Ye Feng is sitting in the aircraft, and jastefer is standing on the ground. Both of them are surprised to see the two aircraft that have exploded and caught fire in the distance. They must have lost lihuiqi.

The people at the gate of the telecommunication bureau were all stunned, and many people in the building were running outside. When they stood at the gate and saw the situation outside, they were all stunned. After a long time, someone remembered to call the police.

Jesterfield then returned to Yefeng's aircraft and said to Yefeng, "let's go, people are dead! There's nothing else to see! "

After Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, he said to jester, "listen to your tone, it seems that you don't regret at all?"

Jesterfield said, "what's the pity? There's something in life that can't be reborn! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help a wrinkly, the mouth says, "the person dies can't revive?"

Hearing the speech, jestefeld couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "you don't want to use the technology of Jock Emma, do you?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while. He really thought of this problem, but he also knew that Jock Emma's resurrection technology would not work. After all, they were all living people at that time, but they were just transferred by consciousness.

Now lihuiqi's body is burned to ashes, and his consciousness doesn't know where to go. When they go back to Jock Emma's experiment to find tools to collect lihuiqi's consciousness, it's estimated that the wind has already blown him away, so this is just an idea.

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "it's too late even if that technology works. I'm not sorry. I don't expect Jock Emma's rebirth technology, but I don't think the clue is broken!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but move to see to Jester fee way, "do you mean the police report file?"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "that's right. As soon as lihuiqi reported the case, the aircraft exploded and died. Don't you think it's too strange?"

When he said this, jester Fenton continued to say, "if the man who kidnapped Dixie and Scarlett finds lihuiqi, he doesn't have to wait until he has reported the case!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "that's right, he should have leaked his information after reporting the case, which led to his death!"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "yes, in other words, the police have a companion of the kidnapper, inside!"

After hearing the silence, Ye Feng said to jester, "it must not be easy to go to the police station to investigate this matter!"

But if we don't get into the police station, we can find out

Ye Feng can't help staring at jesterfield after hearing the speech. After a moment, he nodded and said, "yes, as long as you find the surveillance video of the file room where the report was made, you can see who has seen the report file. If no one has read it, you can start with the person who recorded the confession!"

Jester fee couldn't help but smile at Ye Feng and said, "it seems that you have already thought it out!"

Ye Feng immediately started the aircraft and flew to the FBI branch. After returning to the office, jastefer immediately sat in front of a computer and began to operate the virtual keyboard in his hand.

And when Monica and Zhuo wanqiu see Ye Feng's return, they can't help looking at them in surprise. Zhuo wanqiu directly asks Ye Feng, "brother Satan, have you found the reporter?"

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield operating the computer, nodded to Zhuo wanqiu and said, "I found it. It's not too late. He was killed!"

Everyone a listen to this, complexion all can't help but move, surprised looking at leaf maple.

At this time, Ye Feng continues to watch jastefer operate the computer, but suddenly he sees a flash on the screen. There is a picture of Li Huiqi reporting the case. He is received by a robot policeman.

After the robot police record the confession to Lihui Qi, they ask Lihui Qi to sign, and then let Lihui Qi go back to wait for the news. After Lihui Qi on the screen leaves the police station, the robot police take up the report file and send it to the archives.

Jesterfield said at this time, "if it's lihuiqi who is received by the robot police, it's a trouble!"

Ye Feng frowned at jesterfield and said, "do you suspect that the robot police are the kidnappers' insiders?"

But jestfeld said, "I hope not. Otherwise, it will be too troublesome to investigate. Although all the robot policemen are connected to computers, it is much more difficult to hack into this system than the monitoring system of the police station. The other problem is that even if they can hack into the system of the robot policeman, they can't be completely sure that the robot policeman is the insider, because Because we can hack in, others should be able to do the same. That way, the area involved will be wider and it will be more difficult to trace! "

Ye Feng can't help but move a stool and sit on the side of Jester fee. After a while of meditation, he says to Jester fee, "there's no other way?"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "don't worry. We have to investigate whether anyone has entered the archives from lihuiqi's report to his accident." Then he pointed to the virtual display in front of him and said, "now the picture is the archives!"

The cat faced man, who had not spoken for a while, looked at the picture and then asked jestefeld, "a Nan, I don't understand why the police didn't immediately file a case after someone reported it, but sent the file to the archives first? This should be a kidnapping case. If it's delayed like this, isn't it the best rescue time? "Jesterfield and Ye Feng can't help but feel a move when they hear the speech, and then they look at each other. They don't pay much attention to such a big flaw, and they are discovered by the cat face man.

Jesteffe immediately took a deep breath and said, "well, that's the worst plan. Either someone hacked into the Robocop system of the police station, or the Robocop was the inside of the kidnapper. When he took the confession, he already disclosed the information."

Ye Feng, on the other hand, said to jesterfield, "divide the computer into different screens. Here, continue to watch the monitoring of the archives. Divide the screen and take a look at the picture when lihuiqi reported the case!"

After jesteffe's operation, immediately the virtual picture was divided into two parts, one still remained on the picture of the archives, and the other one appeared the picture of lihuiqi reporting a case to the police station that had been played before.

It's obvious in the archives. After all, they can see where the files are placed. They only need to glance at whether anyone is near. However, we should pay more attention to the picture of recording the confession. Maybe it's only in milliseconds.

However, Ye Feng has been seeing lihuiqi report after leaving, also did not find any clue, Ye Feng immediately let Jester fee continue to play again.

But Ye Feng knows that his chance to see something in the picture is very slim. The robot police is connected to the cloud. In fact, he doesn't need to do any small action at all. He can transmit what he sees and hears.

Sure enough, as Ye Feng imagined, nothing can be seen in the picture at all, and a man in police uniform appears in the monitoring of the archives over there. When he enters the door, he looks around stealthily.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by this sneaky guy. After staring at the picture for a long time, they saw that the goods were really moving towards the target step by step.

When Ye Feng is about to make sure that this guy may be the one they are looking for, he doesn't want that guy to walk directly from the target and go to the other side. He doesn't start with the target file at all.

Ye Feng can't help but light vomit a breath after the way, "forget it, it seems that there is no sneak attack!"

Jesterfield also has to give up meaning, but still asked Ye Feng way, "or, I try to hack into the machine police system?"

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "are you sure?"

Jestfeld shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. The Robocop system is connected with the defense system of Huck Bay. It's not easy to get in black. It may take a little time! Most of all, it takes time, and it can be in vain! "

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then said to jesterfield, "then try it. I'll take advantage of this time and go to the scene to have a look. Maybe I can find some clues there!"

Jesteffe could not help nodding and said, "well, if we work together, maybe the efficiency will be higher. We will act separately. If there is something wrong, we will inform the other party immediately!"

Ye Feng smell speech nod say good, immediately look to cat face humanity, "you stay here also fast suffocate bad?"? Come out with me for a walk? "

Cat face person a listen to this words, immediately excitedly toward Ye Feng way, "good!" Then he looked at jesteffe and said, "what do you say, my daughter?"

Ah Nan nodded at the cat faced man and said, "OK!"

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