of six people means that a person who knows six people in his life has a chance to know people all over the world!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's this strange law? It's unheard of, and it's ridiculous. How can you know the world by knowing six people? "Ye Feng then said with a smile to qiaoke Emma, "this is actually very simple. For example, President qiaoke, you know six people, and each of these six people will know at least six people, that is, at least thirty-six people. As long as you like, you can know other people through these six people, but have you ever thought that each of these thirty-six people can still know six people, that is How many people? If we deduce this way, will we have a chance to know people all over the world? "

After listening to Ye Feng's explanation, jock Emma is stunned. She looks at Ye Feng and thinks it's true. As long as she knows a friend, she can make new friends through this friend. Then she can continue to make new friends through her heart. If it goes on endlessly, won't she really have a chance to know the whole world?

But Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma at this time, "in fact, it's just a law in theory. After all, people's energy is limited, and it's impossible to have time to meet so many people. But this law tells us that there may be some connection between anyone! Like me and you, like you and ricksen, ricksen and me! "

Jock Emma took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "but what's the purpose of this law? What does it have to do with you conquering and guarding Huke Bay? "

Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "it's not only related, but also very related!"

After talking about this, Ye Feng pauses for a moment and continues to say, "just think about it. In Huke Bay alone, you have two students, one is a lawyer, and the other is Libo Zhihui..."

But Jock Emma corrected Ye Feng and said, "in Huck Bay, I have many students, not just the two of them!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I'm just giving an example. My purpose is to say that if you go through Libo Zhihui again, you may continue to know new people, and new people will get to know new people. In this way, sooner or later, can we get to know the senior officials of the federal government, or even some people from the federal secret service?"

After hearing this, jock Emma was stunned, but soon understood what Ye Feng meant. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "I see. What you mean is, let me contact Libo Zhihui, let them start their relationship again, contact new people, one layer after another of the network, which may eventually lead to the federal government. In this way, we are in alliance There are undercover agents left in the state government, so as long as we find the secret department to control these space weapons, we will have a chance to keep Huck Bay

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward Qiao Ke Emma way, "right!"

Jock Emma can't help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "so this is my relationship. What have you done?"

Ye Feng reminds qiaoke Emma, "has President qiaoke forgotten the law of six so soon? You know Libo Zhihui. What's the relationship between Libo Zhihui and you? I know you, I know other people through you, that is my relationship! Do you think so? "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, jock Emma was stunned and speechless to refute Ye Feng's words.

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