In fact, the cat faced man has already begun to doubt jasterfeld in his heart, but his intelligence quotient is limited. He seems to have countless clues in his heart, but he just can't connect them. He can't sort out a complete thought. He can't say a word in his heart.

He always felt that she was not the one she used to be, and even wondered if Jock Emma had made a mistake in her consciousness when she helped them transfer their tiny body to the big body on the planet of love?

But jastefer didn't pay attention to the expression of cat face man. He continued to grope for the mobile phone in front of him and couldn't stop inputting all kinds of codes. All kinds of characters were constantly jumping on the virtual display. Jastefer kept on operating.

Ye Feng and maorenren stood on one side and did not dare to disturb jasterfeld. After all, they both knew this kind of playing technology. They could not disturb their thoughts. Otherwise, it would be troublesome to make a wrong character.

And at this time, jesterfield hit the Enter key, then turned to Ye Feng and said, "it's done!"

Ye Feng then saw a string of numbers on the virtual display and kept counting down. Jastefer explained, "there are still 30 minutes left! Hold on

After hearing this, the cat faced man could not help looking at jesteffe. Then he reached out to test the barbed wire. After touching it, he found that there was no electricity. What's more, he looked at ah Nan in surprise.

And Ye Feng then picked up the barbed wire and jumped directly from the top. Jiestefei also put away his mobile phone and followed Ye Feng to jump.

Cat face people see Ye Feng and Jaster fee are turned over, this just come back to God, also followed by jump in the past.

After they all entered the laboratory compound, Ye Feng observed the situation around them. After all, this is the entrance for them to enter the world of eisf from their original body. Although they are not familiar with it, at least some routes are clear.

After identifying a building, Ye Feng whispered to jesterfield and the cat faced man, "follow me!" Said immediately toward a direction to jump past.

Jesterfield and cat face people haven't identified the direction, see Ye Feng has jumped out, immediately also followed up.

Three people immediately went to one side of a building, found a door, immediately opened the door and went in, but this is not the laboratory Ye Feng came to.

Ye Feng actually knows that it's not here. He deliberately avoided the previous laboratory, which was crowded with people. If there was any secret, it would not be there, so he chose a strange building.

The first floor of the building is a hollow out warehouse, which is full of all kinds of huge tin containers, one by one of the same size. It looks like there are many rust spots. I don't know what's inside, but I can't see a person.

Looking along the hollowed out direction to the upper floors of the corridor, there is no shadow like the first floor, but the whole space gives people a feeling of depression, but there is a small sound of cheering.

Ye Feng walked towards a rusty tin container, only to find that the sound of pattering and Shalala came from the container.

Ye Feng even put his ears on it, and the sound became louder. He just didn't know what was in the container for the time being.

Just at this time, the cat face man suddenly said to Ye Feng and jesterfield, "come here and have a look!"

Ye Feng and Jaster Fei immediately walked over, but saw a dark grid between the two containers. Ye Feng immediately reached out to open it, but found that it couldn't be opened at all. After a careful look, it seemed that it was locked from the inside, and it couldn't be opened from the outside.

Ye Feng pondered for a while, and then heard a voice coming from under the dark grid. His heart suddenly moved, and immediately motioned to jesterfield and cat face man to avoid.

After the three of them hid behind a tin container, they immediately saw that the dark box began to rise slowly, and then they saw two people carrying a tin box coming out of the underground corridor.

When the two men carried the tin box to the front of the two tin containers, they pressed it somewhere, and suddenly a dark grid rose slowly underground. They immediately carried the box and went down again.

After returning to calm, Ye Feng and the other three immediately came over and took a look at the dark grid. Ye Feng immediately began to look for the button on the tin container on one side. He found a movable rivet.

Ye Feng forced a twist a press, suddenly that originally slowly down the dark grid and slowly up, below is an iron corridor.

Ye Feng took a look at it and immediately went down. After just two steps, he found that there was a long tunnel below, and the four sides of the tunnel were sealed with iron sheet. It looked like a metal corridor.

At this time, jesteffe and the cat face man followed them down. As soon as they came down, the dark door came down slowly, making a faint click.

After Ye Feng looked back, he nodded to the two and motioned them to follow him. The three continued to walk along the metal corridor.In fact, they all knew that the corridor was extremely long and narrow. If someone appeared at the other end of the corridor at this time, they would have no way to escape. So they all quickened their steps and wanted to go to the end as soon as possible before they appeared.

Three people quickly came to the end, there appeared an iron door with glass, Ye Feng was the first to arrive, immediately stood on one side of the door, looking inside along the glass.

But I saw that it was a huge space, in which there were countless iron boxes carried out by the two people I had seen before. There was nothing else.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. Jesteffe and the cat face man come and have a look. The cat face man can't help but wonder, "what's in the tin box?"

Jesteffe took a deep breath and said, "how do I feel that this tin box looks like a coffin?"

Ye Feng heard jesterfield say so, can't help but think of the black metal coffins that he saw on the Starman's spaceship before, which are similar to those in front of him.

However, there are still some differences. The coffins on the Starship stell are made of black metal, while here are a pair of boxes that look very old. They all look like coffins, but they have no other similarities.

At this time, the door in front of him suddenly opened. Ye Feng could not help but look to one side in surprise. At this time, he saw that the cat faced man was pressing a button on one side of the iron wall. He also looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "I just pressed it casually. I didn't expect it was really the door switch."

Ye Feng saw that the door had been opened, so he didn't say anything. Then he went in, and jiestefei and maorenren followed in at this time.

Ye Feng went as like as two peas before he reached a tin case. Then he heard a sound of a sound of salad, and immediately listened to his ear, and heard the same voice as those outside the iron container.

At this time, Ye Feng and jastefer heard a clang sound. They were both awe inspiring. They couldn't help looking at the place where they made the sound. However, they saw that the cat faced man had just pried open the lid of an iron box. It was the sound that the lid made.

The cat faced man saw that Ye Feng and jastefer were staring at him. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "just by listening, can you hear what's inside? It's better to open it and have a look!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the cat face man. This thing is too rough. If it's the body of the cat face man before, it will have a kind of temperament completely different from his body.

Cat face person also didn't notice Ye Feng's eyes, but looked at the tin box in front of him. At this time, he found that it was a box full of black liquid, and it was full of bubbles, and it was still pouring up from under the liquid.

Ye Feng and jasterfeld walked past. Seeing this, they could not help frowning. Listening to the sound of bubbles, just like the sound of cheering before, the sound they heard before must be the liquid inside?

Jesteffe then put his nose close to him and sniffed, "it seems a little strange!"

Ye Feng also came to smell it, and found that the black liquid had a strange smell, a bit like corrosion, but it was not pungent, and the smell of corrosion also had some unknown fragrance.

The cat faced man then asked, "what's in this? Do you want to pour it out? " Said, did not wait for Ye Feng and jesterfield to speak, ready to start to pour out the liquid in the tin box.

Ye Feng see immediately stop way, "you disorderly, have not made clear what at this time!"

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