Ye Feng turns around and looks at Jester fee, who has been following him all the time. He finds that Jester fee has gradually returned to his original appearance. Ye Feng can't help but be awed by the fact that the appearance of the people around him is changing, but he doesn't find it at all.

But then Ye Feng also wanted to understand that the changes of all people's faces must have taken place gradually after their resurrection. It can be said that they are happening all the time, so every time they see it, there is only a slight change compared with the last one. After that, no one will care about the changes.

However, after the time from the resurrection to the present becomes longer, when you think about the appearance of the body that was just resurrected at the beginning, you can completely compare it, and then you can see the difference from before.

Jesterfield also took a look in the mirror at this time, and found that his appearance had changed as they said, and he could not help but be surprised.

But Ye Feng went on to the computer and said, "let's not talk about the change of appearance. Let's find Dixie and Scarlett first!" Then she asked Monica, "if there's anything else besides the video here?"

Monica immediately put down the mirror, went to the computer, operated the computer, and suddenly there was a video, but this time it was not at the door of the police station, but in an alley.

Dixie and Scarlett are walking in front, while the person who took the video is far behind. From time to time, they turn around and disappear in the lane in front of them. The person who took the video quickens his pace and follows them.

But when the camera just turned, Dixie and Scarlett suddenly appeared in front of the camera, and then a hand on the camera, the camera immediately began to shake, and then the screen went black.

"It must have been Dixie and Scarlett who found out," said Monica

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "if you are just a general tracker, you can't hide Dixie's and Scarlett's eyes. It's not strange to be found!" Then she asked Monica, "that is to say, there are no other videos?"

But Monica shook her head and said, "there's one more section!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "still have a paragraph?"? He's been discovered. Can you still photograph him? "

Zhuo wanqiu said with a smile, "it shows that sister Dixie and sister Scarlett have infinite charm. This guy is a thief and never dies!"

Soon, another picture appeared on the virtual display, but this time it was far away, as if the photographer was hiding somewhere to shoot at a fixed point.

In the long view of the picture, Dixie and Scarlett are walking. However, from the camera, there is a person in black in front of them, but just a figure behind them. It's not clear who they are.

From the walking posture of Dixie and Scarlett, it is obvious that they are following the man in black in front of them. However, at this moment, several people suddenly rush out of the road and surround Dixie and Scarlett.

Each of those people seemed to have weapons in their hands. Dixie and Scarlett had no chance to resist at all. They could only raise their hands and surrender. They were soon detained by several people.

Soon an aircraft came and fell, and the two were quickly taken to the aircraft. After the aircraft flew away, the video camera still followed the aircraft, until the aircraft disappeared completely in the sky, and the picture ended.

Ye Feng took a deep breath and didn't say a word when he saw this. However, Monica said to Ye Feng, "it's obvious that Dixie and Scarlett have been kidnapped!"

Zhuo wanqiu also immediately said, "yes, and sister Monica said that with the skill of sister Dixie and sister Scarlett, it must be not easy to kidnap them!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when hearing the speech. What Monica said is right. It goes without saying that Dixie is as famous as herself in TSL on the earth. Even in eisf, she is a federal agent. Scarlett alone was once a killer.

Want to so easily these two women so tied away, each other's way is really not simple, Ye Feng frowned, lit a cigarette, sat down to smoke, still silent.

Jesterfield came over at this time. She saw all the pictures before. She went to Ye Feng and said, "the man in black in this video is the key, but I didn't see the face."

Ye Feng still did not speak, looked at jesterfield and said, "what's your opinion?"

Jesteffe immediately said, "the only thing we can do now is to find out the location of the incident and the video photographer according to the video! Maybe he has information we don't know! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. Then he looks at Monica and says, "where did you get these three videos from?"

Monica said to Ye Feng, "I found it in the computer of the police station!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "police station?"

There are two possibilities, one is that the follower is a policeman, and the other is that the follower has already gone to the police station to report the caseYe Feng immediately stood up to throw away his cigarette butt and stampeded out, "go to the police station!"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "if you want to know the answer, you don't need to go to the police station. You just need to hack into the police station's system and see the latest report information."

At this time, Monica turns on the computer virtual display, and then says to Ye Feng and jesterfield, "we've hacked in. Come and have a look. This is the computer!"

Jesteffe immediately walked over, sat in front of the computer, after some operation, turned to Ye Feng and said, "I found it. These three videos were provided by the reporter. According to the record, the follower is a man named lihuiqi, 36 years old, a warranty officer of the telecommunications bureau!"

Ye Feng then walked toward the door of the office, "I'll go to the telecommunications bureau!"

Jesteffe sat in front of the computer and continued to operate the computer in front of her. However, some pictures flashed by on the virtual reality device, and soon a picture of a man appeared. After pressing the OK button, she listened to the mobile phone in her pocket.

Jesteffe immediately stood up, picked up the mobile phone to have a look, the photo has been transmitted to her mobile phone, she quickly followed out, just went out to see Ye Feng has arrived next to the aircraft, she quickly walked past, before Ye Feng started on the aircraft.

Ye Feng adjusted the automatic flight system of the aircraft, and set the goal to be the telecommunication bureau of hukewan.

Jester fee just took out the mobile phone. When he pressed it, the mobile phone in Ye Feng's pocket rang immediately.

When Ye Feng takes out his mobile phone and sees lihuiqi's photo, jesterfield says, "this is the person we're looking for!"

Ye Feng took a look at the photo called lihuiqi. It really has the characteristics of the master of the earth's tail line and trolleyman series. At a glance, it's not even obscene.

But this is not the point. No matter how obscene Li Huiqi is, he won't be able to take advantage of Dixie and Scarlett. His only worry now is whether this guy is the only witness of Dixie and Scarlett's kidnapping and will be killed.

Originally nothing, once thought of this, Ye Feng began to feel uneasy, his sixth sense has always been very accurate, now this kind of feeling is more and more intense.

Soon the aircraft was over the telecommunication bureau. When the aircraft landed, jesteffe suddenly said to Ye Feng, "look, lihuiqi..."

Ye Feng immediately looked at the telecom. Sure enough, he saw Lihui Qi coming out of the Telecom Building, wearing the uniform and hat of the Telecom Building, and carrying a work bag with the logo of the Telecom Bureau. At this time, he was walking towards a small aircraft with the logo of the Telecom Bureau.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately started to land manually. As soon as the aircraft landed, Ye Feng immediately got off the aircraft and ran to lihuiqi. He cried, "lihuiqi!"

Lihuiqi has opened the door of the aircraft at this time. Hearing someone calling himself, he immediately looks back at Ye Feng in surprise and sees that Ye Feng is walking towards him. Lihuiqi has a sense of ominous oppression. He immediately sits in the aircraft and starts it quickly.

As soon as Ye Feng arrived at the bottom of the aircraft, the aircraft soared into the air. Seeing this, Ye Feng scolded secretly and immediately ran towards his own aircraft. When he got back on the aircraft and wanted to start it, he suddenly heard a loud bang.

Ye Feng suddenly a Leng, toward the outside to see, but see in mid air, Lihui Qi that aircraft burning fell to the ground, also hit another aircraft.

Seeing this, jesteffe immediately got off the aircraft and ran to the other side. Just after a few steps, the second aircraft also made a loud bang, and it bounced away the aircraft that was pressing on it and fell heavily on the ground.

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