After Ye Feng left the FBI branch with a cat face, he immediately flew by the location of the crime address that Monica and Zhuo wanqiu sent to him.

On the way, the cat face man was excited and kept saying to Ye Feng, "if only I could meet the kidnappers face to face later, I can also ask you to have a look at my body. I haven't really used this new leather bag yet!"

Ye Feng takes a look at the cat faced man. Seeing him like that, he's about to rub his hands. He can't help thinking that this product will be suffocated soon after he comes here to become Mrs. ace?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said to the cat faced man, "do you think the kidnappers are so stupid? After taking away the man, they still stay in the same place waiting for you to go back?"

Cat face person then toward leaf maple a shrug a way, "don't you have heard of, SK Farter syndrome?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "what's skerfart syndrome?"

The cat faced man said to Ye Feng, "what level of civilization is your earth? I haven't even heard of skfart syndrome? "

Then the cat faced man put on a look that since you don't know, I'll teach you. He continued to say to Ye Feng, "the so-called skfarter syndrome means that some criminals will return to the scene of the crime after committing the crime, or even enjoy their own behavior art when the police block the scene!"

Ye Feng immediately understood and said, "do you mean the psychology of the crime scene? Well, it's really possible! "

The cat faced man couldn't help laughing and said, "that's it. Different civilizations have different opinions. That's what it means. So if the other side also has skfarter Well, if you talk about the psychology of the crime scene, he should also go back! "

Ye Feng didn't say anything more. He knew in his heart that this situation was almost zero. After all, the scene of the kidnapping of Dixie and Scarlett was obviously premeditated, and the place was very remote at that time. If Li Huiqi hadn't followed them unintentionally, there would have been no evidence. In addition, the police had their insiders, so there was no need to return Back to the scene.

Soon the plane arrived at the scene of the crime. After Ye Feng stopped the plane, he got down from it and immediately looked around. It was as desolate as the one shown in lihuiqi's video. Not far from the front was the beach.

Obviously, the cat faced man is still looking forward to the kidnapper's return to the scene. After looking around, let alone the kidnapper, there is no ghost except for them. He can't help but be disappointed.

He then looks at Ye Feng. He sees that Ye Feng is standing somewhere and looking at another place. The cat faced man can't help but walk to Ye Feng. He looks in Ye Feng's eyes and finds that there is a pile of haystacks in Ye Feng's direction, which seems to be similar to the place where lihuiqi filmed the video.

At this time, Ye Feng walked quickly to the other side, and soon came to the back of the haystack. He immediately looked at the distance from lihuiqi's point of view, and his mind filtered. When Dixie and Scarlett followed the man in black to this side, suddenly several people appeared around.

At this moment, Ye Feng's mind seems to repeat the criminal process in which Dixie and Scarlett were bound at that time. But suddenly, Ye Feng realizes a problem. There is no hiding place except for the grass buttress where lihuiqi is hiding. Where are those guys coming from.

Ye Feng stood up from behind the grass crenels and looked around again. He found that there was a deserted beach all around. The biggest stone nearby was just the size of human head, which could not hide people at all.

In this case, how did the other party not let Dixie and Scarlett find out at the beginning, and how did they suddenly appear behind Dixie and Scarlett in the shortest time.

Ye Feng is thinking about it, in front of the cat face suddenly appeared that face, can't help but a consternation, immediately back to God.

Cat face person then surprised looking at leaf Feng way, "you are not to think of what?"

Ye Feng took a look at the cat face man, and then took the cat face man to the place where Dixie stopped at that time, and asked him to stand up and say, "you just stand here and don't move!"

Finish saying Ye Feng to walk toward the distance immediately, cat face person can't help but wonder to see to Ye Feng way, "do what?"

Ye Feng just said to the cat face, "don't move. I'll do an experiment!"

Cat face person a face surprised to stand in place, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, don't know Ye Feng exactly want to do what experiment.

After walking a long way, Ye Feng suddenly rushed up to the cat face man, exhausted all his strength, and rushed to the cat face man.

Cat face person a face is puzzled to looking at leaf maple, surprised a way, "what do you do?"

At this time, Ye Feng had reached the cat face man, and immediately reached out to catch the cat face man.

Cat face people see, instinctively back a few steps, don't understand looking at Ye Feng way, "what do you do?"

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly stopped all his movements and looked at the cat face man with puzzled eyes, standing in the same place.

The cat face man was still retreating. Seeing Ye Feng's expression, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "what's the matter? What kind of experiment is this! "Ye Feng pondered for a long time, but he didn't speak. The cat faced man couldn't help looking at Ye Feng anxiously and said, "you are so worried about me. You have to say something. Maybe I can help you. Otherwise, what do you want me to do?"

Ye Feng took a look at the cat face man and said, "don't you think it's strange? At that time, how did the people who kidnapped him get behind them as fast as they could

The cat face man was stunned and then looked away. There was a forest one mile away. That is to say, if the kidnappers were hiding in the only shelter, the forest, even if they ran here as fast as they could, Dixie and Scarlett would have been ready.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say to the cat face, "Scarlett and Dixie's skill and acuity are not ordinary. It's impossible for someone around them to rush towards them, but they don't react at all. Until they are completely subdued by each other, they have no chance to resist at all!"

Cat face people remind Ye Feng, "at that time, the video shows that after these guys appear, they have weapons in their hands!"

But Ye Feng said to the cat faced man, "it has nothing to do with whether they have weapons. At that time, they were less than 10 meters away from the man in black who was followed by them. As long as they found someone coming towards them, even if they saw that the other party had weapons in their hands, they could not be ready to arrest them immediately. Instead, they should..."

This time, without waiting for Ye Feng to finish, the cat faced man immediately said to Ye Feng, "they should hold the man in black in front as fast as possible, as a threat!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the words, "that's right! The right trend should be like this, but the reality is that the gang suddenly appeared, and then Dixie and Scarlett had no chance to fight back, they raised their hands and surrendered! There's only one possibility! "

Cat face person looks at Ye Feng in surprise way, "what possibility?"

Ye Feng said to Ye Feng, "the people who tied them up are always around them, but they didn't find them!"

The cat face person hears speech facial expression but immediately move a way, "that how possible?"? We can see clearly in the video, but when they follow the man in black in front of them, there is no one else around them! "

Ye Feng looked at the cat's face and said, "if these kidnappers have the ability to be like your friends, the one who was occupied by Dante Emma later, won't they be invisible?"

The cat face person hears speech facial expression to suddenly move ground to look at leaf maple way, "do you mean, they have stealthy function?" Then he shook his head and said, "that's ridiculous, Dante Emma's body, that's because their planet is like that, but apart from the people on that planet, I haven't seen any invisible people, and even my friends, they are not completely invisible! And he won't show up. He can't see clearly all the year round. "

Ye Feng didn't wait for the cat face man to say or ten thousand, and immediately said to him, "you haven't seen it, doesn't mean we haven't, we haven't seen it, just because the planet civilization we live on has not reached this stage, and the technology of the current eisf civilization is far higher than our original planet!"

Said Ye Feng immediately pressed his mobile phone's magnetic levitation clothing controller, immediately his body began to soar, looking at the cat's face, stunned, asked Ye Feng, "can you fly?"

After Ye Feng controlled the landing, he said, "it's not me who can fly. It's the technology of eisf that makes me fly. Since the technology of eisf can make people fly, it's not difficult to make people invisible, is it?"

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