After the three leave the police station, Ye Feng and jesteffe return to the office of the FBI branch. At this time, jaske is already a little impatient. The purpose of his coming with Ye Feng is to wait for Ye Feng's news, and now he has been waiting for so long.

Jia Sike came back with a piece of Ye Feng, and immediately couldn't wait to walk up to Ye Feng and asked, "how about it? Did Jock Emma agree? "

Ye Feng did not answer Jia Sike's words, but asked Jia Sike, "did you talk to ricksen on the phone?"

Jaske smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng said, "has been through the phone!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Jia Sike, "what did richson say?"

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng, "Rickson said that as long as you are willing to join us, you will be our leader in the future, and any of your opinions can be adopted!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech and says to jaske, "that's easy to do!"

But jaske frowned, "what's easy to do? When I ask you something, has Jack Emma agreed? "

But Ye Feng looked at Jia Sike, and then said in a deep voice, "is this your attitude to speak with the leaders?"

When Jia Sike heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. He looked at Ye Feng for a long time and didn't come back to himself. After a long time, he reacted. Rickson said that as long as Ye Feng agreed to join them, Ye Feng was their leader. What Ye Feng said is that Ye Feng has agreed to join them, that is to say, Ye Feng is his leader from now on?

Think of here, Jia Sike will have meaning, immediately toward Ye Feng smile way, "did not turn the corner, understand, leadership!"

Ye Feng nodded to Jia Sike with satisfaction. Then he put his arm around Jia Sike's shoulder and went to one side. He said in a low voice to Jia Sike, "you continue to contact ricksen, but remember to contact alone, don't let other people know!"

Jia Sike can't help nodding to understand, but then looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do I contact him to say?"

Ye Feng said in a deep voice, "you ask him to prepare a team of more than 100 people. Wait for my order. As soon as I inform you, you will inform ricksen and ask him to send this team to Huke bay!"

Jia Sike looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do more than 100 people come to Huke bay to do?"

But Ye Feng looked at Jia Sike and said in a deep voice, "have you forgotten again?"

Jia Sike didn't understand Ye Feng's meaning for a moment, but after staring at Ye Feng for a moment, he suddenly understood again, and then nodded, "don't forget, you are the leader!"

Ye Feng then said to JASCO, "did you have to ask the reason and details for every order given to you by richson before?"

Jaske shook his head and said, "don't ask!"

Ye Feng immediately said to jaske, "so you haven't taken me as your leader so far? That's why I know you have so many questions? "

Jia Sike completely understood this time, and he would also pass the meaning. He quickly explained to Ye Feng, "I didn't turn around for a while, now I completely understand! No more questions! "

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to add, "there is one more important point!"

Jaske immediately said to Ye Feng, "you say!"

Ye Feng then said, "all the people who come here are not allowed to wear headscarves, masks and goggles!"

Jaske almost blurted out why, but he finally held back and didn't ask. However, his expression was a little unnatural when he was held back.

Ye Feng saw Jia Sike's look and said to him, "do you want to ask why?"

Jaske shook his head and said, "I want to ask, but I don't ask!"

Ye Feng smiles and says to JASCO, "I can tell you why, because if you don't ask, ricksen will ask too!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately explained to Jia Sike, "since we want to jointly establish a new organization, we should say goodbye to the geek pioneers in the past from the image! Do you know what you look like in other worlds? "

Jaske can't help shaking his head, because he really doesn't know what it is, and he doesn't know what the other world means.

Ye Feng then said to jaske, "you look like terrorists in other worlds. Do you know that?"

JASCO nodded and said, "I understand. I will report to ricksen truthfully." Then he looked like he was choking. Finally he sighed and lowered his head and said nothing more.

Ye Feng saw it in his eyes and thought it funny. He didn't let Jia Sike ask, just to develop his habit and attitude of not asking more. Now Jia Sike has almost done it, and Ye Feng is quite satisfied. He immediately said to ricksen, "if you have anything else to ask, just let you ask clearly, so that you won't be suffocated!"

As soon as Jia Sike heard this, he immediately looked like he might blow out the problems in his heart at any time. But at last, if he shook his head and said, "forget it, don't ask anything. Since you are our leader in the future, we just need to know all your decisions in the future. We don't need to understand why. Otherwise, every decision you make needs to be explained to us GoodYe Feng smell speech can't help but satisfaction nod, but also tentatively asked a, "really don't ask?"

Jia Sike nodded to Ye Feng and said, "don't ask, there's nothing to ask! I'll just carry it out! "

After looking at Jia Sike for a long time, Ye Feng patted Jia Sike on the shoulder and said, "that's good!" After that, without explaining anything to JASCO, he immediately turned and walked back to the office.

Monica and Zhuo wanqiu were surprised to see Ye Feng come back and take away Jia Sike without saying a word. When they saw Ye Feng come back, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, we have found the trace of sister Dixie and sister Scarlett!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng looks at Monica and Zhuo wanqiu and says, "have you found them?"

But Monika said to Ye Feng, "I just found their tracks after they left the police station. Come and have a look!"

Ye Feng then follows Monica and Zhuo wanqiu to the side of the computer. After Monica operates it for a while, a picture of Dixie and Scarlett appears on the virtual picture. In the picture, they are standing in the corner of the street opposite the police station, which seems to be staring at the door of the police station.

Ye Feng saw Dixie and Scarlett, immediately heart move, secret way two people at this time must be in the implementation of their task at that time, let them in the vicinity of the police station to monitor every move of the police station.

But suddenly a doubt in Ye Feng's heart surged into his heart, and then he asked Monica and Zhuo wanqiu, "where's this surveillance video? Why has it been found so far? "

But Monika said to Ye Feng, "this is not a surveillance video, but a picture accidentally taken by the residents of Huke bay!"

Ye Feng can't help wrinkling his brow when he hears the words, "accidentally shot? I look and the picture is completely aimed at Dixie and Scarlett. Does this look like a candid shot? "

After all, you know, there are not many women on Huck Bay Island, let alone women like Dixie and Scarlett? It's not strange to be photographed secretly! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. For the appearance and figure of Dixie and Scarlett, it's really the kind that easily attracts men's eyes.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves again. Then he looks at Monica and Zhuo wanqiu on one side, and his face is even more surprised.

Zhuo wanqiu and Monica saw Ye Feng's expression, and they were all surprised, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhuo wanqiu and Monika, "have you found that the body that Dixie and Scarlett borrowed before doesn't have this kind of figure and appearance, although it's not ugly, but..."

Monica can't help staring at the virtual display, and she said, "yes, they are gradually evolving to their original appearance and figure!"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "it's not just them, you and late autumn are the same..."

Zhuo wanqiu and Monica are both awe inspiring, and then they look in the mirror to see their looks. As Ye Feng said, although they haven't completely changed into what they used to be, it's obvious that the whole person's looks are completely out of touch with their original body.

When Ye Feng takes advantage of Zhuo wanqiu's daze after looking at the mirror, he immediately takes a look at himself in the mirror. In fact, like Zhuo wanqiu and them, he is gradually recovering his original appearance, and even seems to be taller, closer to his original height.

When Ye Feng turns to look at the cat face and tree face people, he finds that although they are still a human face, they always look strange. To be exact, they should belong to the strange looking human beings, because they are gradually recovering their original appearance.

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