Cat face people listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but heart next move, immediately nodded a way, "really not difficult, but if so, that want to check up is not very troublesome?"

But Ye Feng said to the cat face man, "I'm on the contrary to what you think. To investigate some people, what we fear most is that they are not special and can't be identified. Now that we suspect that these people have stealth technology, it's easier to investigate. At least we can follow the clue of stealth technology!"

Cat face people listen to Ye Feng said, can not help but also feel very reasonable, and then nodded, "you are right, there is a trace to follow!"

Just then, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. After picking it up to answer, jesteffe immediately appears in front of Ye Feng and cat face.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to ask what happened, jesterfield immediately said, "I found an IP address, which was hacked into the police system, and this IP has been hacked into the police system for a long time!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move a way, "so say, Li Hui together to report a case, the whole process has been monitored, machine police even if not inside, also inside!"

Jaster fee immediately nodded and said, "yes, that's right, so the key point now is this IP address!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan immediately asked, "where is the registered address of this IP address?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "you may not have thought that the IP registration address, through several hidden addresses, was finally found by me. It was Jock Emma's laboratory!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately a ground to look at Jie sterfei, "Qiao Ke Emma's laboratory?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "it can't be wrong. I've rechecked several times and the results are the same. I'm on my way to the laboratory now. What's the situation over there?"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "we don't have any clues here. The only clue may be that the kidnappers who kidnapped Dixie and Scarlett have stealth technology!"

Jaster Fei frowned and said, "stealth technology?" After pondering for a moment, he continued to say to Ye Feng, "if that's the case, then Jock Emma's laboratory is even more inseparable. I simply checked Jock Emma's laboratory. His laboratory seems to be engaged in the production of these scientific research products, so the invisibility cloak technology you said may really come from Jock Emma's laboratory."

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said to jesterfield, "I'll go to the laboratory now..." Then he immediately walked toward the aircraft, and continued to say, "we'll meet in the laboratory later!"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Feng and cat face immediately got on the aircraft. After setting their seats, they cruised to the lab of Jock Emma.

On the way, the cat faced man said to Ye Feng, "if these people are from Jock Emma's lab, then this matter has something to do with Jock Emma! Don't let this old boy fool us in the end! "

Ye Feng pondered for a while. In fact, when he heard the name of qiaoke Emma, Ye Feng also had this idea. But when he thought about it carefully, he could not immediately be sure that it was related to qiaoke Emma. After all, there was an opposition force behind qiaoke Emma.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but move. When Jock Emma set up the laboratory in Huke Bay, it was also supported by the opposition. Is this laboratory also related to the opposition?

The more Ye Feng thinks about it, the more likely it is, but he has not figured out why the opposition wants to kidnap Dixie and Scarlett for the time being.

Soon the aircraft flew to the sky above the jock Emma laboratory. Ye Feng saw that there was also an aircraft parked at the door of the laboratory, and jesteffe just came out of the aircraft.

Jestfeld just walked out of the aircraft and took a look at the door of the laboratory. Then he looked up at Ye Feng's aircraft in the sky and waved to this side.

Ye Feng immediately manually piloted the aircraft to land in the past, and stopped on the side of jesterfield. Ye Feng then walked to the side of jesterfield and said, "why don't you stop directly?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "there is an offensive protective net over the laboratory. It can't fly in at all!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart can't help but move, fortunately he directly to meet with Jester fee, if directly fly in, don't know what consequences.

At this time, the cat faced man came over, looked at jestefeld and said, "ah Nan, you still have the ability to find so many things?"

Jester looked around and said, "by the way, how do we get in now?"

Ye Feng took a look at the gate, and then looked at the situation in the laboratory square. At this time, there was no one inside, and he didn't know whether there was anyone.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then walked to one side of the road, "directly climb over it?"

But jastefer took out something similar to a pen and put it on one side of the wire fence. Suddenly, the pen in his hand exploded with a bang.

Jesterfield instinctively retracted his hand, and then said to Ye Feng, "look, there's a protective device on the barbed wire!"Ye Feng could not help but move when he saw this. Originally, it was reasonable for the laboratory to do this kind of protection, but now the laboratory has a defense system in mid air, and the wire mesh also has such a high-voltage current protection, which is a bit too much.

In the final analysis, even if you have any major secrets here, you should not defend them so frequently. I wish there were protection systems everywhere. Don't let insects and ants enter. It's a little silver free here.

This can only show one problem, that is, the laboratory is not simple, there must be some secret besides the normal experiments. After all, the most important thing in the laboratory is the technical data and so on. These defenses should be in the system software, not the hardware.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "in this way, it's more interesting here!"

After pondering for a moment, he said to the cat face man and jesterfield, "let's leave here first!"

But the cat faced man didn't understand and said, "we all know it has something to do with here. Why don't we just break in? Why do you have to go

Jesteffe said to the cat face man, "he means that we are at the door now. Maybe the people in the laboratory already know. Let's leave first and then come quietly!"

Cat face people immediately understand understanding come over, and Jester fee is looking at Ye Feng way, "I said right!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and then on the aircraft, jesterfield and cat face people also have on the aircraft, and then two aircraft fly away.

When the lab was completely out of sight, two aircrafts fell down and three people got off. Then they walked towards the lab on foot.

They were walking along the path of the woods. Just after walking a short distance, they saw an aircraft coming from mid air. Looking at the flight path, it should be from the laboratory.

Ye Feng, jesteffe and cat faced man were hiding in the woods and did not dare to move. After the aircraft flew away, they continued to walk towards the laboratory.

The flying of this aircraft indirectly proved that there were people in the laboratory, but they didn't pay attention at that time, or they were deliberately hiding something in the laboratory.

Normally, jock Emma had been arrested by the police, and the laboratory was leaderless, but now it seems that the posture is not leaderless at all.

After walking for about 30 minutes, the three men finally saw the trace of the laboratory. They immediately quickened their pace and continued to march towards the laboratory. However, instead of going through the main door this time, they went directly around the barbed wire to the side of the laboratory compound.

When they got to the side, they took a look at the barbed wire. There was a high-voltage current on it. Even if they came back on foot, there was no solution for them to get in.

At this time, jesteffe took out his mobile phone, then fell on the ground, turned on the virtual projection function of the mobile phone, and the mobile phone suddenly turned into a small computer keyboard.

"I'll try to see if I can hack into the defense system of the laboratory and make the current of the wire disappear for half an hour," jestfel said

Ye Feng can't help but look at jesterfield and say, "yes, you can hack into their defense system!"

Cat face man, however, looked at jestfel in surprise. He didn't seem to think that the girl he knew still had this technology. Before he hacked into the police system, and this time, it was completely beyond his expectation.

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